I Hate Trump and His Tax Plan

Read watch and listen....I don't need links to show we are far better off now than we were two years ago...and if you deny that you are the one living in the dark....why do you try and change the facts on the ground in broad daylight...we are all alive pal...even the most liberal on this board admit the economy has improved...they just give the credit to Obama....LMAO.....

Hold on there sport. I never said the economy wasn’t better off, but those tax cuts spent on stock buybacks didn’t help the economy. They helped companies improve their PE ratios by reducing the float. If you’ve noticed, the stock market is struggling and the latest earnings reports don’t show a booming economy. Economics is complicated, there is a lot to consider.
The market is not struggling...where do you come up with that?...anytime you help businesses with their bottom line via tax breaks stock buy backs or regulation cuts their bottom line improves....they don't take that new money and make a cash salad and eat it...they spend it...when they spend it....it helps all of us...from the richest to the poorest....I will never understand why that is so hard for some to understand.....
When they buy back stock, who does it help?

The truth is that tax cuts to well off corporations and rich people do little to help spur the economy.

Tax cuts to the working class & poorer help the most.

So why did your orange buddy & dumbass party give most to those who help us the least?

Again, it depends on where we are in the economic cycle. Trumps tax cuts did very little for the economy, Reagan’s were very helpful. Different time, different circumstances, different results.
Reagan's tax cuts started about the time the Centers for Tax policy began its chart. The result up to 09 from the chart was a 270% increase in pay for the 1% and a 0% increase in wage for the 99%. That was over a period covered for almost thirty years. Since then, nothing has changed. That's reality. Relative to the increase in goods and services the American consumer/worker has made up zero ground.

Ok, I’ll try one more time to educate your Trump Drunk brain. Refer back to the charts- those companies SPENT THE MONEY BUYING THEIR OWN STOCK. Not CapX, not wages or employees. Most of it went to buying stock. If your myopic ignorant ass is so convinced the economy is screaming along, tell me why the FederalReserve can’t normalize rates or shrink their balance sheet without the stock market dropping like a stone? Let’s see what happens after the FOMC meeting today. Those guys will tell you what they think of the economy based on their policy. I say they will ease, or hint that they intend to be more dovish. Wanna bet?

You're saying companies spent money buying their own stock, and not on CapX, not on wages or employees.

The chart you're referring to shows otherwise, where $8.1B did go to employee's wages, benefits and bonuses.

Yes, most of it went to buying stock, but why that is a problem? What law are they breaking?
Lucky that 2017 Tax Scam Fraud ends for most by 2023 is it? So you get more savings.
To bad your not a 5%er to get any usefulness from the 2017 Tax Scam as being
part of the people who pay the taxes mostly. the other 95%.
So enjoy the 2017 Tax Scam benefits for a few years or less.
He is draining the swamp by giving it trillions more per year. Idiot Trumpets above think it's your accountant not the tax code.
Lucky that 2017 Tax Scam Fraud ends for most by 2023 is it? So you get more savings.
To bad your not a 5%er to get any usefulness from the 2017 Tax Scam as being
part of the people who pay the taxes mostly. the other 95%.
So enjoy the 2017 Tax Scam benefits for a few years or less.
He is draining the swamp by giving it trillions more per year. Idiot Trumpets above think it's your accountant not the tax code.

Well, if you have a good accountant you will pay next to Zero in taxes state and federal.
I worked during tax season assembling tax returns. I have seen a lot. If you make more than 250K
You should be paying less than 12% on your AGI. Many pay less.
This was before the 2017 Tax Scam was passed.
The truth is that tax cuts to well off corporations and rich people do little to help spur the economy
That is a dirty filthy liberal lie that people are believing less and less everyday...get out a different play book....

You're spewing the same bullshit that Republicans have been pushing since Reagan.

When you put more money in the hands of poor & middle class people , they spend it because they need so much stuff.

When you put money in the hands of wealthy, they already have everything. They will bank most of it, or buy stock.

When you put money in the hands of well off corporations, they tend to buy back stock.

What happens with money that goes into stocks?

Are you saying that the seller runs out & spends that money?

People buying pieces of paper from other people selling pieces of paper really don't do much for the economy.compared to putting money in the hands of those that will spend it.
George W Bush Tax cuts helped create the worst recession in 80 years. Is that working?

Helped, not caused.

