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i hate when they say the country is divided...

Unfortunately the Democrat Congressional House currently dictates the wants n' needs which is ONLY impeachment.
Real wants n' needs that the people desire continue to go unaddressed!
Embrace your Banana Republic, muppets!

Oh, give it a rest...

Americans were arguing amongst themselves long before you and I were born and will still be doing so long after we're gone.

But not to this point. The left are drifting more and more towards Communism, and the right is rejecting both the Tea Party and Establishment.

We do have a huge divide in this country. It seems the only solution for everybody's happiness is to have two countries instead of one; a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other, before the liberals destroy everything we currently have.

"The union must be preserved".
There is no way to divide the US. The coastal "urban plantations", aka "democrat archipelagos" are too spread out to quarantine:

View attachment 292574
However, the EU is learning the hard way how liberalism ends up.
Here's hoping that the US voters see the EU and take heed of how we could end up.
Trump put the US on the right track, if the dims are sharp enough to admit it. <Probably not.>
The liberals can't destroy anything unless they win elections, and 2020 looks safe, so we should be good thru 2024.

We either divide the country or they will ruin the whole thing. The Democrats are working on making whites a minority for the first time in history. Once they accomplish that, they will have a single-party government forever. What's going on in Europe is their dream. Democrats never learn anything, and we all know how much enjoyment they get in destroying things.

We divide the country equally by square mile from north to south. We have a national vote as to which group of people get what side of the country--east or west side. Hopefully they get the west side, because that's where the Mexican border is at, and they can let the entire country into their side if that's what they want.

Then we have a land swap. If you are a conservative and move on the east side, you get a land swap with a liberal who moved to the west, very similar to what you had on the west side. Then we erect a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out once they destroy their side which we know will happen. After all, if the immigrants don't do it, industry will as our side will have much lower taxation, and not many industries will stay there.

If that were possible, my property value would double or triple once it's all completed. We could still unite for certain things like self-defense and wars, but both sides would have to agree to it. We would have trade just like we do with other countries today. The best part is, never having to deal with the problems they bring us on a regular basis.
Even if you did that, and Russia and China would love it, the MFs would still be sneaking into our section to try and take it over, because their "shithole" country would be a disaster area. Another 4-years of Trump and reforms in college and high schools to stop the indoctrination of young voters should bring enough of the kids back to their senses to vote conservatively.

I think that's wishful thinking. But let's face facts, eventually they will have leadership again one day (hopefully not soon) and destroy more things that are irreversible. I would like to see the country preserved as much as you do, but I'm afraid it's unavoidable as Americans have short memories.

My idea is not my own. It's actually my mothers. When me and my two siblings constantly fought with each other as children, my mother would separate us into three different rooms. Eventually we missed each other, and finally found a way to play in peace. You can't force people to get along, they have to make that decision for themselves, even as children.

Using mom's rule, the only way to ever have a United States is through separation. When the libs destroy their side of the country, they will capitulate to our way of doing things, even if they don't like the theories.
Unfortunately the Democrat Congressional House currently dictates the wants n' needs which is ONLY impeachment.
Real wants n' needs that the people desire continue to go unaddressed!
Embrace your Banana Republic, muppets!

Oh, give it a rest...

Americans were arguing amongst themselves long before you and I were born and will still be doing so long after we're gone.

But not to this point. The left are drifting more and more towards Communism, and the right is rejecting both the Tea Party and Establishment.

We do have a huge divide in this country. It seems the only solution for everybody's happiness is to have two countries instead of one; a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other, before the liberals destroy everything we currently have.
Things are nowhere near that bad.

It is merely that the latest generation working each side of the fence needs to finish growing up.
In this magnanimous decision to split the Country (down the middle), what about those of us who are nether right nor left?

Hey wash!

I hope you and your family are having a great Thanksgiving holiday!
el toro ! i was on the bench for two years... washingtonamerica is back amigo... i need your help.
you and brian greenway are the best canadians i know... sorry man... the only canadians i know. can you get me getty's autograph... i know i ask every time we cross paths.. heh. :eusa_angel:

If you're talking about Geddy Lee. I can. I've worked with him and the band several times.

If you're not sorry to misunderstand your post.
Unfortunately the Democrat Congressional House currently dictates the wants n' needs which is ONLY impeachment.
Real wants n' needs that the people desire continue to go unaddressed!
Embrace your Banana Republic, muppets!

Oh, give it a rest...

Americans were arguing amongst themselves long before you and I were born and will still be doing so long after we're gone.

But not to this point. The left are drifting more and more towards Communism, and the right is rejecting both the Tea Party and Establishment.

