“I hate that thug music.”

Yes. Yes, and Yes.

Nopers, because Trayvon was well within his rights to protect the 13 year old at the condo. You don't protect the kid by leading a stalker right to where he is.

Self defense includes protecting another from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death.

That is why It is so important to read the exact wording of the statute.

Regards from Rosie

And this is why witnesses seen him beating Zimmermans head in. Do you really want to make it illegal for someone to walk up to someone for any reason?

If his head was beat in why was there no concussion, no brain bleed, and only 3 small scratches?

They saw Trayvon trying to knock the stalker with the gun OUT in self-defense. He had no idea why this idiot was trying to kill him, but kill him he did.

I want to innoculate Florida juries from the self-serving lies of killers.

If those teens had a gun, Dunn needed to tell 911 to go arrest THEM asap.

He wanted more time to get his own story (lies) developed, instead, so called for pizza and not police.

Regards from Rosie
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???

Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhancedpunishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie

I understand that SYG was never used and should not be considered at all. I am still baffled at how he can be found guilty of attempted murder and no decision on murder, even though he killed the kid. I think the prosecution has "gone to school" on their case. They should now realize what they left out and how to approach it in a retrial.

Bottom line, he should be away from society for the rest of his life. For that I am glad...:clap2:
Florida prosecutors screwed up the Dunn case by overcharging him with 1st degree murder. If they had charged him with 2nd degree murder where premeditation is not a factor, they would have scored a conviction. Bet it comes out that the jury was split over the premeditation factor as opposed to stand your ground which resulted in the mistrial on 1st degree.
The only way the Zimmerman trial relates to this case is that out of white guilt, stupid white Florida prosecutors overzealously charged Dunn to make up for their loss in the Zimmerman case.
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???

Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhanced punishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie

I understand that SYG was never used and should not be considered at all. I am still baffled at how he can be found guilty of attempted murder and no decision on murder, even though he killed the kid. I think the prosecution has "gone to school" on their case. They should now realize what they left out and how to approach it in a retrial.

Bottom line, he should be away from society for the rest of his life. For that I am glad...:clap2:

In both Zimmerman and Dunn, SYG was in the jury instructions and WAS considered by both juries.

There were no independent immunity hearings, but both judges allowed the consideration of SYG by both juries.

So that answers the "what happened" question for you.

Regards from Rosie
Yes. Yes, and Yes.

Nopers, because Trayvon was well within his rights to protect the 13 year old at the condo. You don't protect the kid by leading a stalker right to where he is.

Self defense includes protecting another from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death.

That is why It is so important to read the exact wording of the statute.

Regards from Rosie

And this is why witnesses seen him beating Zimmermans head in. Do you really want to make it illegal for someone to walk up to someone for any reason?
That bird has flown! While Dunn is seemingly guilty, it essentially absolves Zimmerman..
In fact, police found a basketball, basketball shoes, clothing, a camera tripod and cups inside the teenagers' Durango. There was no gun.

open and shut case.
In fact, police found a basketball, basketball shoes, clothing, a camera tripod and cups inside the teenagers' Durango. There was no gun.

open and shut case.

No it isn't otherwise Dunn would have been convicted. The police waited for several days before they searched the car giving the teens time to dump the gun if they had one. That's why there was no conviction. There was just no way to prove that there was not a gun at the time Dunn shot up the car. There was only proof that there was not a gun at the time the police made their search.
In fact, police found a basketball, basketball shoes, clothing, a camera tripod and cups inside the teenagers' Durango. There was no gun.

open and shut case.

No it isn't otherwise Dunn would have been convicted. The police waited for several days before they searched the car giving the teens time to dump the gun if they had one. That's why there was no conviction. There was just no way to prove that there was not a gun at the time Dunn shot up the car. There was only proof that there was not a gun at the time the police made their search.

and yet he is still going to jail.
open and shut case.

