I have come around--we should BAN these instruments of crime

Not for nothing Peace, but yeah, this is a thread for us to have fun with and kinda flame each other in a funny way.

Why do you think I started off with my comments being hilarious? (Yeah, sometimes I crack myself up.)
Explain the humor for me!
I am a leftist. I sure as hell don't need a 15 round magazine. I might miss on the first round. Highly unlikely I miss on the second round. No way I miss on the third round. If you need a 15 round magazine you got no business owning a gun.

Agreed. All the shooting of lots of rounds was done while sighting in the rifles and target practice a couple of weeks before hunting season when I was growing up.

When you got out into the field? My uncle gave each of us 3 rounds and we went hunting. If you missed with the 3 he gave you, it was a long hike back to the truck to pick up 3 more.

Needless to say, all of us who went hunting rarely if ever missed. Didn't like having to take the hike of shame to get more ammo.
Everyone is vulnerable to potential assault with these things.

That is why I now support banning penises.

We really need to ban and confiscate these "assault" weapons from everyone.

It's the only way to stop sexual assault.

Let's all cone together and IMMEDIATELY ban "guns"


wonder if Biden is actually.. not so much senile but on some kind of drugs?

I'm pretty sure he is. Looking at his condition prior to being elected and since are like night and day---- as bad is he is now he used to be far worse. They probably put Joe on a mixture of stuff from interferon and nutritional nutrients to anti-senility drugs some of which I've listed before both to get him through the election but to extend his mental capacity as well. When that stuff finally fails, the floor is going to fall out from under Joe real fast.

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