I HATE To Tell Anyone 'I Told You So'...BUT...

OP- So thanks to BS RW propaganda, the debt ceiling becomes a political football that causes 1%+ in cuts to GDP every time Pubs kick it. Great job, liars and dupes. The GOP is a joke and horror everywhere but Pub dupe world.
Only a dumba$$ would think paying debt with more debt is a good thing... Lol
Thanks for tripling the debt under Raygun, doubling it under Booosh, BOTH IN GOOD TIMES, AND the corrupt world depression, fool. Dems spend most of their time fixing your party's corrupt feq-ups.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
One of the greatest left wing Orwellian inversions of all time, calling people who are voluntarily uninsured "freeloaders". Then forcing them to subsidize high school dropouts and carry those dropouts on their backs for the rest of their lives.

We know who the dupes are, rube.
OP- So thanks to BS RW propaganda, the debt ceiling becomes a political football that causes 1%+ in cuts to GDP every time Pubs kick it. Great job, liars and dupes. The GOP is a joke and horror everywhere but Pub dupe world.
Only a dumba$$ would think paying debt with more debt is a good thing... Lol
Thanks for tripling the debt under Raygun, doubling it under Booosh, BOTH IN GOOD TIMES, AND the corrupt world depression, fool. Dems spend most of their time fixing your party's corrupt feq-ups.
We have had decades of progressive presidents "r" or "d" it does not matter, ALL CAREER POLITICIANS SUCK AND SPEND frivolously.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
You have every right, and appear to have no clue what it actually IS, fer crying out loud. Changte the channel.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
I have never even used insurance in all my 46 years, I go to the doctor I pay out of pocket... Paper work is not an option for me.
So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?


We should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our auto, home, and life insurance. We should be able to call any health insurance company in the country and choose the options we want. That's the only way to give the consumer real leverage and to drive down costs.
You know what the big difference between the home/auto/life insurance market and the health insurance market is?

The government is a player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its competitors.

How's that been working out?
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
You have every right, and appear to have no clue what it actually IS, fer crying out loud. Changte the channel.
Na, not really.
Paying and taking out of a "pool" makes no sense to me, any form of socialism is repugnant to me...

The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
One of the greatest left wing Orwellian inversions of all time, calling people who are voluntarily uninsured "freeloaders". Then forcing them to subsidize high school dropouts and carry those dropouts on their backs for the rest of their lives.

We know who the dupes are, rube.
You already WERE paying for them, just in the stupidest, most deadly way possible. Twice as expensive as anywhere else, 40k unnecessary deaths a year, 500k bankruptcies/year for people with Pub scam policies. A disgrace. NO MORE, dupe.

People without insurance get no preventive care, then hit the country with huge costs. Transparent competition is not communism, DERRR.
If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.


The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...

The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
You have every right, and appear to have no clue what it actually IS, fer crying out loud. Changte the channel.
Na, not really.
Paying and taking out of a "pool" makes no sense to me, any form of socialism is repugnant to me...
Transparent competition between insurers is not socialism- just finally NOT corrupt/scam GOPism any more.

The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...

The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...
Yup, has no clue.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...
Yup, has no clue.
I just pay as I go out of pocket, what could be easier than that??
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
One of the greatest left wing Orwellian inversions of all time, calling people who are voluntarily uninsured "freeloaders". Then forcing them to subsidize high school dropouts and carry those dropouts on their backs for the rest of their lives.

We know who the dupes are, rube.
You already WERE paying for them, just in the stupidest, most deadly way possible. Twice as expensive as anywhere else, 40k unnecessary deaths a year, 500k bankruptcies/year for people with Pub scam policies. A disgrace. NO MORE, dupe.

People without insurance get no preventive care, then hit the country with huge costs. Transparent competition is not communism, DERRR.
People need to get their sh!t together, the best decision I ever made it to live 100% debt free and living within my means... Soooo simple to do.
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....
Pay your affordable rate and get all your free preventive care and tests and doctor, brainwashed stupid freeloader irresponsible jackass. You live in idiot Pub dupe world...
One of the greatest left wing Orwellian inversions of all time, calling people who are voluntarily uninsured "freeloaders". Then forcing them to subsidize high school dropouts and carry those dropouts on their backs for the rest of their lives.