I learned this over the past ten years: WE HAD THE WORST RECESSION 10 years ago.

Tax cuts help lessen the effects of a recession in the short term.

Didn't you just said in the post above that "When you put more money in the hands of poor & middle class people , they spend it because they need so much stuff."

Bush tax cuts did that.

Your plan: If we cut taxes, the economy strengthens. So why not cut taxes every 5 years & before long, we will be paying no taxes & the government will be swimming in money.

Republicans lie & you are so stupid, you believe them.

What's alternative to that? Raise taxes every 5 years and before long we'll have 100% tax rate and working for government.

The alternative is tax enough to pay for what you spend. Not keep cutting revenues as you add to the spending like Trump has done. Are you people just stupid?

Poor, unskilled people aren't very productive. How much wealth should they own?

It used to be a store clerk could own a hiome & raise a family.

Now two store clerks can't do iot.

And yet you blame the working people.

You are been fucked over by the wealthy & the Republicans. Instead of admitting it, you just bend over & beg for more.

Gee if only my Daddy gave me tens of millions.

Poor, unskilled people aren't very productive. How much wealth should they own?

It used to be a store clerk could own a hiome & raise a family.

Now two store clerks can't do iot.

And yet you blame the working people.

You are been fucked over by the wealthy & the Republicans. Instead of admitting it, you just bend over & beg for more.

Gee if only my Daddy gave me tens of millions.
It used to be a store clerk could own a hiome & raise a family.

What does a store clerk have to do with the "poorest 3.8 billion on the planet"?

And yet you blame the working people.

I did? Where? Link?

You are been fucked over by the wealthy & the Republicans.

I'm doing very well, quite comfortable. You must be imagining things again.
The truth is that tax cuts to well off corporations and rich people do little to help spur the economy
That is a dirty filthy liberal lie that people are believing less and less everyday...get out a different play book....

You're spewing the same bullshit that Republicans have been pushing since Reagan.

When you put more money in the hands of poor & middle class people , they spend it because they need so much stuff.

When you put money in the hands of wealthy, they already have everything. They will bank most of it, or buy stock.

When you put money in the hands of well off corporations, they tend to buy back stock.

What happens with money that goes into stocks?

Are you saying that the seller runs out & spends that money?

People buying pieces of paper from other people selling pieces of paper really don't do much for the economy.compared to putting money in the hands of those that will spend it.

You still didn't answer the question, what happens with the money that goes into stocks?
George W Bush Tax cuts helped create the worst recession in 80 years. Is that working?

Helped, not caused.

I learned this over the past ten years: WE HAD THE WORST RECESSION 10 years ago.

Tax cuts help lessen the effects of a recession in the short term.

Didn't you just said in the post above that "When you put more money in the hands of poor & middle class people , they spend it because they need so much stuff."

Bush tax cuts did that.

Your plan: If we cut taxes, the economy strengthens. So why not cut taxes every 5 years & before long, we will be paying no taxes & the government will be swimming in money.

Republicans lie & you are so stupid, you believe them.

What's alternative to that? Raise taxes every 5 years and before long we'll have 100% tax rate and working for government.

The alternative is tax enough to pay for what you spend. Not keep cutting revenues as you add to the spending like Trump has done. Are you people just stupid?

Tax enough to pay for what you spend"... LOL

How about spending within of what you tax?

Poor, unskilled people aren't very productive. How much wealth should they own?

It used to be a store clerk could own a hiome & raise a family.

Now two store clerks can't do iot.

And yet you blame the working people.

You are been fucked over by the wealthy & the Republicans. Instead of admitting it, you just bend over & beg for more.

Gee if only my Daddy gave me tens of millions.

Do DOPers ever connect that these tax cuts to Corporation never make the items/service a buy cheaper?
Really, these yuge Corpartions. Take the cuts and invest in outside the USA to buy, make stuff to sell in the USA.
They outsource services to us, as well. But do we ever see the items/services cheaper? I say NO. Like the Stupid great Douche
Tariff as well. Just makes it more costly to me, the Coerparion gets a tax new 2017 cut on the extra income they make.
So the tariff and 2017 Scam tax cut, TAXES ME TWICE.

