I have a theory about the Florida shooter....Me thinks he was gay!!

This guy, this murderous 29 year old muslim used his ethnicity and our war on terrorism to justify his internal battles he was having with his own HOMOSEXUALITY. It all makes so much sense now. He's a classic study on those who protest the most, in favor of some assertion that puts into others' minds the idea that the assertion is false, something that they may not have considered before. In essense, making a 9/11 call...do real terrorist actually do this? NO...having known to be seen in this club many times, that fact he was on a gay website for singles...it all makes sense. Internally he was struggling with his own sexuallity and the fact his father, his religion was against homosexuality, he took those frustrations out on the very people that he himself most identified and that was the gay community. That phone call was just a ruse to let the world know after this shit was all done and over with and knowing how this country would respond, he used that 9/11 call to deflect from any assertions of his gayness......classic study my friends, classic in every sense of the word.

Your thoughts???


Of course he was. Everyone who is not publicly gay but critical of the gay thing is struggling with their sexuality, and is likely gay. The Left says so, therefore, it is true. :laugh2:

The left may say so, but its the Right that always emerge out the closet after degrading homosexuals all thier lives, you've seen the headlines......the left have no issues coming out the closet, its you nuts that want to peek out when its safe.
He bashed gays, while wishing he was gay.

tigerred59 bashes whites while wishing she was white.

Move on, nothing to see here.
Why would anybody in their right minds want to be white these days? Your race is the dumbest shit on the totem pole of brains, black men pretty much dominate your women, so that's taken, black women features, style and swagger is the most "copied" in all of female history. We age with such grace, its almost embarrassing to be 50 and look like we're in our 30's. So do tell, what the fuck does a thin hair'd, balding pale skin, wrinkled to the core, fake everything, ignorant to the core has to offer anyone save for sell out niggas, that anyone should want to be them? And I don't have all day to wait!!
This guy, this murderous 29 year old muslim used his ethnicity and our war on terrorism to justify his internal battles he was having with his own HOMOSEXUALITY. It all makes so much sense now. He's a classic study on those who protest the most, in favor of some assertion that puts into others' minds the idea that the assertion is false, something that they may not have considered before. In essense, making a 9/11 call...do real terrorist actually do this? NO...having known to be seen in this club many times, that fact he was on a gay website for singles...it all makes sense. Internally he was struggling with his own sexuallity and the fact his father, his religion was against homosexuality, he took those frustrations out on the very people that he himself most identified and that was the gay community. That phone call was just a ruse to let the world know after this shit was all done and over with and knowing how this country would respond, he used that 9/11 call to deflect from any assertions of his gayness......classic study my friends, classic in every sense of the word.

Your thoughts???


Of course he was. Everyone who is not publicly gay but critical of the gay thing is struggling with their sexuality, and is likely gay. The Left says so, therefore, it is true. :laugh2:
Would you like to explain his behavior then...going to the club, online gay sites, etc.?
Its one thing to stalk out your target, look around, etc and then execute....but why engage? Going on a website for gays, has nothing to do with Pulse and killing 49 innocent people. This killer was gay and hated because of it.
Omar being repulsed by men kissing came from his father. Who knows where the gay dating sites story came from.

When faced with something personally reprehensible, the average person has to categorize it in a way that is understandable to them. It wasn't Islam, he was gay. That explains it in away that makes islam less threatening. Muslims don't hate gays and want them to die. It was just this one gay guy.

