I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...

If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?

it is all about splitting the races and gender for you Jake, can't help yourself because that is the only winning formula for the losing left.

Seems to me that the last two mid-terms, in spite of your prognostications, bitch slapped the left. So no jake, the country has shown they are tired of false promises.
None of which is going to stop the Dems from winning again if we in the GOP don't honestly reach across the aisle to women and minorities.

Our two mid term victories have done almost nothing to offset the admin accomplishments rooted in its two presidential elections.

If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.
That is too funny Fakey.

Funny how you think the Rs solution to winning the POTUS is the exact same solution the lib media says. Funny...
The media on this is right, and the far right and libertarians are left ~ at the starting line. Now that is funny.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...
Of course, a responsible, intelligent person with insurance has ALWAYS been in a pool. Is Rush telling you pools are communist now, dupe?
The whole concept of paying in and taking out of a "pool" foolish one, most people involved are taking advantage of the few that are pulling their weight.
On top of that it drives up prices of goods/services purchased, if everyone was responsible for themselves they would not stand for overpricing...
Not on what the pool is paying for, maybe for those paying into the pool.
It's like putting a bandaid on a broken arm...

It's a flawed concept
Republicans better hope and pray they can hold onto the house and the senate. I think they've alienated the entire republican base in the 2 years since both houses were handed to them.

It's mind boggling that they just PISSED ON the very people that sent them their to oppose obama and the leftist agenda, and they KNEW they weren't doing what was expected of them.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.
See... when you say bull shit like this... that's when it becomes GLARINGLY OBVIOUS to EVERYONE HERE that you are a LEFTIST, because what you just said is the leftist BS meme.

WHY do you think Trump is so far in the lead, and HELD IT? Because he IS HARD RIGHT, and that is the ONLY thing that will get an R in the white house this time around. NO MODERATE, NO ESTABLISHMENT, NO RINO will EVER be elected, PERIOD, and you can QUOTE ME ON THAT when the election is over.
And you can quote me on this if that fat blowhard Orangutan is your clown party nominee, Clinton will blast his ass in a National election were voter turnout is much higher.

I doubt he will even be the nominee, so its a moot point..
explaining the national debt to RW's is like trying to explain quantum physics to 1st graders
All you need to know is our fu#%ing dumba$$ POS federal government is paying debt with more debt, can't get anymore stupid than that....
Our government is doing the same thing as many " middle class " and " lower class " families --- PAYING ONE CREDIT CARD WITH ANOTHER.

Because the Republicans REFUSE to pay any taxes to pay for their wars and giveaways.
The Republican Congresscritters have even signed a pledge ( which violates their oath of office ) to never pass a tax for any reason no matter what to get Norquist to finance their campaigns.

if the RW morons had their way they wouldn't pay for a damn thing then call themselves patriots ...

yet they rail against free ride democrats on a regular basis.

the reason the left bitches about the right paying taxes is because the left is on a free ride and need the money.

What's the difference between a lefty and a righty? The lefty signs their checks on the back the righty on the front.

so I take it you're for not raising the debt ceiling and shutting down the government ... right?

If those are the only two options then shut it down before it self destructs.

Or are you one that thinks that debt doesn't matter and the whole thing will never come crashing down. Maybe the liberal idea is right, our children will be better at math then we apparently are.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...

And then if you need treatment pay you 5000 dollar deductible along with your 450 dollar premium. Good deal alright.
Paying and taking out of a "pool" makes no sense to me, any form of socialism is repugnant to me...
Why are you using the Internet then?

Get the hell off.

The Internet was built by government agencies ( taxpayers ) and universities and you get to use the multi-billion dollar installation for free.

Many paid and many use but not necessarily the people who paid.

The Internet is a socialistic institution.

And I'm sure you never drive on the Interstate Highways or even the State highways. They are all SOCIALISTIC.

America WAS BUILT on socialistic principles.

Learn the difference between economic systems and government systems and how they interact and combine. You just make yourself look like a fucking idiot claiming that stuff you use everyday, and would find life very difficult without, is " repugnant " to you.

People like you are " repulsive " to me.

Get off my planet.
Paying and taking out of a "pool" makes no sense to me, any form of socialism is repugnant to me...
Why are you using the Internet then?

Get the hell off.

The Internet was built by government agencies ( taxpayers ) and universities and you get to use the multi-billion dollar installation for free.

Many paid and many use but not necessarily the people who paid.

The Internet is a socialistic institution.

And I'm sure you never drive on the Interstate Highways or even the State highways. They are all SOCIALISTIC.

America WAS BUILT on socialistic principles.

Learn the difference between economic systems and government systems and how they interact and combine. You just make yourself look like a fucking idiot claiming that stuff you use everyday, and would find life very difficult without, is " repugnant " to you.

People like you are " repulsive " to me.

Get off my planet.
Algore invented and made the Internet...

No, really, free market capitalism made it...
Paying and taking out of a "pool" makes no sense to me, any form of socialism is repugnant to me...
Why are you using the Internet then?

Get the hell off.

The Internet was built by government agencies ( taxpayers ) and universities and you get to use the multi-billion dollar installation for free.

Many paid and many use but not necessarily the people who paid.

The Internet is a socialistic institution.

And I'm sure you never drive on the Interstate Highways or even the State highways. They are all SOCIALISTIC.

America WAS BUILT on socialistic principles.

Learn the difference between economic systems and government systems and how they interact and combine. You just make yourself look like a fucking idiot claiming that stuff you use everyday, and would find life very difficult without, is " repugnant " to you.

People like you are " repulsive " to me.

Get off my planet.
The internet and its use is the epitiome of social market and economic democracy.

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