2017 BS SCAM Tax cuts ='s Gobmint welfare to corps that turn yuge profits anyhow before the scam.
Just added to the National Debt. That's all it did. And Russian owns yuge shares of American stocks..btw:

Hey, DOPers. You do know that, if we tax business more they pass that cost along to us.
But if we cut their taxes, they never pass that back to us. Why is that DOPers?
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This year, thanks to the orange low life, I'm getting half of last years refund...half. I just hope the rich enjoys my the tax dollars I paid in last year and please don't spend it all in one place.View attachment 242699
Because it sucks.

It only sucks if you property & state income total taxes are way over $10K. Or you have more than a $750K home mortgage (extra interest no longer deductible), or both.

Other than that, you pay less tax and you get a bigger STD deduction.

I doubt OP up in Flint Mich hits those other levels. OP must be false.
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Ok, I’ll try one more time to educate your Trump Drunk brain. Refer back to the charts- those companies SPENT THE MONEY BUYING THEIR OWN STOCK. Not CapX, not wages or employees. Most of it went to buying stock. If your myopic ignorant ass is so convinced the economy is screaming along, tell me why the FederalReserve can’t normalize rates or shrink their balance sheet without the stock market dropping like a stone? Let’s see what happens after the FOMC meeting today. Those guys will tell you what they think of the economy based on their policy. I say they will ease, or hint that they intend to be more dovish. Wanna bet?

You're saying companies spent money buying their own stock, and not on CapX, not on wages or employees.

The chart you're referring to shows otherwise, where $8.1B did go to employee's wages, benefits and bonuses.

Yes, most of it went to buying stock, but why that is a problem? What law are they breaking?

They aren’t breaking any laws, duh. What it says is that the companies felt the money was better spent on reducing the outstanding shares rather than growing their business. Companies do this when there is no demand in the economy to support expansion. Do you and Rambunctious really not understand this?
[QUOTE = "Toddsterpatriot, post: 21716169, miembro: 29707"] [QUOTE = "BWK, post: 21714130, miembro: 71570"] Gente, obtén una pista. 26 multimillonarios poseen tanto como los más pobres 3.8 billones: informe [/ QUOTE]

Las personas pobres y no calificadas no son muy productivas. ¿Cuánta riqueza deben poseer? [/ CITA]
Gracias You just made my point. Why do we have that many unskilled people in the world? Take a wild guess?
[QUOTE = "Toddsterpatriot, post: 21716169, miembro: 29707"] [QUOTE = "BWK, post: 21714130, miembro: 71570"] Gente, obtén una pista. 26 multimillonarios poseen tanto como los más pobres 3.8 billones: informe [/ QUOTE]

Las personas pobres y no calificadas no son muy productivas. ¿Cuánta riqueza deben poseer? [/ CITA]
Gracias You just made my point. Why do we have that many unskilled people in the world? Take a wild guess?

Shitholes are shitholes for many reasons.

Chancys blue-state tax cut gave them 2.6% less tax owed to offset loss of deductions on Hollywood mansions. That was not in Trumps original plan but stuck in last ten days of Chancy fighting.
What's that got to do with the poorest 3.8 billion?

Your people Chancy gave the billionaire a decrease in FedTax so the could stay wealthy in blue-states. But they dont broadcast that as they "care about" lol! Your poorest 3.8bil. Right......Chancy cares.
Ok, I’ll try one more time to educate your Trump Drunk brain. Refer back to the charts- those companies SPENT THE MONEY BUYING THEIR OWN STOCK. Not CapX, not wages or employees. Most of it went to buying stock. If your myopic ignorant ass is so convinced the economy is screaming along, tell me why the FederalReserve can’t normalize rates or shrink their balance sheet without the stock market dropping like a stone? Let’s see what happens after the FOMC meeting today. Those guys will tell you what they think of the economy based on their policy. I say they will ease, or hint that they intend to be more dovish. Wanna bet?

You're saying companies spent money buying their own stock, and not on CapX, not on wages or employees.

The chart you're referring to shows otherwise, where $8.1B did go to employee's wages, benefits and bonuses.

Yes, most of it went to buying stock, but why that is a problem? What law are they breaking?

They aren’t breaking any laws, duh. What it says is that the companies felt the money was better spent on reducing the outstanding shares rather than growing their business. Companies do this when there is no demand in the economy to support expansion. Do you and Rambunctious really not understand this?

According to charts you provided, they did invest in growing the business as well.

It's just that YOU don't like where they use their money, it doesn't feet your needs and wants.

You should start your own business and prove them all wrong.

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