Islam throws gays off rooftops. They are stoned, burned alive. It was islam not closet gayness.
It came from FBI reports from his cell phone and....actual users of this site talking about their encounters with this guy. I don't think his religion had anything to do with this, their beliefs, yes, but not terrorism.
This guy, this murderous 29 year old muslim used his ethnicity and our war on terrorism to justify his internal battles he was having with his own HOMOSEXUALITY. It all makes so much sense now. He's a classic study on those who protest the most, in favor of some assertion that puts into others' minds the idea that the assertion is false, something that they may not have considered before. In essense, making a 9/11 call...do real terrorist actually do this? NO...having known to be seen in this club many times, that fact he was on a gay website for singles...it all makes sense. Internally he was struggling with his own sexuallity and the fact his father, his religion was against homosexuality, he took those frustrations out on the very people that he himself most identified and that was the gay community. That phone call was just a ruse to let the world know after this shit was all done and over with and knowing how this country would respond, he used that 9/11 call to deflect from any assertions of his gayness......classic study my friends, classic in every sense of the word.

Your thoughts???


Of course he was. Everyone who is not publicly gay but critical of the gay thing is struggling with their sexuality, and is likely gay. The Left says so, therefore, it is true. :laugh2:
Would you like to explain his behavior then...going to the club, online gay sites, etc.?

Easy. Research.
Research of what? Gay apps/sites aren't quite casing places...they are for individual hook-ups.

Studying the targets. Just how slow are you anyway?

If I was hunting wabbit, I would learn all I can about the pesky wabbit.
Really? You want to do a terrorist attack in the black community...so you go to black clubs, hang out on the corner, stalk ww and eat soul food for what? a few days, weeks just to know your target? Get the A outta here. This guy was gay, end of story!!
Omar being repulsed by men kissing came from his father. Who knows where the gay dating sites story came from.

When faced with something personally reprehensible, the average person has to categorize it in a way that is understandable to them. It wasn't Islam, he was gay. That explains it in away that makes islam less threatening. Muslims don't hate gays and want them to die. It was just this one gay guy.

Islam throws gays off rooftops. They are stoned, burned alive. It was islam not closet gayness.
It came from FBI reports from his cell phone and....actual users of this site talking about their encounters with this guy. I don't think his religion had anything to do with this, their beliefs, yes, but not terrorism.
Actually, I do believe his religion played a part. He could not resolve the extreme conflict between his religion and being gay. He exploded.
I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. It all makes so much sense, especially the deflective move he made with the 9/11 call....using that call for all the world to see that he was doing it for ISIS, who never heard of this fuckin guy and who we will find later on, has no real connection to the cause, save for his last moves with the 9/11 call. Of course they're gonna wanna take credit for it.
Omar being repulsed by men kissing came from his father. Who knows where the gay dating sites story came from.

When faced with something personally reprehensible, the average person has to categorize it in a way that is understandable to them. It wasn't Islam, he was gay. That explains it in away that makes islam less threatening. Muslims don't hate gays and want them to die. It was just this one gay guy.

Islam throws gays off rooftops. They are stoned, burned alive. It was islam not closet gayness.
It came from FBI reports from his cell phone and....actual users of this site talking about their encounters with this guy. I don't think his religion had anything to do with this, their beliefs, yes, but not terrorism.
Actually, I do believe his religion played a part. He could not resolve the extreme conflict between his religion and being gay. He exploded.
Exactly and by making that 911 call, he deflected all the attention away from his own inner struggles with his gayness onto a world platform of terrorism. I found it odd, that both he and his gay father, both had extreme hatred for gays....lolo
And a Muzzie who pledged allegiance to ISIS...pesky facts
he expressed support for many different and conflicting groups

pesky facts.
Name one that isn't a muslim terrorist group.

And several of them hated each other. He wanted go out as a good Muslim, not a Gay Man. He indiscriminately began expressing his support for different Muslim terrorist groups, even though they hate each other.
Everyone of those groups is lead by muslims.
It's irrelevant which ones 'hated' each other.
Ya he sure did "go out" as a good muslim. Let's hope no one in 'Paradise' catches on to the fact he's a queer.
Just think right now he is playing 'stinky-finger' with bunch of 'fifty-something' stinking hairy sweaty virgins.
His problem is he'd rather be playing 'stinky-bum' with a bunch of filthy sweaty preteen boys instead.
And to think. He's got all of eternity.
that's one filthy fucken post, dude. Have you consider shock therapy for that?
So you don't believe hundreds of millions of muslim men don't fervently believe if they a 'good muslims' they will go to eternal paradise where dozens of virgins are waiting for them to fuck for eternity?
Wise up pal.
That's EXACTLY what they believe!
On the other hand being a queer muslim is very problematic if they wish to remain alive for long.
Especially if you have a father who is an AQ leader.
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he expressed support for many different and conflicting groups

pesky facts.
Name one that isn't a muslim terrorist group.

