I Hate Walmarts

the same people defending walmart are probably the same people who saw blood diamonds and wondered how they could get into that business

Trolling again, are we?


whats the difference? walmart shops benefit from the slave labor in china while people buying blood diamonds are saving money since the diamonds were mined by slaves.

the walmart people are actually worse though as most of the labor comes from young children
anyone who buys from walmart, knowing their business practices, which everyone in this thread at least does, is pretty much going straight to hell.

The people who disagree with us on this issue are not bad, blu. This may have been the first time a USMB-er read about these concerns, and mayhaps one such person will inquire further and change their spending patterns. The purpose of this thread was not to shame anyone, regardless.

It was to mebbe provoke some people to view spending as having ethical implications. For most Americans it is a foreign idea, and when you throw in the American-As-Apple-Pie image Walmarts pay so dearly to achieve, it isn't really surprising there is some resistance.

No one will be encouraged to change their POV because they were insulted. We all do the best we can, and some folks just cannot envision the suffering of people who live too far away. All of us have our limits, etc.

At least we were able to discuss this with some restraint; I think that by itself is a good thing.

I would assume that people who spend any amount of time online would be well versed in wal marts evil practices
seems I am getting neg repped from people who felt my statements hit a little to close too home
the same people defending walmart are probably the same people who saw blood diamonds and wondered how they could get into that business

Trolling again, are we?


whats the difference? walmart shops benefit from the slave labor in china while people buying blood diamonds are saving money since the diamonds were mined by slaves.

the walmart people are actually worse though as most of the labor comes from young children

You've got more the 5K posts, so I'm sure you know the drill...

seems I am getting neg repped from people who felt my statements hit a little to close too home

You're getting neg repped for behaving in the matter of a troll, idjit.

Grow up and discuss like an adult. If you're going to throw asinine, uneducated statements, around, expect to be treated like the moron you are.

Jesus said?
Going to Hell?

anyone who buys from walmart, knowing their business practices, which everyone in this thread at least does, is pretty much going straight to hell.

The people who disagree with us on this issue are not bad, blu. This may have been the first time a USMB-er read about these concerns, and mayhaps one such person will inquire further and change their spending patterns. The purpose of this thread was not to shame anyone, regardless.

It was to mebbe provoke some people to view spending as having ethical implications. For most Americans it is a foreign idea, and when you throw in the American-As-Apple-Pie image Walmarts pay so dearly to achieve, it isn't really surprising there is some resistance.

No one will be encouraged to change their POV because they were insulted. We all do the best we can, and some folks just cannot envision the suffering of people who live too far away. All of us have our limits, etc.

At least we were able to discuss this with some restraint; I think that by itself is a good thing.

I would assume that people who spend any amount of time online would be well versed in wal marts evil practices

I dun think that's a fair assumption, blu. How often do you suppose this gets discussed in the right wing blogosphere? I'm gonna guess "never".

The folks who disagree here likely value human rights every bit as much as we do, but they dun believe us about China or about Walmarts or about the impact their spending habits may have. Mebbe they chronically reject data that dun fit with a fixed world view and mebbe they just dun give my POV much weight....it matters not. Fact is, even the most vitrolic ring wing nut on here likely would never in a million years stand idly by whilst chidlren were exploited if they could put a stop to it.

The fault, if there is one, is not the reader's....it's the writer's. I did the best I could but I am never going to be able to convince everyone. Still, this issue got an airing and a discussion, and I count that as a success.
Madeline is insane, that goes without saying; but I do most of my shopping at Wal Mart for a couple reasons, most of that being that I am NOT paying double price to buy the same product somewhere else, nor am I paying considerably more to buy American made.

I NEVER purchase electronics from WM though, that's what Best Buy is for.
Wal-Mart offering free shipping for online buys | cleveland.com

How many small businesses in your community will this kill? Please consider boycotting this company; the products you buy from them are sometimes made by child or slave labor -- which of you needs to save a nickel that badly?

Buy American Made products. Shop locally as much as you can, and support small businesses.

Don't make a Xmas gift out of the suffering of children or enslaved people overseas and your neighbors here.


