I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

If you're going on inner cities have the same everything as the suburbs then we don't have to talk further. That's just goofy by any measurable...shit, ANYTHING.

If an inner city school in a school district gets the same amount of money per student as a school in the suburbs in the same district, then any difference the schools may encounter isn't the reliant on the amount of money provided to the schools by the government.
The part I disagree with is your whining about being 'neglected' etc. Blacks have taken more than they have given, and if I owe you something more then tell me, just what the fuck have you ever done for me?

Can we just dump this 'whining' bull shit. It's particularly one of the Liberal's favorite insults. No one is whining. Now, how the Hell do I know this? Read the freakin' definition.

'Rant' maybe but 'whine'?... no.

definition of whine
: to complain in an annoying way
: to make a high, crying sound
: to make a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time
No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
The part I disagree with is your whining about being 'neglected' etc. Blacks have taken more than they have given, and if I owe you something more then tell me, just what the fuck have you ever done for me?

Can we just dump this 'whining' bull shit. It's particularly one of the Liberal's favorite insults. No one is whining. Now, how the Hell do I know this? Read the freakin' definition.

'Rant' maybe but 'whine'?... no.

definition of whine
: to complain in an annoying way
: to make a high, crying sound
: to make a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time

Just guessing here but that guy isn't a liberal so you can't really say it's a liberal tactic when you find someone who isn't a liberal using it.
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
I am well aware how statics are manipulated in order to support any particular hypothesis. If your contention is that various statistics are rigged to the detriment of blacks, why would that be the case?
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
Oh, yeah, where are the statistics you have shown and how have I implied that they are fake or bogus? Statistics can be, and often are, manipulated in order to support one postulate or another.
Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
I am well aware how statics are manipulated in order to support any particular hypothesis. If your contention is that various statistics are rigged to the detriment of blacks, why would that be the case?

See? I haven't presented not one stat yet you're already claiming their rigged. Stats are rigged...but nothing else I guess. So like I said, you don't accept any facts from any source so asking me for proof is impossible since you can't name one source that's valid.

Can you name any org that does stats that is fair?
Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
Oh, yeah, where are the statistics you have shown and how have I implied that they are fake or bogus? Statistics can be, and often are, manipulated in order to support one postulate or another.

You didn't say stats I provided are faked because I told you I wouldn't waste my time providing any since you would claim it was fake. Then what did you do? Claim stats are fake and can't name any organization that compiles stats that is accurate. So who has accurate stats? Anyone?
Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.

The problem with that stats you use is that you automatically assume that they show what you say they show. Blacks have a disproportionately higher incarceration rate than their makeup in society. You take that stat and the first, last, and only thing you think is racism. You don't give a second thought, much less a first one, to the possibility that blacks simply commit more crimes.

Stats don't mean what you say they mean because you want them to mean that.
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.
Thanks for the sarcasm (more of the same, backatcha). If I understand, you view basically all government and social welfare programs to be rigged. Rigged against the interests of blacks? You fail to clarify how you think all this is rigged to their disadvantage.

No, but I do consider some of it rigged against blacks. If I said ALL of anything that wouldn't be accurate, right? Of course I didn't clarify how I THINK it's rigged. I simply said it is rigged according to stats. But since whenever this topic comes up people outright dismiss stats and facts it's really impossible to show anything.

I show stats. You simply reply that's it's fake or bogus or explain it away and then ask again for proof. It's like asking to prove air exists and then going "so what" at every experiment to prove it.
Oh, yeah, where are the statistics you have shown and how have I implied that they are fake or bogus? Statistics can be, and often are, manipulated in order to support one postulate or another.

You didn't say stats I provided are faked because I told you I wouldn't waste my time providing any since you would claim it was fake. Then what did you do? Claim stats are fake and can't name any organization that compiles stats that is accurate. So who has accurate stats? Anyone?
No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves. There were a lot of whites that were just as poor as blacks. Why did the descendants of those POOR whites do better in those 80 years than the descendants of the POOR blacks? Something had to make the difference.
No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

Its not about me personally. That's too easy to call names and disagree with what I think. The numbers don't lie and the stats are clear....that is unless you don't believe stats either or manage to explain them away. We all know that there is no way to dismiss stats, don't we? Oh, BTW that was sarcasm.

The problem with that stats you use is that you automatically assume that they show what you say they show. Blacks have a disproportionately higher incarceration rate than their makeup in society. You take that stat and the first, last, and only thing you think is racism. You don't give a second thought, much less a first one, to the possibility that blacks simply commit more crimes.

Stats don't mean what you say they mean because you want them to mean that.
Thanks! Stats are used as a brickbat in order to pound the opposition into submission, all without taking into consideration why such statistics exist. Blacks are incarcerated at a higher rate because they commit crimes at a higher rate. While some bias may exist, the shear numbers still account for the discrepancy. Now, the question that the black community should be asking is why either actual or anecdotal perception of the statistics exist. Many possible reasons have been repeatedly presented here, but the only statistic that counts for some apologists is that some theoretical racial bias is solely responsible for all the woes of the black community.
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves. There were a lot of whites that were just as poor as blacks. Why did the descendants of those POOR whites do better in those 80 years than the descendants of the POOR blacks? Something had to make the difference.
I'm guessing CC never heard of indentured servitude. Do they even teach about that in public schools these days?
Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves. There were a lot of whites that were just as poor as blacks. Why did the descendants of those POOR whites do better in those 80 years than the descendants of the POOR blacks? Something had to make the difference.
I'm guessing CC never heard of indentured servitude. Do they even teach about that in public schools these days?

People like CC claim that blacks were denied the right to vote with Jim Crow laws put in place after the Civil War and 15th amendment. What he doesn't acknowledge, if he even knows, is that many whites weren't able to vote either. They were poor, uneducated, and couldn't do the same things required of blacks under the Jim Crow laws.
Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves.

Thanks that why I never claimed that.:up:
Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves.

Thanks that why I never claimed that.:up:

The results of the descendants of all the poor white people that were as bad in many situations as the salves are better than the descendants of the slaves.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.


. Your white Savior is coming to rescue you. Hillary Clinton.
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And Southern Confederate inbred white trash mayonnaise monkeys, aka Albino cave N!ggers have been voting for the Repugs since the days of Jimmy Carter and STILL the poorest part of the country, and destitute :clap:, and most lack health insurance keep up the great work!

Voting for nasty repugnant old white cocksuckers that wear suits that cost more than you make in a year really worked out well huh:laugh:

No go back to your Trailer park and fry something, and get rid of the toilets sitting in your driveway, and please quit making babies with your family members..

Do you honestly not realize how obvious your fear is when you wallow in racism like that?
Go tell, sell your Bullshit, to the White Nationalist movement on this board :deal:
I actually agree with part of your message, the part about doing something productive for yourselves instead of waiting for the white man to do it for you.

The part I disagree with is your whining about being 'neglected' etc. Blacks have taken more than they have given, and if I owe you something more then tell me, just what the fuck have you ever done for me?

I SAID: we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

yet an average of like 89% vote for policies that destroy them.
Like throwing a hotdog down a hallway, aint it bro? lol
Historically, democrats have always been the party of the people, have done more to enact policies that actually help those in need....nothing short of opening a fuckin vein and bleeding myself dry, will I ever support or vote for a conservative, not ever in my life time. I'd rather throw a hotdog down a hall way, than vote for a racist, divisive party that reeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkks of hatred for my people and minorities as a whole...own it and move on.

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