And several of them hated each other. He wanted go out as a good Muslim, not a Gay Man. He indiscriminately began expressing his support for different Muslim terrorist groups, even though they hate each other.
Everyone of those groups is lead by muslims.
It's irrelevant which ones 'hated' each other.
Ya he sure did "go out" as a good muslim. Let's hope no one in 'Paradise' catches on to the fact he's a queer.
Just think right now he is playing 'stinky-finger' with bunch of 'fifty-something' stinking hairy sweaty virgins.
His problem is he'd rather be playing 'stinky-bum' with a bunch of filthy sweaty preteen boys instead.
And to think. He's got all of eternity.
that's one filthy fucken post, dude. Have you consider shock therapy for that?
So you don't believe hundreds of millions of muslim men don't fervently believe if they a 'good muslims' they will go to eternal paradise where dozens of virgins are waiting for them to fuck for eternity?
Wise up pal.
That's EXACTLY what they believe!
On the other hand being a queer muslim is very problematic if they wish to remain alive for long.
Especially if you have a father who is an AQ leader.
Would you like to explain his behavior then...going to the club, online gay sites, etc.?

Easy. Research.
Research of what? Gay apps/sites aren't quite casing places...they are for individual hook-ups.

Studying the targets. Just how slow are you anyway?

If I was hunting wabbit, I would learn all I can about the pesky wabbit.
Well, I have a bad feeling that he was closeted and sadly decided because of his culture that he'd rather go out in a blaze with people believing he was a stinking terrorist as a better thing than being thought of as gay.

Well, I don't buy the story at all. It seems awfully convenient that someone who professed allegiance to Daesh and shoots up 100 people in a gay nightclub is suddenly reported as gay himself.

Sounds more like a means to deflect the incident away from Islamist terrorism, as Obama prefers.

It not uncommon for someone who is caught between a strongly anti-gay upbringing or religion, and being gay - to become hyper anti-gay.
And a Muzzie who pledged allegiance to ISIS...pesky facts
he expressed support for many different and conflicting groups

pesky facts.
Name one that isn't a muslim terrorist group.

And several of them hated each other. He wanted go out as a good Muslim, not a Gay Man. He indiscriminately began expressing his support for different Muslim terrorist groups, even though they hate each other.

He wasn't any more "mentally ill" than any liberal. Just because he "contradicted" himself, which I do not agree with. Many Muslim men in the ME molest little boys. They are just paranoid of being caught publicly. That's why they like attending public executions of gays in Middle East countries, to show everyone they aren't gay.

Islam is a cult religion created by a pedophile. It is perfectly suited for homosexuals.
And a Muzzie who pledged allegiance to ISIS...pesky facts
he expressed support for many different and conflicting groups

pesky facts.
Name one that isn't a muslim terrorist group.

And several of them hated each other. He wanted go out as a good Muslim, not a Gay Man. He indiscriminately began expressing his support for different Muslim terrorist groups, even though they hate each other.
Everyone of those groups is lead by muslims.
It's irrelevant which ones 'hated' each other.
Ya he sure did "go out" as a good muslim. Let's hope no one in 'Paradise' catches on to the fact he's a queer.
Just think right now he is playing 'stinky-finger' with bunch of 'fifty-something' stinking hairy sweaty virgins.
His problem is he'd rather be playing 'stinky-bum' with a bunch of filthy sweaty preteen boys instead.
And to think. He's got all of eternity.

