“I hate that thug music.”

What you ask or not ask remains immaterial. Those who think like the perp have been on notice. He will have all sorts of new friends in his new hotel. Lucky him. He did not heed the number one rule of life: pay attention.
And those who think like Trayvon or the 4 thugs in the car have been put on notice too.

Yeah...how dare you be black and walk with skittles and an iced tea in the rain...how dare you listen to your music loud with your buds....!

Imagine if your car broke down and you needed to go look for help. You found a 17 year old young man and you started walking towards him and the rest is history....

Should you even be able to go up to someone for help? In my opinion Trayvon's actions lead to his downfall.
Why are we still arguing about this? He's guilty as hell. Time to move on.

We're still discussing because "stand your ground" is found (sort of) not to be a license to kill in this case. But it's still out there waiting for the next anger fueled killer to try to hang a defense on.

dunn didnt use stand your ground in this case

"Dunn’s lawyer Cory Strolla cited Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in his closing argument, “His honor will further tell you that If Michael Dunn was in a public place where he had a legal right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force, including deadly force.” As in the George Zimmerman trial, the Stand Your Ground law was included in the jury instructions. LINK:Where did you get your info to the contrary?
Dunn was not found guilty of murder. The jury hung on that count. He was found guilty of four counts and is facing a maximum of 15 years. Depending on how the prison system evaluates good time credit he might be out in five.

Florida 'loud-music' murder trial's verdict evokes mixed reactions - CNN.com
The jury in the case of Michael Dunn found him guilty Saturday night on four charges, including three of attempted second-degree murder, but they couldn't reach a verdict on the most significant charge -- first-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Jordan Davis

Again, that Dunn is such a ‘hero’ to you and many others in the right is truly telling and sad.

What’s bizarre is that many on the right have contrived this insane notion that as a consequence of Dunn’s conviction, decent, god-fearing white Americans will be ‘fearful’ of using lethal force in self-defense and become themselves ‘victims’ of the criminal black thugs each and every young African-American male is.

Needless to say this delusional paranoia is both unwarranted and racist.

In fact, this verdict should serve as instructive to Florida residents who lawfully carry firearms in self-defense, where shooting at occupied vehicles absent an imminent threat is not ‘self-defense.’

This should also be instructive to Florida residents to obtain a concealed weapon license, and carry one’s firearm on his person. Having immediate access to one’s firearm at the point the deadly imminent threat manifests – as opposed to going back to one’s car and digging through the glove box for a gun – would weigh positively toward justified use of deadly force.
Why are we still arguing about this? He's guilty as hell. Time to move on.

Because this is just as much about politics as the law, where a significant number on the right needlessly fear that this and similar verdicts will have a ‘chilling effect’ on the use of armed self-defense.

In addition, we continue to see a significant number of conservatives propagate the myth that there is a ‘double-standard’ with regard to how these crimes are prosecuted, where white defendants are pilloried in the ‘liberal press’ while ‘ignoring’ equally heinous crimes by black suspects. Needless to say this notion is unfounded idiocy, but this myth remains popular with many on the right, and is used as political motivation.
Dunn is an asshole and he was righteously held to account by We the People.

Trayvon was stupid. The second he went outside again, he gave up self defense as a protection. Zimmerman was as stupid for following him in the first place.
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???

Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhancedpunishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie
Duh! No kidding? Do you even read before you respond?

Yes! I read your dumbass post, then responded.

Where are you getting "accidentally"?
Then you didn't understand it. 2nd degree murder is when you know the person COULD die but you are not "intentionally" trying to kill them. Unintentional or accidental, it means the same in this case. How do you "intentionally" try to "unintentionally" kill somebody? And try to respond without the ad hom this time if you can.

False. Second degree murder is when it was not pre-planned. The best examples are crimes of passion, which this murder was. It goes to state of mind, regardless of whether he went back to his car to get a gun. That act, by itself, does not mean it was premeditated, just because he had those seconds to supposedly formulate a plan to murder. Rage doesn't only apply to compulsive, split-second actions.
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???

Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhancedpunishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie

He didn't use a Stand Your Ground defense. It was only brought up one time in closing arguments, which the jury is not allowed to consider in deliberations.

Blow it out your ass from Rattius Hattus.
Dunn is an asshole and he was righteously held to account by We the People.

Trayvon was stupid. The second he went outside again, he gave up self defense as a protection. Zimmerman was as stupid for following him in the first place.

Yes. Yes, and Yes.

Nopers, because Trayvon was well within his rights to protect the 13 year old at the condo. You don't protect the kid by leading a stalker right to where he is.

Self defense includes protecting another from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death.

That is why It is so important to read the exact wording of the statute.

Regards from Rosie
My racial hatred? I've never shot a white guy over his music. Stop crying because your buddy is going to get handled. I still feel sorry for you even if you are despicable.
My buddy? Not hardly, and I ain't crying. Just pointing out your savagery. Thank you for confirming it.

Take care of your own savagery and stop attempting to point out mine. You wanted him to get off.

And purely for political, not societal, reasons.
That's usually because everyone knows for sure he is going to prison. We cant use self defense, affluencey, or any other BS excuse to get off.
This guy didn't get off, but still it was a big deal to the media and blacks.

It's because a white on black crime is very rare, and the media knows how much these crimes get blacks so excited.

O yea, OJ

Quite a few white people were upset over OJ. That pretty much kills your point. Thanks for bringing it up. I remember white people i worked with were outraged.

I'm still outraged.
Dunn is an asshole and he was righteously held to account by We the People.

Trayvon was stupid. The second he went outside again, he gave up self defense as a protection. Zimmerman was as stupid for following him in the first place.

Yes. Yes, and Yes.

Nopers, because Trayvon was well within his rights to protect the 13 year old at the condo. You don't protect the kid by leading a stalker right to where he is.

Self defense includes protecting another from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death.

That is why It is so important to read the exact wording of the statute.

Regards from Rosie

And this is why witnesses seen him beating Zimmermans head in. Do you really want to make it illegal for someone to walk up to someone for any reason?
Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhancedpunishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie
That's about a -1 on a 1 to 10 scale of making sense. SYG laws are not based on what you think. If you shoot someone without cause and they are unarmed you're in trouble. You need to look this stuff up.

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