I have $50 to anyone who can prove Critical Race Theory is being taught in any US public school K-12

Parsing aren't you? CRT can have several names, but it ends up having the same context.
I suppose it's a lot easier when you can just redefine words any way you want. You know, kinda like how the right has redefined "communism" and "socialism" as the same thing whose new meaning is anything the right doesn't like.
I suppose it's a lot easier when you can just redefine words any way you want. You know, kinda like how the right has redefined "communism" and "socialism" as the same thing whose new meaning is anything the right doesn't like.
No, it's more like a rose by any other name is still a rose. But, nice try, Spike.
We should be promoting a free society where people gain a sense of himself or herself as an Individual, rather than encouraging them to develop and adopt a group/victim mentality. It's what Individual responsibility is all about.

But Individual responsibility is a bad word to the collectivist/racist 'diversity' and 'equity' hustlers who encourage the concept of group victimhood.
America is built on group identity. And the only people having problem with responsibility are people who ignore what America was truly built on.
How about "Social Engineering"? Does that sooth the rough edges of CRT for you?
When you talk about social engineering read American history and you will be shown the greatest social engineering project of all time that provided whites based on race with what they have today.
It's a theory, and the concept is starting to be taught in schools.
No, it isn't. But your race pimps want you to think it is. Instead kids are force fed CWST which will continue keep this country divided by race.
When you talk about social engineering read American history and you will be shown the greatest social engineering project of all time that provided whites based on race with what they have today.
Be thankful of what you have today, and not what your ancestors had 150 years ago. Sad that you can't let go.
CRT is a concept, just stating a fact. CRT can have several names.
Seems like you're trying to cancel your opposition by saying "triggered".
grow up
No it can't. It is a theorty, and it's backed by 245 years of legislation, public and private policy.
What a hack job thread.
CRT simply means students are being taught that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims.
Liberal teachers are spewing this BS across the nation.

The Op must think they hand out a little gold certificate and a handbook that teachers will use.

Send the $50 to the Donald J Trump for President campaign sucker.

Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools

Colorado parents aren't being paranoid, their kids are learning Critical Race Theory

“Saying you want to ban teaching critical race theory in K-12 is saying you want to ban electrical engineering in K-12,” she said. “… Yes, students may be learning about electricity, but that’s very different from saying that your seventh-grade science teacher is teaching electrical engineering.”

See the difference? Students are not being taught Critical Race Theory, they’re just learning that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims doomed to failure.

NBC News went a step further to equate parents who think categorizing people by race is racist to those who believe Q conspiracy theories.

Yet the National Education Association (NEA) just adopted these measures last weekend:

The assembly adopted Business Item 39 to endorse, advocate, and facilitate the teaching of Critical Race Theory and the distorted claims of the New York Times’ 1619 Project. The Colorado Education Association is an affiliate of the NEA, which means nearly all Colorado public school parents should watch for the imminent imposition of race-based division by the union.

The Denver Gazette editorial goes on to explain:

Note...the Op was never going to accept ANY evidence regardless.
The offer was fake and mal intended from the go.

Racist master baiters gonna master bait
Be thankful of what you have today, and not what your ancestors had 150 years ago. Sad that you can't let go.
Shut the fuck up you damn idiot. I am talking about today. Cease trying to tell me that I am talking about 150 years ago. I said CRT is backed with 245 years of motherfucking legislation. America is 245 years old. So I will be grateful when those like you get off your white asses and do the work needed to rid the white community of racism. Whats sad is yoiu can leave your delusion.
Shut the fuck up you damn idiot. I am talking about today. Cease trying to tell me that I am talking about 150 years ago. I said CRT is backed with 245 years of motherfucking legislation. America is 245 years old. So I will be grateful when those like you get off your white asses and do the work needed to rid the white community of racism. Whats sad is yoiu can leave your delusion.
Seems you have an issue. You expound on white racism but fail to even mention your black racism. Sad.
You have issue you need to address, possibly some professional help will rid you of your hatred.
If CRT is a theory then it's not fact and IS a concept. So fuck who ever you like, stud, but it won't be me.
Need links to precise ciriculum by that name & not merely American History. Thx! :D
Here's the website that tracks it. But you have black white thinking so you won't accept it. You'll hyperventilate, caterwall , deflect

What a hack job thread.
CRT simply means students are being taught that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims.
Liberal teachers are spewing this BS across the nation.

The Op must think they hand out a little gold certificate and a handbook that teachers will use.

Send the $50 to the Donald J Trump for President campaign sucker.

Yes, CRT Is Being Taught in Public Schools

Colorado parents aren't being paranoid, their kids are learning Critical Race Theory

See the difference? Students are not being taught Critical Race Theory, they’re just learning that all whites are oppressors and all minorities are victims doomed to failure.

NBC News went a step further to equate parents who think categorizing people by race is racist to those who believe Q conspiracy theories.

Yet the National Education Association (NEA) just adopted these measures last weekend:

The Denver Gazette editorial goes on to explain:

Note...the Op was never going to accept ANY evidence regardless.
The offer was fake and mal intended from the go.

Racist master baiters gonna master bait
CRT doesn't teach that. But students are being taught CWST. Critical White Supremacist Theory teaches our children that whites founded America, built it by themselves, bought slaves over here to civilize them, tamed and civilized the savage native Americans, one day woke up and decided slavery was wrong so they fought and died to free blacks from slavery, that whites have invented everything and everybody else is here due to the grace and benevolence of the white man.

Critical White Supremacist Theory tells us that after 188 years of overt white racism, that a signature on a piece of paper 56 years ago made the attitude that caused 189 years of overt racism just, go "poof" and disappear and now racism is no more.
CRT doesn't teach that. But students are being taught CWST. Critical White Supremacist Theory teaches our children that whites founded America, built it by themselves, bought slaves over here to civilize them, tamed and civilized the savage native Americans, one day woke up and decided slavery was wrong so they fought and died to free blacks from slavery, that whites have invented everything and everybody else is here due to the grace and benevolence of the white man.

Critical White Supremacist Theory tells us that after 188 years of overt white racism, that a signature on a piece of paper 56 years ago made the attitude that caused 189 years of overt racism just, go "poof" and disappear and now racism is no more.
What a buffoon you are, IM2.
CRT or another name for it is Social Engineering. Get over yourself and your issues.

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