I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...

yank 15 million people out of the economy who buy the shit you and I buy and you cant even begin to spell debt ... or do you spell it deficit..

this is the season of stupid
Should the top 1% just STOP working and paying taxes for 1 year, the economy would be on it's knees....should the top 10% NOT work for a year, thus not pay taxes, the nation would collapse.


"The top 10 percent pays 53.3 percent of all federal taxes. When looking at just federal income taxes, they pay 68 percent of the burden. The top 1 percent pays 24 percent of all federal taxes compared to 35 percent of all federal income taxes."
LINK: How Much Do the Top 1 Percent Pay of All Taxes?
LINK: Top 10 Percent of Earners Paid 68 Percent of Federal Income Taxes

Good point! Except the VAST majority of the top 1% have become that as 80% of wealthy made it on their own and as such probably still do as you do,
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders

So where are YOUR facts regarding the national debt?
How about these FACTS regarding the national debt that obviously liberals/FFOs/Progressives seem to be oblivious to how the government is funded!

Here is where the trillions come and go..
United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
View attachment 54653
View attachment 54654

So while $3,021,000,000,000 came in:
amount out : $3,603,100,000,000 went out!
Deficit more money out then going in: $581 billion more went out then came in.
So how did the government pay out $581 billion?
They issued US bonds for another $581 billion adding to the following figures.
Here's Who We Owe That $17 Trillion Of Government Debt To
Who We Owe $17 Trillion Of Federal Debt To - Business Insider
View attachment 54655

So how complicated is that for you FFOs,liberals to understand?

where are my facts regarding the national debt ?

lets try federal taxes and the national debt are two entirely different things ... how's that for MY facts?



your own link clearly states budget/deficit NOT DEBT!

confusing ain't it you moron.
lets try federal taxes and the national debt are two entirely different things ... how's that for MY facts?

No Shi'ite...by NOT ensuring spending remained equal to or less that the tax revenue we collected Obama was able to add over $7 Trillion in new National DEBT in only 4 years, adding more debt than every President in US history COMBINED.


lets try federal taxes and the national debt are two entirely different things ... how's that for MY facts?

No Shi'ite...by NOT ensuring spending remained equal to or less that the tax revenue we collected Obama was able to add over $7 Trillion in new National DEBT in only 4 years, adding more debt than every President in US history COMBINED.



one more time write this down and study up ... pop quiz tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!

the National debt is accumulated deficits from EVRY President.

Deficits are budget shortfalls.

the two are not interchangeable.

Man it must really suck to be a stupid ass RW'r.
one more time write this down and study up ... pop quiz tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!

the National debt is accumulated deficits from EVRY President.

Deficits are budget shortfalls.

the two are not interchangeable.

Man it must really suck to be a stupid ass RW'r.

No Shi'ite, but you assertion that taxes, tax revenue, and tax collection not having anything to do with either of those is dumb as dirt.

The National Debt is a collection of the debt accrued by the government throughout our history. Deficits are like the $7+ Trillion Obama accumulated in only 4 years, adding to the massive national debt. He did this by setting records in deficit-spending - spending more each year than we collected in tax revenue.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate.

There is no way the GOP loses the House, and only a very slim chance they lose the Senate.

If there is a recession next year, though, all bets are off.
one more time write this down and study up ... pop quiz tomorrow !!!!!!!!!!!

the National debt is accumulated deficits from EVRY President.

Deficits are budget shortfalls.

the two are not interchangeable.

Man it must really suck to be a stupid ass RW'r.

No Shi'ite, but you assertion that taxes, tax revenue, and tax collection not having anything to do with either of those is dumb as dirt.

The National Debt is a collection of the debt accrued by the government throughout our history. Deficits are like the $7+ Trillion Obama accumulated in only 4 years, adding to the massive national debt. He did this by setting records in deficit-spending - spending more each year than we collected in tax revenue.

that must be how he lowered the deficit rom 1.4 trillion $ down to .4 trillion $


Fiscal year


Deficit as share of GDP



9.8 percent



8.8 percent



8.4 percent



6.8 percent



4.1 percent

fight it out with your other brain cell thats still confusing debt/deficit
Congress...Boehner on his way out...Obama....they F*ed the American People in what Obama called 'The Best Christmas Present EVUH for the American People' -- the ELIMINATION OF THE DEBT CEILING AND A LIMITLESS CREDIT CARD FOR THE NEXT 2 YEARS.....

...and it didn't take them long to fly into a record-setting euphoric spending spree:


"Government adds record $339 billion to debt in first day after budget deal"
LINK: Government adds record $339 billion to national debt in first day after budget deal

The federal government has piled up debt since the latest budget deal was signed into law, tacking $462 billion onto the national credit card since Nov. 2 as the Treasury Department replenished its funds and began another round of borrowing to take it all the way into 2017.

A staggering $339 billion in total debt was added on just the first day after President Obama signed the budget agreement — the single largest hike in history.


