I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...

As long as the far right has folks like 007, hm, kg, tyroneweaver, etc., a mainstream GOP candidate (which even Trump now sounds like - work with Iran, tax the rich, all Americans must be covered with health care) will always be nominated.
And there you have it... leftist drivel from Fake. You're one of the biggest jokes on the board, son.

Trump appeals to the BREAD BASKET of America, and that's where I am. Where are you, Fakey? Don't tell me, you're a city slicker.
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!

Approximately 45% of American Citizens do not pay a dime in taxes and are getting benefits paid for by the Middle Class ...the MIDDLE CLASS - the ones getting screwed over by 1) the politicians, 2) Americans CITIZENS who would rather sit on their asses being dependent on the government (actually on the tax-paying Americans, NOT the govt) and getting a check, and 3) the illegals flooding into the country to get their fair share of 'BLOOD' out of the Middle Class before the Govt can bleed them dry...

Look the MAJOR MAJOR enemy of the majority of Americans' beliefs is the MSM!
This idiocy put out on college campuses is the latest of the Liberalization of the MEDIA and the colleges!

The vastly disproportionate presence of leftist professors on university campuses across the United States has been well documented.
One of the first studies on this subject was conducted in 2003 by the Center for the Study of Popular Culture (CSPC, now called the David Horowitz Freedom Center), which examined the ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans on the faculties of 32 elite colleges and universities nationwide.
In its examinations of more than 150 departments and upper-level administrations at the 32 colleges and universities, the CSPC found that the overall ratio of registered Democrats to registered Republicans was greater than than 10-to-1 (1,397 Democrats, 134 Republicans). Although in the nation at large, registered Democrats and Republicans were roughly equal in number, not a single department at any of the 32 schools managed to achieve anything even remotely approaching parity in party affiliations.
The One-Party University - Discover the Networks
As long as the far right has folks like 007, hm, kg, tyroneweaver, etc., a mainstream GOP candidate (which even Trump now sounds like - work with Iran, tax the rich, all Americans must be covered with health care) will always be nominated.
And there you have it... leftist drivel from Fake. You're one of the biggest jokes on the board, son.

Trump appeals to the BREAD BASKET of America, and that's where I am. Where are you, Fakey? Don't tell me, you're a city slicker.
:) Trump is talking about working with Iran, taxing the rich, covering all Americans medically, and that truth is leftist drivel, 007. No wonder you are where you are at on this Board: in the bread basket of lunatics.
WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.

2014 demonstrated just how sick and tired of the Progressive Leftist's - and especially Obama's - same ol' B$ the American people were / are! They lost in HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING fashion. (Don't get down, Lefties - here it come...)

The 2015-2016 election - so far - has also showed just how sick and tired of Boehner's, McConnell's, and the Washington Establishment RINOs' same ol' self/party-serving B$ the American people are! Jeb Bush never had a chance coming out of the gate....Mitt Romney, God bless him, isn't going to have a chance.

Out Founding Fathers, the 1st politicians, in many cases were average, every-day people who saw serving in the government more like JURY DUTY and warned about the corruption and demise of our nation should serving ever become a full-time career! Yeah, welcome to the nightmare they warned us of!

Americans are ready to go back to something like that. 'Carson doesn't have the foreign policy experience', but he doesn't have the
'corrupt-career-politician' STANK on him, either. Trump is loud, arrogant, hard-charging, but he LISTENS to the people and is addressing / showing concern and a determination to do what the people want instead of talking down to the people and telling the people what he is going to do, no matter what it is THEY want like every politician in Washington is doing.

The people are willing to sacrifice some of the 'experience' and 'polish' in exchange for someone more like them and who wants to be a 'SERVANT of the people' again, not a 'self-appointed ruler'.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
It doesn't boggle my mind...they've been doing it for years. And idiot keep voting establishment repubs in. I think we've reached the point of f no return. I think it's pretty obvious we aren't going to get the Perez candidate we wAnt.
If Bernie doesn't get the Democratic nomination --- I will write him in.