He did not understand what any of those groups stood for or what their values are. He basically wanted to go out as a Good Muslim, not as a Gay Man.

Thankfully we have JimH52 to speak on behalf of a queer Muslim terrorist. Only he understands them enough to explain to the rest of us exactly what he was thinking as he was murdering dozens of people.
Omar being repulsed by men kissing came from his father. Who knows where the gay dating sites story came from.

When faced with something personally reprehensible, the average person has to categorize it in a way that is understandable to them. It wasn't Islam, he was gay. That explains it in away that makes islam less threatening. Muslims don't hate gays and want them to die. It was just this one gay guy.

Islam throws gays off rooftops. They are stoned, burned alive. It was islam not closet gayness.
It came from FBI reports from his cell phone and....actual users of this site talking about their encounters with this guy. I don't think his religion had anything to do with this, their beliefs, yes, but not terrorism.
Actually, I do believe his religion played a part. He could not resolve the extreme conflict between his religion and being gay. He exploded.
Hardly, he was drawn to the violent aspect of the religion because that is who he was. If what you say it true than most people who melt down on this site would blow up half the world.
Easy. Research.
Research of what? Gay apps/sites aren't quite casing places...they are for individual hook-ups.

Studying the targets. Just how slow are you anyway?

If I was hunting wabbit, I would learn all I can about the pesky wabbit.
Well, I have a bad feeling that he was closeted and sadly decided because of his culture that he'd rather go out in a blaze with people believing he was a stinking terrorist as a better thing than being thought of as gay.

Well, I don't buy the story at all. It seems awfully convenient that someone who professed allegiance to Daesh and shoots up 100 people in a gay nightclub is suddenly reported as gay himself.

Sounds more like a means to deflect the incident away from Islamist terrorism, as Obama prefers.

It not uncommon for someone who is caught between a strongly anti-gay upbringing or religion, and being gay - to become hyper anti-gay.
Perhaps but they do not go into a a gay nightclub and shoot people to death because they are conflicted.
And a Muzzie who pledged allegiance to ISIS...pesky facts
he expressed support for many different and conflicting groups

pesky facts.
Name one that isn't a muslim terrorist group.

And several of them hated each other. He wanted go out as a good Muslim, not a Gay Man. He indiscriminately began expressing his support for different Muslim terrorist groups, even though they hate each other.
Everyone of those groups is lead by muslims.
It's irrelevant which ones 'hated' each other.
Ya he sure did "go out" as a good muslim. Let's hope no one in 'Paradise' catches on to the fact he's a queer.
Just think right now he is playing 'stinky-finger' with bunch of 'fifty-something' stinking hairy sweaty virgins.
His problem is he'd rather be playing 'stinky-bum' with a bunch of filthy sweaty preteen boys instead.
And to think. He's got all of eternity.

He did not understand what any of those groups stood for or what their values are. He basically wanted to go out as a Good Muslim, not as a Gay Man.
You are probably right.
Research of what? Gay apps/sites aren't quite casing places...they are for individual hook-ups.

Studying the targets. Just how slow are you anyway?

If I was hunting wabbit, I would learn all I can about the pesky wabbit.
Well, I have a bad feeling that he was closeted and sadly decided because of his culture that he'd rather go out in a blaze with people believing he was a stinking terrorist as a better thing than being thought of as gay.

Well, I don't buy the story at all. It seems awfully convenient that someone who professed allegiance to Daesh and shoots up 100 people in a gay nightclub is suddenly reported as gay himself.

Sounds more like a means to deflect the incident away from Islamist terrorism, as Obama prefers.

It not uncommon for someone who is caught between a strongly anti-gay upbringing or religion, and being gay - to become hyper anti-gay.
Perhaps but they do not go into a a gay nightclub and shoot people to death because they are conflicted.

Maybe they bombed a nightclub, or set fire to it...or any of a number of violent acts directed at homosexuals in this country.

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