We do have a huge divide in this country. It seems the only solution for everybody's happiness is to have two countries instead of one; a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other, before the liberals destroy everything we currently have.
Things are nowhere near that bad.

It is merely that the latest generation working each side of the fence needs to finish growing up.

Sorry, but things are that bad, and no indication they are going to get better. If anything, it will get worse.

It's really a matter of Socialism vs Capitalism. On the right, we elected a lifelong businessman. On the left, they are running an admitted Socialist for a second time, and last I looked, he's in third place. The US Communist Party has supported their last three presidential contenders.

If that's not bad enough, how bad should it get before we actually do something about it?
Those people will have to choose a side they wish to live.
How are you going to determine then enFORCE that?

As I said, it's up to them, not us. They will be a minority no matter which side they choose, because it's likely half will decide on the conservatives side and half on the liberal side. It all depends on what's closest to the environment you wish to live in.
Unfortunately the Democrat Congressional House currently dictates the wants n' needs which is ONLY impeachment.
Real wants n' needs that the people desire continue to go unaddressed!
Embrace your Banana Republic, muppets!

Oh, give it a rest...

Americans were arguing amongst themselves long before you and I were born and will still be doing so long after we're gone.

But not to this point. The left are drifting more and more towards Communism, and the right is rejecting both the Tea Party and Establishment.

We do have a huge divide in this country. It seems the only solution for everybody's happiness is to have two countries instead of one; a line right down the middle from north to south. Conservatives on one side, and liberals on the other, before the liberals destroy everything we currently have.
Things are nowhere near that bad.

It is merely that the latest generation working each side of the fence needs to finish growing up.
Except for here and in the general media.
I notice none of this insurmountable divide. Everyone just going to work, taking care of families. Folks from all walks of life interacting every day even with smiles on their face.

Half the country doesn't even participate in politics. Apathy for politicians in general has united more than divided.
...Sorry, but things are that bad, and no indication they are going to get better. If anything, it will get worse..
We must agree to disagree. You are alarmed. I see Constitutional representative government and populism both at-work and thriving.

...It's really a matter of Socialism vs Capitalism...
It's really a matter of Peace and Prosperity and Forward-Thinking; hell, most folks are too busy with Life to worry overly-much about this $hit.

...On the right, we elected a lifelong businessman...
The Right elected an amoral, lying, cheating con-artist and flim-flam-man who promises mountains and performs molehills.

...On the left, they are running an admitted Socialist for a second time, and last I looked, he's in third place...
Well, you've got me there; he's not going to win, and the Millennials who support him will eventually grow-up and think better of it.

...The US Communist Party has supported their last three presidential contenders...
You mean in addition to their own people? Perhaps. The lesser of two evils, in their warped eyesight, I expect. Not to worry.

...If that's not bad enough, how bad should it get before we actually do something about it?
Like what? Looking for an excuse to secede? Hoping for secession? if that's the case, don't hold your breath.
we'll decide when we're divided. healthy debate at any dinner table except for thanksgiving day christmas... birthdays... that's it ...every other holiday is open season.

my god.. relax talk about what the country wants and needs...

don't let the hysterical media stop you from having conversation. conversations....
the problem is that the GOP propaganda machine and its dupes have different facts from 95% of the world than all the law enforcement and respected journalists.
we'll decide when we're divided. healthy debate at any dinner table except for thanksgiving day christmas... birthdays... that's it ...every other holiday is open season.

my god.. relax talk about what the country wants and needs...

don't let the hysterical media stop you from having conversation. conversations....
the problem is that the GOP propaganda machine and its dupes have different facts from 95% of the world than all the law enforcement and respected journalists.
The division pimp, or should I say division gimp has spoken.
You must never be able to shut it off in social situations. Folks like that are a pain in the ass regardless of what "side" they are on.
As I said, it's up to them, not us. They will be a minority no matter which side they choose, because it's likely half will decide on the conservatives side and half on the liberal side. It all depends on what's closest to the environment you wish to live in.
Well, to start- you didn't do the survey- secondly, what neither the left, the right, Republicans or Democrats, Greens, Yellows, whatever FAIL to recognize is the original intent of the founding of this Country- "Sovereign States"- (notice the plural) both words are key- I seriously doubt people even know that, never mind recognize it. The Sovereign States came together as a Union and formed a gov't for the expressed purpose of- We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Some say the above was vanquished with the "Incorporation" Amendment that the SC determined was legally constitutional to ensure the US Constitution was, indeed, the Supreme Law of the land to help ensure the States didn't FORCE people to do as they pleased-
The 10th Amendment clearly says that what isn't in the Enumerated Powers is left to the States- that original intent was so that citizens could *move* to a different State IF they didn't agree with or like how a particular State operated- (of course people actually moved by loading up everything they could carry and just went, often by just walking- (they *migrated* to where they believed the grass was greener for them)- that is still allowed (currently)

However, neither the left nor the right, nor Democrats or Republicans subscribe to the Constitution unless it suits a particular purpose- so, what you're proposing would wind up at the same place we are now, probably in less time than it took to get to where we are now- It's common mechanical knowledge that it takes less time to tear down than it does to build or rebuild, which is what you're proposing- starting from scratch as the founders did with nothing.
It's really a matter of Socialism vs Capitalism.
Do you see any kind of grey area in between those two systems? Just curious.

