I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...

Congress...Boehner on his way out...Obama....they F*ed the American People in what Obama called 'The Best Christmas Present EVUH for the American People' -- the ELIMINATION OF THE DEBT CEILING AND A LIMITLESS CREDIT CARD FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS.....

...and it didn't take them long to fly into a record-setting euphoric spending spree:


"Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal"
LINK: Government adds record $339 billion to national debt in first day after budget deal

The federal government has piled up debt since the latest budget deal was signed into law, tacking $462 billion onto the national credit card since Nov. 2 as the Treasury Department replenished its funds and began another round of borrowing to take it all the way into 2017.

A staggering $339 billion in total debt was added on just the first day after President Obama signed the budget agreement — the single largest hike in history.


Merry Christmas, My @$$! Boehner, McConnell, the Washington Establishment GOP, and a thankful group of liberals and Obama just BENT the American people over and gave them a candy cane up the CHIMNEY!

....and we are only 13 Days into the new year!

After starting his time in office out by adding $7 Trillion in debt over 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records, I see Obama is back to setting records and finishing up his last year in office with a >BANG<...with help from a bunch of traitorous RINOs!

Congress controls spending. It doesn't matter that the debt ceiling is infinite. Obama can't spend anything that Congress doesn't spend.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
And the establishment is floating the idea of Romney getting in, wasn't Paul Ryan his VP pick?

Corrupt pieces of crap.
If the Convention does not already have a nominee with enough delegates, then Romney or Bush will be drafted.
I hope you are right Jake...but you are usually wrong, so not likely right with that.

But if so, that would likely be the end of the R party and that would be a good thing, since they are so alike your beloved D party (really socialist party).
Not as wrong as you by any measurements.

No, the GOP will drive along. Your types are not its future.
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid

PLEASE! Don't show the "season of stupid" when you are so lazy you can't type the keyboard "'"! The word is "can't" you lazy ignorant person.
And because you equate "deficit" with "debt" THERE IS A DIFFERENCE which is "obvious" you don't the difference!
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid

PLEASE! Don't show the "season of stupid" when you are so lazy you can't type the keyboard "'"! The word is "can't" you lazy ignorant person.
And because you equate "deficit" with "debt" THERE IS A DIFFERENCE which is "obvious" you don't the difference!



yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid
Should the top 1% just STOP working and paying taxes for 1 year, the economy would be on it's knees....should the top 10% NOT work for a year, thus not pay taxes, the nation would collapse.


"The top 10 percent pays 53.3 percent of all federal taxes. When looking at just federal income taxes, they pay 68 percent of the burden. The top 1 percent pays 24 percent of all federal taxes compared to 35 percent of all federal income taxes."
LINK: How Much Do the Top 1 Percent Pay of All Taxes?
LINK: Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes
"Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal"
Does this surprise anyone? Neither Republicans nor Democrats spend like drunken sailors, they both spend like drunken 5 year olds in a candy store. I cannot understand the foolish notion that we the people should give these nimrods ONE MORE PENNY, the best thing for the country would be for every taxpayer to simultaneously refuse to send any more money to Washington D.C..
Should the top 1% just STOP working and paying taxes for 1 year, the economy would be on it's knees....should the top 10% NOT work for a year, thus not pay taxes, the nation would collapse.
No, the nation wouldn't "collapse", "the nation" is perfectly capable of functioning without the boys and girls in Washington, in fact it'll function better without those corrupt idiots getting in everybody's way.
No, the nation wouldn't "collapse", "the nation" is perfectly capable of functioning without the boys and girls in Washington, in fact it'll function better without those corrupt idiots getting in everybody's way.

You're not getting it - the top 10% pays 68% of the Federal Tax Income....68% of all federal tax revenue comes from the top 10% of Americans - not the boys and girls in Washington. If the top 10% of citizens simply did not work for a year, made no money, paid no taxes, the country would collapse....unless the boys and girls in Washington borrowed a shit-load more money that year!
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid
Should the top 1% just STOP working and paying taxes for 1 year, the economy would be on it's knees....should the top 10% NOT work for a year, thus not pay taxes, the nation would collapse.


"The top 10 percent pays 53.3 percent of all federal taxes. When looking at just federal income taxes, they pay 68 percent of the burden. The top 1 percent pays 24 percent of all federal taxes compared to 35 percent of all federal income taxes."
LINK: How Much Do the Top 1 Percent Pay of All Taxes?
LINK: Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

paying your taxes has nothing to do with the Treasury issuing funds to pay our bills ...

clueless yet again ... keep it up, your stupidity is impressive.
And neither do the dems with all their free this and that promises.
It is the REPUBLICANS that do / give things without paying for them.

Republicans started two unfunded wars and the Medicare Prescription benefit and refuse to pay any taxes to pay for them.

The Medicare Prescription Benefit is " free stuff " from REPUBLICANS.

Republicans give TAX CUTS to businesses -- THAT 'S " FREE STUFF " BUDDY .
Republicans give TAX CUTS to the wealthy --- THAT'S " FREE STUFF " BUDDY.

