“I hate that thug music.”

I'm glad they found the cowardly bastard guilty on something. i hope someone shanks his ass in the pen. i would put money on their books personally.
Would you do the same for anyone who offed the thug who killed that little baby? The baby probably dissed or threatened him, right?

Georgia man faces trial in killing of baby in stroller - NBC News

Thats the difference between animals like you and people like me. This guy should be killed as well. If he was white and had shot a Black baby you cave apes would be celebrating like the feral simians you are.

ANYONE shooting a baby in the face should be drawn and quartered.
I was happy when I heard Dahlmer got killed in prison. Guess that makes me a baaaaaad girl. Ok.
In the eyes of God, yes. Let me ask you a question, Gracie. If by some chance it turns out there WAS a shotgun, would you still be hoping Dunn is murdered in prison?

I wouldn't pay to have him shanked but I wouldn't care if he was.
IF there were a shotgun...hmm. Kinda hard to go with ifs. But lets pretend and say a shotgun WAS found. Then I would want another trial for him and see what else shakes loose.

I am having a hard time with him going home and having a pizza instead of calling the cops that he was supposedly attacked.
I was happy when I heard Dahlmer got killed in prison. Guess that makes me a baaaaaad girl. Ok.
In the eyes of God, yes. Let me ask you a question, Gracie. If by some chance it turns out there WAS a shotgun, would you still be hoping Dunn is murdered in prison?

I wouldn't pay to have him shanked but I wouldn't care if he was.
IF there were a shotgun...hmm. Kinda hard to go with ifs. But lets pretend and say a shotgun WAS found. Then I would want another trial for him and see what else shakes loose.

I am having a hard time with him going home and having a pizza instead of calling the cops that he was supposedly attacked.
Would it be safe to say you would support Dunn being put to death by the state immediately, before any appeals? And would it also be safe to say you would enjoy hearing he was murdered in prison before he had a chance to appeal?
In the eyes of God, yes. Let me ask you a question, Gracie. If by some chance it turns out there WAS a shotgun, would you still be hoping Dunn is murdered in prison?

I wouldn't pay to have him shanked but I wouldn't care if he was.
IF there were a shotgun...hmm. Kinda hard to go with ifs. But lets pretend and say a shotgun WAS found. Then I would want another trial for him and see what else shakes loose.

I am having a hard time with him going home and having a pizza instead of calling the cops that he was supposedly attacked.
Would it be safe to say you would support Dunn being put to death by the state immediately, before any appeals? And would it also be safe to say you would enjoy hearing he was murdered in prison before he had a chance to appeal?

I know I would enjoy it. Why waste taxpayer money on this trash doing appeals anyway? Anyone killing this coward would be doing humanity a favor.
In the eyes of God, yes. Let me ask you a question, Gracie. If by some chance it turns out there WAS a shotgun, would you still be hoping Dunn is murdered in prison?

I wouldn't pay to have him shanked but I wouldn't care if he was.
IF there were a shotgun...hmm. Kinda hard to go with ifs. But lets pretend and say a shotgun WAS found. Then I would want another trial for him and see what else shakes loose.

I am having a hard time with him going home and having a pizza instead of calling the cops that he was supposedly attacked.
Would it be safe to say you would support Dunn being put to death by the state immediately, before any appeals? And would it also be safe to say you would enjoy hearing he was murdered in prison before he had a chance to appeal?

As it stands right now, yes, I would support the state putting him to death but not until due process..which means any potential appeals. If he were killed by inmates before his appeal, I would not care one way or another.
Tank does not like it when a black male speaks, writes and shows his superiority over him. I think SJ is the same way. They both think any black male that does that is "uppity", then resort to "jive ass negro" comments.

Which means they lost the battle.

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