No it isn't otherwise Dunn would have been convicted. The police waited for several days before they searched the car giving the teens time to dump the gun if they had one. That's why there was no conviction. There was just no way to prove that there was not a gun at the time Dunn shot up the car. There was only proof that there was not a gun at the time the police made their search.

and yet he is still going to jail.

and yet, not for murder.....
Nopers, because Trayvon was well within his rights to protect the 13 year old at the condo. You don't protect the kid by leading a stalker right to where he is.

Self defense includes protecting another from the threat of imminent bodily harm or death.

That is why It is so important to read the exact wording of the statute.

Regards from Rosie

And this is why witnesses seen him beating Zimmermans head in. Do you really want to make it illegal for someone to walk up to someone for any reason?

If his head was beat in why was there no concussion, no brain bleed, and only 3 small scratches?

They saw Trayvon trying to knock the stalker with the gun OUT in self-defense. He had no idea why this idiot was trying to kill him, but kill him he did.

I want to innoculate Florida juries from the self-serving lies of killers.

If those teens had a gun, Dunn needed to tell 911 to go arrest THEM asap.

He wanted more time to get his own story (lies) developed, instead, so called for pizza and not police.

Regards from Rosie

Trayvon gave up self defense when he went back outside and attacked GZ.

TM should have called the police.
I'm glad they found the cowardly bastard guilty on something. i hope someone shanks his ass in the pen. i would put money on their books personally.
Would you do the same for anyone who offed the thug who killed that little baby? The baby probably dissed or threatened him, right?

Georgia man faces trial in killing of baby in stroller - NBC News

Thats the difference between animals like you and people like me. This guy should be killed as well. If he was white and had shot a Black baby you cave apes would be celebrating like the feral simians you are.
I'm betting he's been passed around as everyone's bitch. I wonder if they make him wear makeup, too?

This guy - T.J. Lane - is just as bad:

No it isn't otherwise Dunn would have been convicted. The police waited for several days before they searched the car giving the teens time to dump the gun if they had one. That's why there was no conviction. There was just no way to prove that there was not a gun at the time Dunn shot up the car. There was only proof that there was not a gun at the time the police made their search.

and yet he is still going to jail.

and yet, not for murder.....

still going to jail....
The guy should spend the rest of his life in jail. I still don't understand how someone can be convicted of attempted murder and, even though he killed someone, is not found quilt of murder. How does that happen???

Because Stand Your Ground is the opposite of the Hate Crimes statute.

Hate Crimes means you can get enhancedpunishment upon conviction because of what you thought.

SYG says you stand a good chance of acquittal for what you thought.

So, of course, conservatives hate Hate Crimes and love, love, LOVE SYG.

Regards from Rosie

I understand that SYG was never used and should not be considered at all. I am still baffled at how he can be found guilty of attempted murder and no decision on murder, even though he killed the kid. I think the prosecution has "gone to school" on their case. They should now realize what they left out and how to approach it in a retrial.

Bottom line, he should be away from society for the rest of his life. For that I am glad...:clap2:

Pretty simple reason. There is a racist or several on the jury trying to send a message. Its ok to kill Black kids if they are scary acting.
The only message sent was that it is not okay to overcharge with premeditated 1st degree murder when it wasn't the case. Any message beyond that is tainted by racially charged misperception rather then an understanding of the law.
There is a lot of music with the THUMP THUMP THUMP. When a car gets behind me and my head starts to throb with the beat, I try to change lanes if I can. If one is ahead of me, I fall way back. The only thing that makes me smile is the thought of them in that car going "eh?" in oh...about 10 years.

I like to crank up the music in my car. I don't listen to rap, but I love Symphonic Metal. I will wind my window down and have the volume up high. Its my car, and I will have the music as loud as I like. I don't mind it when other people have their music up loud, either.
What I don't like is when another car pulls up beside me and turns up their volume, trying to get it louder than mine. Then we have a volume war on our hands before the lights change. :doubt:

Try Bagpipes....:D
Are you looking to get shot????

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