I Hate Walmarts

Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.


Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

Damn Madeline you need a chill pill. I got issues with christmas but i am not about to smack people around for their holidays and beliefs.

I got a question, if suni man or ekerm wish you a happy ramadan are you going to shit all over them?

Are you going to tell jillian to fuck off is she wishes you a happy Hanukkah?

What the hell do you think all of those guys ringing the bells for the salvation army say to you when you put money in their pots? They usually say god bless and merry christmas. Should i shit all over them?

Now if they come up to you thumping a bible, handing out literature and trying to convert you to the flavor of the month, while wishing you a marry christmas you have my permission to blow them the hell out of the water!

She can always respond with a "Happy Festivus!". :lol:


Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.

If you don't want to say Merry Christmas, a smile and nod always works wonders. A simple "You too" never hurts either. "Merry Christmas" doesn't bother me, but no matter what it is as long as it's polite and socially expected even if I don't like it I try to keep in mind people are just trying to be polite and socially acceptable. They don't know me or my quirks. Why pick a fight when they're just making an effort?
Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.

:lol: Good god, Bill O'Reilly would just LOVE you.
Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.


Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?

Damn Madeline you need a chill pill. I got issues with christmas but i am not about to smack people around for their holidays and beliefs.

I got a question, if suni man or ekerm wish you a happy ramadan are you going to shit all over them?

Are you going to tell jillian to fuck off is she wishes you a happy Hanukkah?

What the hell do you think all of those guys ringing the bells for the salvation army say to you when you put money in their pots? They usually say god bless and merry christmas. Should i shit all over them?

Now if they come up to you thumping a bible, handing out literature and trying to convert you to the flavor of the month, while wishing you a marry christmas you have my permission to blow them the hell out of the water!

She can always respond with a "Happy Festivus!". :lol:



Festivus... Is that the same as "celebrating" "Winter Solstice"? :eusa_pray:
LMAO! Is it too soon to do up a "I Hate Xmas" thread, do you think? The music drives me batshit too; it is everywhere in December. I'd like to find the guy who wrote "It's Beginning To Look A Bit Like Xmas" and kick him down the stairs.
Every year I buy more and more stuff online. I hate going shopping, but it's fun to surf the web looking for bargains. I even buy all my books online as well. There are numerous sites you can go to and find the lowest price, many times with free shipping. But I'm not really concerned where the stuff I buy comes from, yet.

All of the electronics I use for my model airplanes come from Asia. But the electric motors, batteries, chargers and most airplane kits I buy are from the US.

every thing i buy in a catalog is never what it seems once i get it.
the neocon embrace of walmart and china in general (including its slave labor) makes me question why they fight so hard to remove work age limits and minimum wage
Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.

:lol: Good god, Bill O'Reilly would just LOVE you.

There's no need to be unkind now, Sheldon.

anyone who buys from walmart, knowing their business practices, which everyone in this thread at least does, is pretty much going straight to hell.
Those prone to hate can hate a store. I find it ludicrous hating a store, to be honest.

Hating so easily is like taking poison hoping another suffers. It's ugly.

Thankyou for ANOTHER ..Bad Analogy...:clap2: :clap2:

There are many good reasons to hate Walmart. It has destroyed more truly American small business than any other entity. The few thousands of jobs it has created relative to the millions lost for the savings of a few dollars in purchases is obscene.

I have never spent a dime in a Walmart. It disgusts me to see America canibalising itself in this way.

the neocon embrace of walmart and china in general (including its slave labor) makes me question why they fight so hard to remove work age limits and minimum wage

as much as i love wa mart i dont think i will shop there any more!!!!
i wont support child labor reguardless of cost.
people really have no standards or morals. who cares if its made by a 6 year old working twelve hour days living in a tent, as long as I save a few dollars!!!!
the same people defending walmart are probably the same people who saw blood diamonds and wondered how they could get into that business
Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.

:lol: Good god, Bill O'Reilly would just LOVE you.

There's no need to be unkind now, Sheldon.


I would pay good money to watch you and Billy get into it about Santa Claus, et al. It would be his greatest War on Christmas special ever.
anyone who buys from walmart, knowing their business practices, which everyone in this thread at least does, is pretty much going straight to hell.

The people who disagree with us on this issue are not bad, blu. This may have been the first time a USMB-er read about these concerns, and mayhaps one such person will inquire further and change their spending patterns. The purpose of this thread was not to shame anyone, regardless.

It was to mebbe provoke some people to view spending as having ethical implications. For most Americans it is a foreign idea, and when you throw in the American-As-Apple-Pie image Walmarts pay so dearly to achieve, it isn't really surprising there is some resistance.

No one will be encouraged to change their POV because they were insulted. We all do the best we can, and some folks just cannot envision the suffering of people who live too far away. All of us have our limits, etc.

At least we were able to discuss this with some restraint; I think that by itself is a good thing.

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