Merry Christmas, My @$$! Boehner, McConnell, the Washington Establishment GOP, and a thankful group of liberals and Obama just BENT the American people over and gave them a candy cane up the CHIMNEY!

....and we are only 13 Days into the new year!

After starting his time in office out by adding $7 Trillion in debt over 4 years, setting 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit-spending records, I see Obama is back to setting records and finishing up his last year in office with a >BANG<...with help from a bunch of traitorous RINOs!
You got a lot of Republicans out of work, on welfare and/or disability and Social Security getting record numbers of food stamps and without health care. That costs money.

Business wants people with an education and Republicans are anti education. What we need to do is let in immigrants who will work and pay taxes. Then uneducated Republicans can get their "free stuff". Otherwise business leaves and the deficit skyrockets. It's just simple math.
All a big spending Republican has to do is go on TV and bash gays, blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims, sling a mountain of mud at Clinton, and he's assured a win. He can always depend on the right wing propaganda outlets carrying his water for him.

This is a tried and true formula. The rubes have never caught on up to now, and they won't in 2016.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
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Business wants people with an education and Republicans are anti education.

When stupid people say stupid shi-ite like this they lose all credibility, and there's no need to read anymore of their stuff...ever.

Yes, Republicans are ALL racists, against education, hate women, blacks, babies, puppies, clan air, clean water, and love to club baby seals on their days off.

Does your mom know you're using her computer?
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!

Approximately 45% of American Citizens do not pay a dime in taxes and are getting benefits paid for by the Middle Class ...the MIDDLE CLASS - the ones getting screwed over by 1) the politicians, 2) Americans CITIZENS who would rather sit on their asses being dependent on the government (actually on the tax-paying Americans, NOT the govt) and getting a check, and 3) the illegals flooding into the country to get their fair share of 'BLOOD' out of the Middle Class before the Govt can bleed them dry...

So the 45% not paying taxes are not working you're saying? Or maybe they're not making enough to pay income tax most likely.
Business wants people with an education and Republicans are anti education.

When stupid people say stupid shi-ite like this they lose all credibility, and there's no need to read anymore of their stuff...ever.

Yes, Republicans are ALL racists, against education, hate women, blacks, babies, puppies, clan air, clean water, and love to club baby seals on their days off.

Does your mom know you're using her computer?

yup. just like you .

.00000000000000% credibility
So what's your answer. They are on all on welfare or they don't make enough to pay taxes?

They 'ALL' don't do anything....generalizations are for people without the facts. there are some who sit on their backsides and just collect a check. There are those who are disabled, those who are elderly, some who do not make enough....
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All a big spending Republican has to do is go on TV and bash gays, blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims, sling a mountain of mud at Clinton, and he's assured a win. He can always depend on the right wing propaganda outlets carrying his water for him.

This is a tried and true formula. The rubes have never caught on up to now, and they won't in 2016.

Democrats: Tax and spend.

Republicans: Borrow and spend.
Pardon me, but I just threw up in my mouth a little reading this ignorant, biased post.

So when Obama 'tacked on' $7.1 trillion in deficit-spending his 1st 4 years, where exactly were the taxes that were SUPPOSED to cover that record-setting spending?

So when Obama STOLE $500 Million from Medicare to go towards his ACA that was not SUPPOSED to cost a dime and was SUPPOSED to pay for itself, where were the 'taxes' that were suppose to pay for this program that has added approx. $1.5 Trillion over the next 10 years? Obama promised there would BE NO new taxes, that the program wouldn't cost a dime..... but the SCOTUS had to bail his bill out by changing his argument that the 'punitive ACA FINE' was indeed a TAX after all...and NOT one that would cover all the new program's spending!
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
All you need to know is our fu#%ing dumba$$ POS federal government is paying debt with more debt, can't get anymore stupid than that....
Our government is doing the same thing as many " middle class " and " lower class " families --- PAYING ONE CREDIT CARD WITH ANOTHER.

Because the Republicans REFUSE to pay any taxes to pay for their wars and giveaways.
The Republican Congresscritters have even signed a pledge ( which violates their oath of office ) to never pass a tax for any reason no matter what to get Norquist to finance their campaigns.
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
All you need to know is our fu#%ing dumba$$ POS federal government is paying debt with more debt, can't get anymore stupid than that....
Our government is doing the same thing as many " middle class " and " lower class " families --- PAYING ONE CREDIT CARD WITH ANOTHER.

Because the Republicans REFUSE to pay any taxes to pay for their wars and giveaways.
The Republican Congresscritters have even signed a pledge ( which violates their oath of office ) to never pass a tax for any reason no matter what to get Norquist to finance their campaigns.

if the RW morons had their way they wouldn't pay for a damn thing then call themselves patriots ...

yet they rail against free ride democrats on a regular basis.
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?

it is all about splitting the races and gender for you Jake, can't help yourself because that is the only winning formula for the losing left.

Seems to me that the last two mid-terms, in spite of your prognostications, bitch slapped the left. So no jake, the country has shown they are tired of false promises.

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