Got a list of American made products? It's a short list, to be sure.

The single best way to assure you are buying American is to buy locally-made products. As best I can tell, there's no official registry for all such goods online and the mere examination of a product for a company name with headquarters here in the US does not help. For example, Johnson and Johnson now manufacturers overseas, as does Proctor and Gamble.

I have found a few websites that purport to list only American-made products, and for larger purchases, e.g., furniture, these can be helpful.

Made in the USA Products Directory

American Made Products and/or Services Made in USA

Still Made in USA.com - American-Made Products for Home and Family

None of us can completely avoid buying foreign-made goods, and some of us are too pressed for time or money to even try. But MOST of us can make some effort and knee-jerk following the dollar around, trying to save a nickel, is creating severe suffering overseas and here at home.

If you can try and source your goods purchased, it will aid an American. If you do not, it will harm one. If you would not buy a pesticide that harmed our environment, then don't buy cleaning products that are made by children and put American workers on the unemployment line.
I support the mom and pop stores before I buy the big chain stores. Vermont had it right for a long time, and then they caved to public outcry!
Perhaps we ought to eliminate the WALMART middle man and just start giving our loved ones ASIAN WAGE SLAVES for Christmas.
Perhaps we should bring back tariffs and not ship our jobs overseas so people can have cheap stuff!
do you have any clue how much time i waste trying to buy american? o and add to that the comments i get. I have one damned cookie sheet cause i cannot find one made in america...i remember when nc was a textile area...try buying towels made in american...any type of linens for that matter...i go into the finer stores...its still all made in ______________ (fill in any asia country)

Bones, Nordicware is made in the U.S.A. Quality stuff.

Aluminum Cookware, Aluminum Bakeware, Aluminum Kitchenware from Nordicware - Nordic Ware

All my baking pans, cookie sheets, etc. are ancient bought years ago. Holding up like iron.
I only use Nordicware and love it, the recipes that come with the stuff are fabulous! I have had some of my stuff for over ten years!
most walmart haters are certainly not business majors, I doubt many of them have seen the inside of a real college.

Are you nuts?? :lol:
No he is just dumber than a rock, but a rich rock! who spends all his time on the message board, go spend some money and stimulate the economy, we poor folks need some trickle down! y'all!
How many small businesses in your community will this kill? Please consider boycotting this company; the products you buy from them are sometimes made by child or slave labor -- which of you needs to save a nickel that badly?

Buy American Made products. Shop locally as much as you can, and support small businesses.

Don't make a Xmas gift out of the suffering of children or enslaved people overseas and your neighbors here.


Uhhhh...Walmart is an American Company.

Just frelling stating the obvious.

Amazon has been offering free shipping for ages, btw.
How many small businesses in your community will this kill? Please consider boycotting this company; the products you buy from them are sometimes made by child or slave labor -- which of you needs to save a nickel that badly?

Buy American Made products. Shop locally as much as you can, and support small businesses.

Don't make a Xmas gift out of the suffering of children or enslaved people overseas and your neighbors here.


Uhhhh...Walmart is an American Company.

Just frelling stating the obvious.

Amazon has been offering free shipping for ages, btw.

I bought from Amazon last month and paid for shipping, boedicca.
Educated people know that 3rd world countries raising themselves up to the industiralized world means an increasing pie.

Fair enough. Would you care to list a few American made products you think an average Chinese or Indian factry worker is going to purchase? What percentage of this Chinese "pie" do you believe Amercan Companies will have access to?
Not every single social situation is best met with "niceness".

As for Walmarts greeters....I always thought this was a degrading position to put anyone in. "Here's our old lady mascot, say hi!". But I suppose it might not feel degrading to the chick who's doing the work. I try to be patient with all the fakey-ass social grease some businesses require of their employees -- I know it ain't their fault.

But every year as thousands of my fellow citizens wish me a Merry Xmas in the bank, the grocery, the dry cleaners, etc. I unfailingly respond with "I am not a christian. Would you like me to explain why that's offensive?"

Just doing my part for diversity here. I'm "nice" that-a-way.
If I ever had any question about your being a bitter hag, I don't any longer.

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