I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
ClosedCaption, the system works well when children receive proper parenting at home. A child who has been properly raised by his parents, attends school on time, every day, obeys the law, and shows proper respect towards teachers, principals, police officers, and other grown-ups in position of authority. I can only conclude from the fact that so many young black people skip classes, drop out of school, and get arrested that they are not receiving proper parenting at home. That is why I have been sharing good parenting tips, from someone who raised three children who are now adults who graduated high school, obey the law, and hold down regular jobs. Now that I've shared how to be a good parent, you can share these tips with your fellow black people, and if they apply them, they will see immediate improvement in the behavior of their children.

Yet he claims the sperm and egg donor being married or together won't change things. Studies show that it does.

Thats like, not what I said at all but I guess thats the only way for you to score your points because thats whats really important.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.
Reparations=gimme free money so I can buy that HD, big screen TV I been wantin', and maybe a suuwweeet ride.

Reparations is nothing more than people that weren't slaves demanding people that didn't own slaves give them something.
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?
Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?

Having illegitimate children oftentimes raised by a single parent can have affects that rollover into other things including education, choices related to committing crimes, etc.

Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.

Another generation from now you'll still be making the same excuses. \

It's interesting that you say blacks have only been free for 50 years. That coincides with when the Democrats put into place thing that "enslaved" blacks again. Difference is this time blacks chose to do it. Black families survived hundreds of years of slavery and generations of Jim Crow. The disintegration of the that entity didn't being until about 50 years ago with expansion of the welfare state. The onset of drastic increases in illegitimate births started around that same time.

Well thats just silly because white families have been experiencing the same thing. I say its a change in how people view marriage overall. If it gets hard...bye. And women wanting to be men in the homes but thats another topic.

It effects all races so you cant say one is for one reason (just changing of the times) and another is because of something different (welfare).
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant

When you say the system is rigged, it's an excuse to cover for the making of bad choices by people wanting to blame the system for something that is their own fault. When people quit high school and then can't make it, did the system make the choice? No, the person did that now wants to blame something for a choice he/she made. Did the system cause that black girl on a 3/4 basis to spread her legs for someone that was only interested in getting a piece? No, she chose to do so then blames the system when she can't support her kids.
Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.
Reparations=gimme free money so I can buy that HD, big screen TV I been wantin', and maybe a suuwweeet ride.

Reparations is nothing more than people that weren't slaves demanding people that didn't own slaves give them something.
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?

Having illegitimate children oftentimes raised by a single parent can have affects that rollover into other things including education, choices related to committing crimes, etc.

Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.

Another generation from now you'll still be making the same excuses. \

It's interesting that you say blacks have only been free for 50 years. That coincides with when the Democrats put into place thing that "enslaved" blacks again. Difference is this time blacks chose to do it. Black families survived hundreds of years of slavery and generations of Jim Crow. The disintegration of the that entity didn't being until about 50 years ago with expansion of the welfare state. The onset of drastic increases in illegitimate births started around that same time.

Well thats just silly because white families have been experiencing the same thing. I say its a change in how people view marriage overall. If it gets hard...bye. And women wanting to be men in the homes but thats another topic.

It effects all races so you cant say one is for one reason (just changing of the times) and another is because of something different (welfare).

The white people doing the same thing are experiencing the same bad results. When Liberals will reward such choices by handing them someone else's money, they have no reason to do better.
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant

When you say the system is rigged, it's an excuse to cover for the making of bad choices by people wanting to blame the system for something that is their own fault. When people quit high school and then can't make it, did the system make the choice? No, the person did that now wants to blame something for a choice he/she made. Did the system cause that black girl on a 3/4 basis to spread her legs for someone that was only interested in getting a piece? No, she chose to do so then blames the system when she can't support her kids.

Well you cant say that blacks and whites both have the same everything available to them. Thats not only statistically impossible but that would also mean that being the majority or minority is the same. Again, simply impossible
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it

Until you quit blaming the system when choices produce the results, it won't get better and you'll keep making excuses. You haven't explained a damn thing. Blaming someone/something else when a person fucks up by making bad choices, you're whining. Why don't you just say you believe blacks are where they are because of white people and be honest.
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant

When you say the system is rigged, it's an excuse to cover for the making of bad choices by people wanting to blame the system for something that is their own fault. When people quit high school and then can't make it, did the system make the choice? No, the person did that now wants to blame something for a choice he/she made. Did the system cause that black girl on a 3/4 basis to spread her legs for someone that was only interested in getting a piece? No, she chose to do so then blames the system when she can't support her kids.

Well you cant say that blacks and whites both have the same everything available to them. Thats not only statistically impossible but that would also mean that being the majority or minority is the same. Again, simply impossible

How does a black student and a white student going to the same school, sitting in the same class, using the same books, having the same amount spent on them, learning from the same teachers, ect. not the SAME?
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.
I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.
When I start routinely hearing/reading how the black community, and black individuals, say, "This is what we/I have done wrong"; and "This is what we/I can do to rectify the problem", and such statements include FACTS and not PC, racist platitudes (excuses) blaming someone else, I might believe they are on the way to solving their problems.
Black people will never solve their problems, if you define their "problems" as being poorer than everyone else. With an IQ of 85, the average black person lacks the capacity to hold down a job that requires any thinking or problem solving. However, that does not mean whites should continue to give blacks a handout forever. Blacks should be forced to take care of themselves and their own children, if only so they will regain their dignity and sense of self-worth. When blacks go back to taking care of themselves, all these other problems will diminish. Except poverty, they will always be poor.
I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.
Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

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