I won't vote Republican and I won't vote for the Ice Queen Hillary.
They don't pay federal income tax. They pay all the other taxes the rest of us pay. Let's stay in reality, little fella.

Are we in $18 Trillion worth of STATE debt? No, we aren't.
The Federal Govt takes my FEDERAL TAXES and pays for Welfare, Food Stamps, Social Security, Obamaphones...to bring in illegals, distribute (dump) them all over the US without notifying local and state agencies...to bring in Syrian 'Refugees', giving them a place to stay, food, clothing, assistance, etc... right?

I don't give a rat's ass if they pay state taxes...ACTUALLY, they shouldn't BE paying state taxes because they shouldn't have JOBS ... because THEY SHOULDN'T BE HERE, right?
They don't pay federal income tax. They pay all the other taxes the rest of us pay. Let's stay in reality, little fella.

Are we in $18 Trillion worth of STATE debt? No, we aren't.
The Federal Govt takes my FEDERAL TAXES and pays for Welfare, Food Stamps, Social Security, Obamaphones, etc right?

I don't give a rat's ass if they pay state taxes...ACTUALLY, they shouldn't BE paying state taxes because they shouldn't have JOBS ... because THEY SHOULDN'T BE HERE, right?
Whine whine whine.

Tell our GOP candidates to stop proposing trillions in new debt.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
And the establishment is floating the idea of Romney getting in, wasn't Paul Ryan his VP pick?

Corrupt pieces of crap.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
And the establishment is floating the idea of Romney getting in, wasn't Paul Ryan his VP pick?

Corrupt pieces of crap.
If the Convention does not already have a nominee with enough delegates, then Romney or Bush will be drafted.
They don't pay federal income tax. They pay all the other taxes the rest of us pay. Let's stay in reality, little fella.

Are we in $18 Trillion worth of STATE debt? No, we aren't.
The Federal Govt takes my FEDERAL TAXES and pays for Welfare, Food Stamps, Social Security, Obamaphones, etc right?

I don't give a rat's ass if they pay state taxes...ACTUALLY, they shouldn't BE paying state taxes because they shouldn't have JOBS ... because THEY SHOULDN'T BE HERE, right?
Whine whine whine.

Tell our GOP candidates to stop proposing trillions in new debt.
We've told them. They don't care.

And neither do the dems with all their free this and that promises.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
And the establishment is floating the idea of Romney getting in, wasn't Paul Ryan his VP pick?

Corrupt pieces of crap.
If the Convention does not already have a nominee with enough delegates, then Romney or Bush will be drafted.
Then the Republican Party is dead to me.
the same RW idiot typing BS about the Debt and hasn't got a clue what he's typing about ...

the stupidity on this board is limitless.
Tell our GOP candidates to stop proposing trillions in new debt.

After adding over $7 trillion in only 4 years, setting many new records while doing it and securing the 1st US Credit rating Down-grade in the process, Liberals have NO 'moral high ground' to stand on....I would say we need to reign in ALL of our politicians from their record-setting criminal fiscal spending.
the same RW idiot typing BS about the Debt and hasn't got a clue what he's typing about ...

the stupidity on this board is limitless.
...and that stupidity could not be on display more than by such grandiose opinionated blather like THIS...

Tell our GOP candidates to stop proposing trillions in new debt.

After adding over $7 trillion in only 4 years, setting many new records while doing it and securing the 1st US Credit rating Down-grade in the process, Liberals have NO 'moral high ground' to stand on....I would say we need to reign in ALL of our politicians from their record-setting criminal fiscal spending.
So you think our Republican HoR is liberal. Thank you.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
And the establishment is floating the idea of Romney getting in, wasn't Paul Ryan his VP pick?

Corrupt pieces of crap.
If the Convention does not already have a nominee with enough delegates, then Romney or Bush will be drafted.
I hope you are right Jake...but you are usually wrong, so not likely right with that.

But if so, that would likely be the end of the R party and that would be a good thing, since they are so alike your beloved D party (really socialist party).
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid

The cost of illegal immigration far exceeds the benefits. How could you not know this?

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