Not really because politics is on both sides. I mean.....you're not going to find many Republican Socialists or Democrat capitalist, even though there are some who became very wealthy under capitalism.
I'm not talking about the politics of it, I mean the functioning of an economy.
We must agree to disagree. You are alarmed. I see Constitutional representative government and populism both at-work and thriving.

And you don't see it getting worse? How often to you turn on your television or read the news internet sites?

It's really a matter of Peace and Prosperity and Forward-Thinking; hell, most folks are too busy with Life to worry overly-much about this $hit.

That's the problem, they are not concerned enough. As long as they can eat microwave popcorn and get free HBO a couple times a year, that's all they need for a good life, not paying attention to anything around them.

The Right elected an amoral, lying, cheating con-artist and flim-flam-man who promises mountains and performs molehills.

Molehills? Like the lowest unemployment in 50 years? New record in median household income? More jobs than Americans to do them? The reduction of taxes both business and personal income? New records for minority employment in every category? A border crossing reduction of 70% since May, in spite of fighting a party in leadership that's trying for the opposite?

Looking forward to more molehills in the coming years.

Well, you've got me there; he's not going to win, and the Millennials who support him will eventually grow-up and think better of it.

And there will be more on the way. The problem is clear that it's more acceptable now, and there are more joining the party such as AOC and the three. Eventually it will grow to ten, thirty, fifty, and keep on growing.

You mean in addition to their own people? Perhaps. The lesser of two evils, in their warped eyesight, I expect. Not to worry.

I think it is a worry. Forty years ago, it would have never been heard of.

Like what? Looking for an excuse to secede? Hoping for secession? if that's the case, don't hold your breath.

I'm not, just throwing out solutions to our problems. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to make them happen anymore than you have with your ideas.
we'll decide when we're divided. healthy debate at any dinner table except for thanksgiving day christmas... birthdays... that's it ...every other holiday is open season.

my god.. relax talk about what the country wants and needs...

don't let the hysterical media stop you from having conversation. conversations....
the problem is that the GOP propaganda machine and its dupes have different facts from 95% of the world than all the law enforcement and respected journalists.
The division pimp, or should I say division gimp has spoken.
You must never be able to shut it off in social situations. Folks like that are a pain in the ass regardless of what "side" they are on.
Wrong again as always. I don't talk politics in real life. This area 73% Trump. In other words 73% misinformed.
We must agree to disagree. You are alarmed. I see Constitutional representative government and populism both at-work and thriving.

And you don't see it getting worse? How often to you turn on your television or read the news internet sites?

It's really a matter of Peace and Prosperity and Forward-Thinking; hell, most folks are too busy with Life to worry overly-much about this $hit.

That's the problem, they are not concerned enough. As long as they can eat microwave popcorn and get free HBO a couple times a year, that's all they need for a good life, not paying attention to anything around them.

The Right elected an amoral, lying, cheating con-artist and flim-flam-man who promises mountains and performs molehills.

Molehills? Like the lowest unemployment in 50 years? New record in median household income? More jobs than Americans to do them? The reduction of taxes both business and personal income? New records for minority employment in every category? A border crossing reduction of 70% since May, in spite of fighting a party in leadership that's trying for the opposite?

Looking forward to more molehills in the coming years.

Well, you've got me there; he's not going to win, and the Millennials who support him will eventually grow-up and think better of it.

And there will be more on the way. The problem is clear that it's more acceptable now, and there are more joining the party such as AOC and the three. Eventually it will grow to ten, thirty, fifty, and keep on growing.

You mean in addition to their own people? Perhaps. The lesser of two evils, in their warped eyesight, I expect. Not to worry.

I think it is a worry. Forty years ago, it would have never been heard of.

Like what? Looking for an excuse to secede? Hoping for secession? if that's the case, don't hold your breath.

I'm not, just throwing out solutions to our problems. Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to make them happen anymore than you have with your ideas.
His greatest success is not ruining the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in tax cuts and debt. inequality and upward Mobility are the worst ever and keep getting worse. 78% are living paycheck-to-paycheck. we have to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share to invest in education training for the middle and working class.

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