I have $50 to anyone who can prove Critical Race Theory is being taught in any US public school K-12

You can't find any post of mine that was racist, but your posts proves what a Black racist looks like.
And for that I appreciate it, you need to be exposed for what you are....a black racist.
Stupidity bitch slaps you in the face nearly every time you post, and you can't even recognize that.
That's stupidity on display.

I don't think either you or IM are racists. It is obvious however that there is an abundance of proud racists who frequent this forum. Can't they start posting on American Renaissance or Stormfront instead of junking up this. board with their hate?
You obviously did not read the verbiage...diversity and equity is part of social science and American history? Since when?

current status of race, equity, diversity, and inclusion in our nation.

Didn't say that. My point is that American History cannot be taught without touching on subjects like slavery and the Civil War. To properly and honestly discuss these things, it is necessary (in an age appropriate manner) to include the subject of racism. Anything less is a whitewash - which seems to be what many on the right favor.

This is NOT CRT.
I know it, he's just my chew toy, the low hanging fruit.
Not sure why these liberals are denying that CRT or the concept is infiltrating
the curriculum in schools. Our elections here for the school board campaigning is mostly
about whether being pro or con to CRT or Social Engineering. It's a real thing
but, liberals I believe are just playing on the wording. it's why doc is being so precise with
the wording of his bet.

There is nothing currently being taught in K-12 that even remotely involves either CRT OR Social Engineering. Those are collegiate level subjects for those going into law and a few other specific fields.

Speaking of "chew toys" - CRT is nothing other than a new chew toy for the right. Y'all now seem to embrace what I call the politics of outrage. Sometimes you have a point. Most of the time you don't. It's merely the latest "fetch boy!"

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Didn't say that. My point is that American History cannot be taught without touching on subjects like slavery and the Civil War. To properly and honestly discuss these things, it is necessary (in an age appropriate manner) to include the subject of racism. Anything less is a whitewash - which seems to be what many on the right favor.

This is NOT CRT.
But you waste your time. None of them have a single clue what CRT is. Not azog. Not the white wing parents peeing their panties at school board meetings. None of them.
So you're saying the statues don't depict historical American figures? You commies are nucking futs.

No, these items belong in Civil War Museums. To borrow from an old Joni Mitchell song:

They should take all the Lees and put 'em in a Lee museum
Then they charge the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em
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I doubt you have heard anything outside of what your masters feed you. And you project so you can argue your own points :auiqs.jpg:
Typical, see it all the time from the libtards on this board. You're just a garden variety.

CRT is trying to survive the 2022 election, and the republicans are making it the center point of the election.

Gotta gin up that base huh? Donnie has taught you well! :)
No, these items belong in Civil War Museums. To borrow from an old Joni Mitchell song:

They should take all the Lee's and put 'em in a Lee museum
Then they charge the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em
Wasting your time. Those frauds don't give a shit about history. What history do we learn from a statue? What kind of boots the slaver traitors liked to wear? He's a fraud.
Liar, from the link: “The best thing about the summer is that I can spend all my time planning how to incorporate Critical Race Theory into my lessons.”

I read those Tweets. They are OBVIOUSLY intended as sarcasm and satire in order to make a point.. I laughed - sadly Trumpublicans have no sense of sarcasm, satire or humor.

BTW, she's correct in the one tweet where she wasn't being sarcastic.
Tucker Carlson is indeed a truly "horrible person".

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there isn't a single con on this forum that believed Dr. Love wouldn't welch on his bet. LOL

Sadly, ya still got NOTHIN'. I will leave it up to USMB's only centrist (may lean SLIGHTLY left) Coyote to determine if anybody won my bet. If she identifies that person I will be pleased to send $50 via PayPal (charity must take PayPal) and post a screenshot of my receipt.
But you waste your time. None of them have a single clue what CRT is. Not azog. Not the white wing parents peeing their panties at school board meetings. None of them.

Watch this Alex Wagner interview (3 short minutes) with one of those panty peeing Moms. She can't say how one teaches about slavery without discussing race. "I'm a parent - Not an educator". EXACTLY lady, so STFU! :)

Wasting your time. Those frauds don't give a shit about history. What history do we learn from a statue? What kind of boots the slaver traitors liked to wear? He's a fraud.

Those statues - often placed conspicuously in at the center of town - are creepy and they offend black people. That's reason enough to me to move them to a museum.
Those statues - often placed conspicuously in at the center of town - are creepy and they offend black people. That's reason enough to me to move them to a museum.
That's literally the reason almost all of them were erected in the first place: As a reminder to the darkies of who was still in charge of the South.
It's okay that YOU don't know what you're talking about, it's just a messageboard.
Remember the fake russian dossier? I'm sure you were spewing shit on that too.

Hmmm - nice deflection I guess. The Steele Dossier was presented as "raw intelligence" not as 100% factual. Many things from the Dossier have been proven true. Others are unproven. Very little has been DISproven.
Didn't say that. My point is that American History cannot be taught without touching on subjects like slavery and the Civil War. To properly and honestly discuss these things, it is necessary (in an age appropriate manner) to include the subject of racism. Anything less is a whitewash - which seems to be what many on the right favor.

This is NOT CRT.
Racism is fine but did you study racism? I did Not? And certainly not equity and inclusion and diversity. That has zero to do with history. That is in essence CRT so we disagree. But let me ask you, what is CRT then if not discussing race and it’s impact on diversity, equity and inclusion?
Racism is fine but did you study racism? I did Not? And certainly not equity and inclusion and diversity. That has zero to do with history. That is in essence CRT so we disagree. But let me ask you, what is CRT then if not discussing race and it’s impact on diversity, equity and inclusion?

I had a high school class that discussed racism in US History at length. It was one of my favorite classes and we had a GREAT teacher. She did not teach that all white people are racist or all white people are bad. It was matter of fact, non-judgmental truth about one of our darker chapters in the past few hundred years.

We also learned about American Indian history, Andrew Jackson, and his Trail of Tears. This was not to make anyone feel bad or make them feel guilty. It's part of our history.


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