Democrats raise taxes to pay for the things they " give away ".
Democrats believe in " pay as you go " not the Republican " let the grandkids pay for it ".

Republicans are the ones who GIVE FREE STUFF not Democrats. We pay for what we do ... not like the DEADBEAT Republicans who refuse to pay their bills.
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
paying your taxes has nothing to do with the Treasury issuing funds to pay our bills ...


Sweet, then we can all just sit back, not pay our taxes, and let the govt print money out their ass. If paying taxes isn't that important, then why does the IRS go after people so aggressively?
paying your taxes has nothing to do with the Treasury issuing funds to pay our bills ...


Sweet, then we can all just sit back, not pay our taxes, and let the govt print money out their ass. If paying taxes isn't that important, then why does the IRS go after people so aggressively?

to raise the national debt ...


No, the nation wouldn't "collapse", "the nation" is perfectly capable of functioning without the boys and girls in Washington, in fact it'll function better without those corrupt idiots getting in everybody's way.

You're not getting it - the top 10% pays 68% of the Federal Tax Income....68% of all federal tax revenue comes from the top 10% of Americans - not the boys and girls in Washington. If the top 10% of citizens simply did not work for a year, made no money, paid no taxes, the country would collapse....unless the boys and girls in Washington borrowed a shit-load more money that year!

All due respect to Ayn Rand and Atlas, I have more faith in the American People than to believe that the country would "collapse" if the top 10% took their marbles and went home ( I for one wouldn't blame 'em if they did), IMHO it would be a tough economic adjustment period but in the long run it would be a positive thing for Americans to relearn the value of self reliance and to realize that they don't need the federal government (which wouldn't be able to borrow much from anybody if nearly 70% of it's revenue stream vanished (heck I think even the Fed would turn 'em down at that point)).
Congress...Boehner on his way out...Obama....they F*ed the American People in what Obama called 'The Best Christmas Present EVUH for the American People' -- the ELIMINATION OF THE DEBT CEILING AND A LIMITLESS CREDIT CARD FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS.....

...and it didn't take them long to fly into a record-setting euphoric spending spree:


"Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal"
LINK: Government adds record $339 billion to national debt in first day after budget deal

The federal government has piled up debt since the latest budget deal was signed into law, tacking $462 billion onto the national credit card since Nov. 2 as the Treasury Department replenished its funds and began another round of borrowing to take it all the way into 2017.

A staggering $339 billion in total debt was added on just the first day after President Obama signed the budget agreement — the single largest hike in history.


Merry Christmas, My @$$! Boehner, McConnell, the Washington Establishment GOP, and a thankful group of liberals and Obama just BENT the American people over and gave them a candy cane up the CHIMNEY!

....and we are only 13 Days into the new year!

After starting his time in office out by adding $7 Trillion in debt over 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records, I see Obama is back to setting records and finishing up his last year in office with a >BANG<...with help from a bunch of traitorous RINOs!
Spineless coward, paying debt with more debt...
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
All you need to know is our fu#%ing dumba$$ POS federal government is paying debt with more debt, can't get anymore stupid than that....
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
All you need to know is our fu#%ing dumba$$ POS federal government is paying debt with more debt, can't get anymore stupid than that....
It's actually brilliant, because eventually financial reality will catch up with dickheads in Washington and they'll either have to drastically shrink the federal government or it will have to default (and nobody in their right mind will lend it anymore money), the gub'mint worshippers will go out of what little minds they have left but personally I'll be quite happy. :)
yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid
Should the top 1% just STOP working and paying taxes for 1 year, the economy would be on it's knees....should the top 10% NOT work for a year, thus not pay taxes, the nation would collapse.


"The top 10 percent pays 53.3 percent of all federal taxes. When looking at just federal income taxes, they pay 68 percent of the burden. The top 1 percent pays 24 percent of all federal taxes compared to 35 percent of all federal income taxes."
LINK: How Much Do the Top 1 Percent Pay of All Taxes?
LINK: Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Good point! Except the VAST majority of the top 1% have become that as 80% of wealthy made it on their own and as such probably still do as you do,
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders

So where are YOUR facts regarding the national debt?
How about these FACTS regarding the national debt that obviously liberals/FFOs/Progressives seem to be oblivious to how the government is funded!

Here is where the trillions come and go..
United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 10.53.04 AM.png

Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 10.52.34 AM.png

So while $3,021,000,000,000 came in:
amount out : $3,603,100,000,000 went out!
Deficit more money out then going in: $581 billion more went out then came in.
So how did the government pay out $581 billion?
They issued US bonds for another $581 billion adding to the following figures.
Here's Who We Owe That $17 Trillion Of Government Debt To
Who We Owe $17 Trillion Of Federal Debt To - Business Insider
Screen Shot 2015-11-13 at 10.59.12 AM.png

So how complicated is that for you FFOs,liberals to understand?


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Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.

The Republican establishment ran 47,000 ads in 2014 promising to defund both Obamacare and executive amnesty...they lied the first thing they did after winning the election was fund both of those and take a giant shit on the tea party and tell the base to go fuck themselves. Now they wonder why we won't support their establishment candidates, idiots.

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