I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

How could the inner city schools do worse when everything is the same? That would kind of mean everything isn't the same.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?

Having illegitimate children oftentimes raised by a single parent can have affects that rollover into other things including education, choices related to committing crimes, etc.
How could the inner city schools do worse when everything is the same? That would kind of mean everything isn't the same.

The opportunities are the same and the settings are the same. You left out the human factor.

If you're going on inner cities have the same everything as the suburbs then we don't have to talk further. That's just goofy by any measurable...shit, ANYTHING.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?

Having illegitimate children oftentimes raised by a single parent can have affects that rollover into other things including education, choices related to committing crimes, etc.

Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.
Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.
Apparently, your definition of "free" is affirmative action and government handouts.

Sounds a lot more like the definition of a parasite or at least an eternal victim.
Getting married before having children is key. Married people are much better off financially then single people, in general, and children of married couples have many advantages over children raised in a single-parent home.
Also, parents should teach their children to obey the law and show respect towards police officers.
Also, it's good to read to your children every night, and then pray with them. We did that, and our children turned out very well.
Also, take your children to Church on Sunday and teach them the Ten Commandments.
Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.
Apparently, your definition of "free" is affirmative action and government handouts.

Sounds a lot more like the definition of a parasite or at least an eternal victim.

Since being able to vote on things
Also, parents should teach their children to obey the law and show respect towards police officers.

And finish all their vegetables
Yes, children should be taught how to eat all their vegetables, and only start desert when all other food is eaten. Parents should strive, as often as possible, to have a sit down dinner, with all family members present, at a dining room with the TV off and no cell phones or mobile devices allowed at the table. This is an opportunity for family members to learn about what happened with other family members at work and school, and it is an opportunity for parents to teach proper table manners by example and instruction. A prayer should always be said before the meal begins. Children should ask to be excused before they leave the table. If parents did all this, we wouldn't have so many problems in our world.
Also, children should be required to finish their homework before they are allowed to watch TV or play with their cellphones or mobile devices.
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Also, once in a long while, a child needs to be spanked.

However, a child should never be hit out of anger or frustration.

But if a child commits an infraction that is so serious that only a spanking is sufficient punishment, then this is what the parent (probably the father) should do.

Sit down with the child in his or her room. You sit on the bed and the child stands in front of you.

Tell the child he is about to get a lecture, and when the lecture is over, he will be spanked.

This gives the child something to think about while you are lecturing him.

Give the lecture. Make sure you explain all the reasons why what he did was totally inappropriate, and must never, never be done again.

Make the lecture long, because the longer it is, the longer the child will think about the spanking he is about to get.

Then, with great ceremony, bend the child over your knees.

Pause, and let him think about the spanking he is about to receive.

Do not tolerate it if the child is resisting. The child must not resist, and you must not use force to get him to comply with the spanking. If he is resisting you, then it is not really a spanking because you are not in control. If you must, go in another room and give your child a chance to calm down and tell him only when he is calm will he get his spanking.

Now, once your child is calm and not resisting, you may commence the spanking.

The spanking must be painful, but you should not bruise your child. I would not suggest using a belt or a paddle, but the palm of your hand. Do not use your fist, that is a hitting not a spanking.

If you do all that, the behavior the child was spanked for will probably be NEVER repeated.

But only do this for something truly serious.

My son once pulled a knife on his sister, and that was the only time I gave him a spanking like this, and he never did it again.
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

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