I have big thing instore for me and anybody willing to follow -

JR , I'm not trying to peer pressure you but just take one toke, I promise I'll protect you if you get skeered..

JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.

:lol: I wouldn't know. I know nothing about business but I will trust you know a lot more about it then me !

I'm no Ross Perot or Donald Trump but I do know Jr couldnt run a lemonade stand against a 10 year old with half a brain.
JR , I'm not trying to peer pressure you but just take one toke, I promise I'll protect you if you get skeered..

JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.
I sold you and I can sell them.

Shiiiit...you cant sell someone who already has it all. All you can hope for is their advice.
You dont seem worthy though.

I found the product ingredients and showed you all what to do to put them together. You fail me I will hire someone else.

You fail to realize the best dont need a job. It's up to you to entice them out of retirement.
So far all you're doing is pissing off the best...who have lifelong connections.
Who now know of your arrogance and your business plan.
You'll get eaten alive in the real world.

In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)
JR , I'm not trying to peer pressure you but just take one toke, I promise I'll protect you if you get skeered..

JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.
Shiiiit...you cant sell someone who already has it all. All you can hope for is their advice.
You dont seem worthy though.

I found the product ingredients and showed you all what to do to put them together. You fail me I will hire someone else.

You fail to realize the best dont need a job. It's up to you to entice them out of retirement.
So far all you're doing is pissing off the best...who have lifelong connections.
Who now know of your arrogance and your business plan.
You'll get eaten alive in the real world.

In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)

Well then Jr lets hear your fabulous plan. I'm skeptical myself after actually doing what I said.
Knowing what I do your plan is probably illegal. Insider trading maybe? Nah,you dont have the snap for that.
JR , I'm not trying to peer pressure you but just take one toke, I promise I'll protect you if you get skeered..

JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.
I found the product ingredients and showed you all what to do to put them together. You fail me I will hire someone else.

You fail to realize the best dont need a job. It's up to you to entice them out of retirement.
So far all you're doing is pissing off the best...who have lifelong connections.
Who now know of your arrogance and your business plan.
You'll get eaten alive in the real world.

In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)

Well then Jr lets hear your fabulous plan. I'm skeptical myself after actually doing what I said.
Knowing what I do your plan is probably illegal. Insider trading maybe? Nah,you dont have the snap for that.

He sells vacuum's for Kirby.
JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.
You fail to realize the best dont need a job. It's up to you to entice them out of retirement.
So far all you're doing is pissing off the best...who have lifelong connections.
Who now know of your arrogance and your business plan.
You'll get eaten alive in the real world.

In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)

Well then Jr lets hear your fabulous plan. I'm skeptical myself after actually doing what I said.
Knowing what I do your plan is probably illegal. Insider trading maybe? Nah,you dont have the snap for that.

He sells vacuum's for Kirby.

That would explain why his business model sucks.
In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)

Well then Jr lets hear your fabulous plan. I'm skeptical myself after actually doing what I said.
Knowing what I do your plan is probably illegal. Insider trading maybe? Nah,you dont have the snap for that.

He sells vacuum's for Kirby.

That would explain why his business model sucks.

door to door sales is exactly the type of business model we need. The ability to make $2,600 in 3.5 hours is quite attainable.
I'm a genius and have amazing resources that I plan to utilize next year and have a few worthy causes to fight for and work for. There comes a point when you have accomplished amazing things for others and yourself that you realize that you can help people on a much larger scale and and even that might be only the beginning. That perhaps your purpose in life was more than what you had originally intended.

Listen to your heart and pay attention to what you do and what makes you happy and think big and fight for your goals and dreams and they will come true. I plan to update this thread over the coming months with updates on things I'm working on and things being accomplished behind the USMB scenes. Start small and work our way big and enjoy the ride. :) emilynghiem

Translation: Having seen how I write, no one likes me so I'm going to try buying friends now.
Ok - so here it is....I brew beer. I am good at it, and it makes lots of people happy.
In French Lick, IN - a major tourist draw in the Midwest, including the historic, national landmark West Baden Hotel (pictured below) and the French Lick Casino.
Amazing as it is...there are no breweries/brew pub restaurants in the vicinity. Unbelievable. A gold mine waiting to happen.
$300,000 is enough for brewing equipment/kitchen/dining needs.....I will even name it after you.
Think of the bragging rights!! Not to mention a smart return on your money!

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.

