I have a question for the whole forum

These 'professional' politicians have a decades long track record of failure and corruption, why in the hell would we pick another one to lead the country? Trump for all his faults at least is a successful business man in the top 1%. That tells me he's not a stupid fucking moron like Hillary and Obama.

You cynic....
These were definitely the two absolute worst of the bottom feeders candidates I've ever seen in my 79 years on this earth. Why is it nobody decent gets nominated?
Trump won because people are tired of career politicians sending us further down the wrong path.
Incorrect, there are three.
He said he already knew about the three, soo no need to reiterate
Well I'm asking because it seems to Me that far to many people (electors mainly) are making some kind of nonsensical argument that Trump is unqualified. If they plan on altering a legal election on this basis, I want to know what they base their somewhat dubious claim upon.

Do all of Hillary colossal failures, lies, and corruption qualify her?
In fact, Hillary Clinton IS qualified to be elected President.

Why did voters reject her, was it her harpy voice?
Why did voters reject her, was it her harpy voice?
:dunno: Even though she didn't draw big crowds at her rallies,
they at least showed up to vote for her....right
I mean, she won the PV by over 2 million votes :eusa_think:
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
How do you survive with so much arrogance erupting out of your ass?
How do you survive with so much ass erupting out of the vacuum between your ears?
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.

People aren't generally talking about the legal language when they say he isn't qualified.
Two other qualifications:

Not having served two terms as president

Not having committed high crimes and misdemeanors
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.

People aren't generally talking about the legal language when they say he isn't qualified.
It is, in fact, the ONLY legal basis by which an elector would withhold a vote. Anything else would be hackery.
Yes, as a matter of fact, I can. Donald Trump exhibits all the classic signs of having a full blown case of narcissistic personality disorder. This disorder is the disorder of unthinking tyrants for thousands of years.. All the way from the petty tyrant in your office or social club, up to national or even world leaders. It's the reason he keeps going out as if he is still on campaign: he has become addicted to basking in the oohs and aaahs of his adoring crowds. He has forgotten the important of Office he just won and instead is fixated on the admiration part of it to such a degree that he can't even let go of the campaign's crowd-phenomenon. It is a very serious disorder and it hampers the judgment of the afflicted to such a degree that they really don't even know what they want from day to day, other than the certainty of being seen as admirable, smart and "the best" at everything. So much so that they certainly are smarter than any of their advisors...hence his not taking briefings..

Since the POTUS is also one and the same, the Commander in Chief, if he is not mentally fit to be enlisted as a recruit, he is not legally fit to serve as the absolute top officer in the US Military.

If a general even, was behaving erratically, saying the types of things Trump has said and doing the types of things Trump has done; he would be stripped of his service faster than you could say "boo".

Lets see a copy of your license to practice psyc if you are going to make statements in a post like that, I think you need to look to the last eight years to find the potus that fits your diagnosis. AND I don't have a license but Id did take 4 years of Psyc in college.

  • Having an exaggerated sense of self-importance
  • Expecting to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it
  • Exaggerating your achievements and talents
  • Being preoccupied with fantasies about success, power, brilliance, beauty or the perfect mate
  • Believing that you are superior and can only be understood by or associate with equally special people
  • Requiring constant admiration
  • Having a sense of entitlement
  • Expecting special favors and unquestioning compliance with your expectations
  • Taking advantage of others to get what you want
  • Having an inability or unwillingness to recognize the needs and feelings of others
  • Being envious of others and believing others envy you
  • Behaving in an arrogant or haughty manner
(Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal and value yourself more than you value others.) << This is the difference in the current occupant and most liberal shit, and Trump. That is why he is a winner and liberals have to steal and lie about everything they do and are still loosers..

Oh, I agree. I think Obama is borderline if not full blown narso also. BTW, you don't need a license to notice an elephant when it walks in the living room. Trump is that elephant.
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.

People aren't generally talking about the legal language when they say he isn't qualified.
It is, in fact, the ONLY legal basis by which an elector would withhold a vote. Anything else would be hackery.

Oh gee I thought the electoral system was to prevent mob rule lol.
I keep hearing this "Trump is unqualified" to be president.

So, can any of you name the qualifications (as determined by the Constitution) to be elected President?

I'm talking about the legal language, not your personal opinions nor your personal feelings.

As I understand it, there are only three qualifications for being Elected President.

So have at it. Impress all your friends with the right answer.
Trump is doing ok so far.

I think more people would have been more comfortable if Trump had been the Governor of NY first, like FDR.
Trump for years said that Obama was not qualified to be president because he wasn't born in the US.

People say Trump isn't qualified to be president because saying shit like that makes him an idiot.

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