We know who the dupes are, rube.
You already WERE paying for them, just in the stupidest, most deadly way possible. Twice as expensive as anywhere else, 40k unnecessary deaths a year, 500k bankruptcies/year for people with Pub scam policies. A disgrace. NO MORE, dupe.

People without insurance get no preventive care, then hit the country with huge costs. Transparent competition is not communism, DERRR.
People need to get their sh!t together, the best decision I ever made it to live 100% debt free and living within my means... Soooo simple to do.
Too bad you've got diabetes and no kidneys, but you go right ahead. Just be sure to die quietly and cheap. lol

The Golden Oldies Party < HATES > women and blacks and hispanics and the make it obvious every time they propose some new legislation. Especially when it is anti-freedom for women --- not letting the woman decide if she wants to have another kid she can't feed or not.

In case the Golden Oldies Policticians haven't noticed ( and obviously they haven't ) women overwhelmingly favor Pro Choice candidates. Or they have noticed and are just determined to force their religion down the throat of every woman in America. The second option seems to be the case.

When the righties go on their anti-abortion rants --- almost every woman in America spits at her TV.

You may be appealing to your base -- but your base isn't big enough to win a Presidential Election. It wins during mid-terms because most people don't bother to vote -- to their own detriment.

But come Presidential elections --- the Republican anti-abortion and anti-Obamacare positions just ensure a Democratic victory.
Obamacare is a joke, I pay the fine far less hassle...
That's getting to be so STUPID, even you'll figure it out soon, functional moron dupe of the greedy idiot liar rich. Read something not from liars sometime...
I have no right to even be involved in Obamacare, legalized extortion is all it is....

So private health insurance companies making profit/loss decisions about your medical needs are....?

Even nitwit Carson says our health care should not be for profit.
The whole concept of the "pool" is repugnant...
Of course, a responsible, intelligent person with insurance has ALWAYS been in a pool. Is Rush telling you pools are communist now, dupe?
You know what the big difference between the home/auto/life insurance market and the health insurance market is?

The government is a player in the health insurance market, and gets to write the rules for its competitors.

How's that been working out?
Better than it was, yes.

And when we go single payer, like Trump wants, even better.
If the Rs nominate an establishment candidate for POTUS, they likely do lose both houses and the presidency. You would think they would have learned that nominating a progressive for POTUS, as they have done for decades now, is a loser.
If the GOP nominates a hard line righty, the Dems will sweep everything and end up with 29 governorships.

2 of 10 Americans call themselves liberals...
The American public is significantly more likely to identify as conservative or moderate than as liberal, leaving a situation in which about 4 in 10 Americans call themselves conservative, 4 in 10 call themselves moderates, and only about 2 in 10 call themselves liberal.
Most Americans Identify as Either Conservative or Moderate

That's going to take a VERY MAJOR corruption of the American elections then because AGAIN I'm shouting!
80% of Americans identify either conservative or Moderates...
20% say they are liberal!
And which party has won five of the six last popular national elections while the female, black, and brown votes are growing?

it is all about splitting the races and gender for you Jake, can't help yourself because that is the only winning formula for the losing left.

Seems to me that the last two mid-terms, in spite of your prognostications, bitch slapped the left. So no jake, the country has shown they are tired of false promises.
None of which is going to stop the Dems from winning again if we in the GOP don't honestly reach across the aisle to women and minorities.

Our two mid term victories have done almost nothing to offset the admin accomplishments rooted in its two presidential elections.

If the GOP does not win the WH this time along with the Senate, the Obama legacy cannot be undone. And we can't win the WH without more women and minorities.
That is too funny Fakey.

Funny how you think the Rs solution to winning the POTUS is the exact same solution the lib media says. Funny...

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