The cool thing about this is you don't need to leave your house. Oh, and I became retired 3 years ago at age 25. However, I want to work again and I'm young. ;)

Well then Jr lets hear your fabulous plan. I'm skeptical myself after actually doing what I said.
Knowing what I do your plan is probably illegal. Insider trading maybe? Nah,you dont have the snap for that.

He sells vacuum's for Kirby.

That would explain why his business model sucks.

door to door sales is exactly the type of business model we need. The ability to make $2,600 in 3.5 hours is quite attainable.

LOL....Try that in my neighborhood and the cops will be escorting you out the gates.
JR , I'm not trying to peer pressure you but just take one toke, I promise I'll protect you if you get skeered..

JR is a babe in the woods when it comes to any kind of business.
Anyone with any business acumen would eat his little ass alive.
I sold you and I can sell them.

Shiiiit...you cant sell someone who already has it all. All you can hope for is their advice.
You dont seem worthy though.

I found the product ingredients and showed you all what to do to put them together. You fail me I will hire someone else.

You fail to realize the best dont need a job. It's up to you to entice them out of retirement.
So far all you're doing is pissing off the best...who have lifelong connections.
Who now know of your arrogance and your business plan.
You'll get eaten alive in the real world.

In the real world people who retire stay retired, but do side work on the job under the table. The best? The best are not retired, but still working where the work is still fresh in their minds.

Dont talk to me about staying retired Jr. I did it when I was 46 and you damn sure dont have what it takes to make me reconsider that choice.
Unless of course you're talking millions. And when I say millions I'm talking double digit millions before i'll even consider leaving the house.
Same here.

I retired at 55, considering WORK to be the vilest four letter word in the language.

Nothing would make me work for someone else again.
Ok - so here it is....I brew beer. I am good at it, and it makes lots of people happy.
In French Lick, IN - a major tourist draw in the Midwest, including the historic, national landmark West Baden Hotel (pictured below) and the French Lick Casino.
Amazing as it is...there are no breweries/brew pub restaurants in the vicinity. Unbelievable. A gold mine waiting to happen.
$300,000 is enough for brewing equipment/kitchen/dining needs.....I will even name it after you.
Think of the bragging rights!! Not to mention a smart return on your money!

Get Larry Bird in on the deal.

Maybe his mug on the can.
I'm a genius and have amazing resources that I plan to utilize next year and have a few worthy causes to fight for and work for. There comes a point when you have accomplished amazing things for others and yourself that you realize that you can help people on a much larger scale and and even that might be only the beginning. That perhaps your purpose in life was more than what you had originally intended.

Listen to your heart and pay attention to what you do and what makes you happy and think big and fight for your goals and dreams and they will come true. I plan to update this thread over the coming months with updates on things I'm working on and things being accomplished behind the USMB scenes. Start small and work our way big and enjoy the ride. :) emilynghiem
My colleagues and I are working to develop an artillery weapon that employs killer rabbits. The project seemed to be going well. We bred rabbits than can bite peoples' heads off, have big sharp pointy teeth and can leap very far from one enemy soldier to another, causing mayhem in their ranks. Unfortunately, when we actually field tested the weapon on some volunteer homeless drug addicts, all the rabbits died when they were shot out of the cannon. They didn't kill a single homeless guy. They were dead before they even hit the ground.

What we need is more funding to develop a better way to deploy the killer rabbits. Stuffing them into artillery shells isn't working out.

Can you help fund the project JR?
I'm a genius and have amazing resources that I plan to utilize next year and have a few worthy causes to fight for and work for. There comes a point when you have accomplished amazing things for others and yourself that you realize that you can help people on a much larger scale and and even that might be only the beginning. That perhaps your purpose in life was more than what you had originally intended.

Listen to your heart and pay attention to what you do and what makes you happy and think big and fight for your goals and dreams and they will come true. I plan to update this thread over the coming months with updates on things I'm working on and things being accomplished behind the USMB scenes. Start small and work our way big and enjoy the ride. :) emilynghiem
My colleagues and I are working to develop an artillery weapon that employs killer rabbits. The project seemed to be going well. We bred rabbits than can bite peoples' heads off, have big sharp pointy teeth and can leap very far from one enemy soldier to another, causing mayhem in their ranks. Unfortunately, when we actually field tested the weapon on some volunteer homeless drug addicts, all the rabbits died when they were shot out of the cannon. They didn't kill a single homeless guy. They were dead before they even hit the ground.

What we need is more funding to develop a better way to deploy the killer rabbits. Stuffing them into artillery shells isn't working out.

Can you help fund the project JR?

There may be some patent issues......

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