I have $50 to anyone who can prove Critical Race Theory is being taught in any US public school K-12

First off, let me say this: You're an idiot.

Now why else would it be that so much CRT curriculum is currently being published if the intent was not to force it on the children in the schools? Do you really think Marxist race pimps would be spewing out all that garbage if they didn't intend to fully implement it?

Do you really think we should "trust yet verify" you Marxists? We already know how you operate and what your ultimate goals are, so get bent.

Search - critical race theory cirriculum

I may be an idiot, but you're a liar. It was always intended as an elective course for certain fields of study in COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES. Ah well, guess I'll keep waiting for that K-12 example.
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Need links to precise ciriculum by that name & not merely American History. Thx! :D
You mask it well. Here is what is happening in MA. They play word games….we don’t serve hot dogs but we do serve a sausage type meat in a bun…let’s not play these games.

To conclude, we reiterate, we do not teach CRT; but, we do have a fundamental and moral responsibility to teach history and social science and in all its truth – the pleasant and the unpleasant.Teaching history and social science is to understand and ultimately to embrace societal and individual learning and to foster collective empathy toward the greater goal of improvement for ALL. We do this by exploring and understanding our history and current status of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our nation. This is the collective character of who we are as the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents—we believe in building the future through this work—this is who we want to be
What a hack job thread.
CRT simply means students are being taught that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims.
Liberal teachers are spewing this BS across the nation.

The Op must think they hand out a little gold certificate and a handbook that teachers will use.

Send the $50 to the Donald J Trump for President campaign sucker.

Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools

Colorado parents aren't being paranoid, their kids are learning Critical Race Theory

See the difference? Students are not being taught Critical Race Theory, they’re just learning that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims doomed to failure.

NBC News went a step further to equate parents who think categorizing people by race is racist to those who believe Q conspiracy theories.

Yet the National Education Association (NEA) just adopted these measures last weekend:

The Denver Gazette editorial goes on to explain:

Note...the Op was never going to accept ANY evidence regardless.
The offer was fake and mal intended from the go.

Racist master baiters gonna master bait

Spectator? :icon_rolleyes:

  • Overall, we rate the American Spectator Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that consistently favor the right. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing techniques, a lack of disclosure with funding, and failed fact checks.
You mask it well. Here is what is happening in MA. They play word games….we don’t serve hot dogs but we do serve a sausage type meat in a bun…let’s not play these games.

To conclude, we reiterate, we do not teach CRT; but, we do have a fundamental and moral responsibility to teach history and social science and in all its truth – the pleasant and the unpleasant.Teaching history and social science is to understand and ultimately to embrace societal and individual learning and to foster collective empathy toward the greater goal of improvement for ALL. We do this by exploring and understanding our history and current status of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our nation. This is the collective character of who we are as the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents—we believe in building the future through this work—this is who we want to be

So you opposed teaching social science and American History. That seems sad. :(

I got more.


I'll have to get back to this one in a bit. That's a lotta links to debunk, but helluva effort! :)
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I got more.

Virginia doesn't teact CRT in K-12. None of the other examples you post are CRT.
You're teaching your kid to be a Paulie?
I guess that's okay so long as you're not teaching them to be a RAND Paulie ;)

My boy's grown, doc.

I took him out of public school and put him in a private school when he was little.

I don't think you understood the nature of my previous communication. It's okay. Not important...
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You read my posts from the position of a white racist who dwells in white victimhood and suffers from white fragility. You cannot handle the truth. You are the one full of hate. You are trying to gaslight, and it's you stomping your feet becsaue you cannot offer a rebuttal. You truly are a stupid person.
You can't find any post of mine that was racist, but your posts proves what a Black racist looks like.
And for that I appreciate it, you need to be exposed for what you are....a black racist.
Stupidity bitch slaps you in the face nearly every time you post, and you can't even recognize that.
That's stupidity on display.
You can't find any post of mine that was racist, but your posts proves what a Black racist looks like.
And for that I appreciate it, you need to be exposed for what you are....a black racist.
Stupidity bitch slaps you in the face nearly every time you post, and you can't even recognize that.
That's stupidity on display.
Well, the fact you say nothing to the white supremacist and pretty much hold the same opinion kinda gives you away. You call me a black racist for pointing out the racism in whites. Thay's not racism. Especially since I have stated numerous times that not all whites are racists and in fact describe the subgroup that is white who practices racism-white racists. So when you talk about stupidity, you are the poster child. So you can take your white grievance and victimhood and stick it.
So you opposed teaching social science and American History. That seems sad. :(
You obviously did not read the verbiage...diversity and equity is part of social science and American history? Since when?

current status of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our nation.
You can't find any post of mine that was racist, but your posts proves what a Black racist looks like.
And for that I appreciate it, you need to be exposed for what you are....a black racist.
Stupidity bitch slaps you in the face nearly every time you post, and you can't even recognize that.
That's stupidity on display.
IM2 is the epitome of racism and cowardice.
IM2 is the epitome of racism and cowardice.
I know it, he's just my chew toy, the low hanging fruit.
Not sure why these liberals are denying that CRT or the concept is infiltrating
the curriculum in schools. Our elections here for the school board campaigning is mostly
about whether being pro or con to CRT or Social Engineering. It's a real thing
but, liberals I believe are just playing on the wording. it's why doc is being so precise with
the wording of his bet.
I know it, he's just my chew toy, the low hanging fruit.
Not sure why these liberals are denying that CRT or the concept is infiltrating
the curriculum in schools. Our elections here for the school board campaigning is mostly
about whether being pro or con to CRT or Social Engineering. It's a real thing
but, liberals I believe are just playing on the wording. it's why doc is being so precise with
the wording of his bet.
Of course social engineering is a real thing. A successful concept in modern societies. Your comments on that show you know less than nothing about it. Go read up. And choose an academic source, not the right wing dumbfucks you have clearly been listening to.
Of course social engineering is a real thing. A successful concept in modern societies. Your comments on that show you know less than nothing about it. Go read up. And choose an academic source, not the right wing dumbfucks you have clearly been listening to.
Called indoctrination up here, and yes, it is a real thing. I'm sure you go along with the concept, you are
part of the problem
Of course social engineering is a real thing. A successful concept in modern societies. Your comments on that show you know less than nothing about it. Go read up. And choose an academic source, not the right wing dumbfucks you have clearly been listening to.
Well, that's one strong yes vote for institutionalized racist brainwashing, anyway.

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