I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

This advice is good for a self help book but fails when you include things like policies, opportunity etc.

If this was about being healthy I'd agree because thats one thing that is solely on you.

bullshit liberal- studying in school, not getting pregnant, not being a criminal, etc. is also all on you and it isn't up to me to take care of your sorry ass

Yes...Dont, not, etc. But Studying really hard in school doesnt fix the fucked up schools. Not being a criminal doesnt fix the unfair justice system.

And being better doesnt stop others that you have to interact with. If this was about health, thats pretty much all you from start to finish.
Who controls the schools? That's right liberal unions. Thanks liberal unions.

1. Let the smart black kids go to the school their mom and dad choose for them.
2. Let the dumb black kids stay in the union dominated school where their uncaring single mothers want them to be. with no daddy to say any different.

Number one would make a big difference.
Number two is more comfortable.
.....and let all white people who are dumb, vote for Trump!!
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.



Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.
Wanna bet? My job is worse than a fuckin plantation, I'd rather be a fuckin slave of yesterday than work for greedy don't give a shit about nothing white mf's jews!!
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.



Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

Don't confuse addressing someone unqualified to do the job with whining. Unlike your people, I do well regardless of who is in office. Maybe that's because I'm white? Maybe it's because I don't make excuses? Or maybe it's because I'm white and willing to do for myself.

How's having that black President working out for blacks. Unemployment rate higher than all other groups. Illegitimate birth rate rising. Social welfare, poverty, and education? Still lagging behind.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.
Any person who wants to succeed in this world must get an education, get a job skill or a profession, and go to work. People who are unwilling to take those simple steps will not succeed.

Wow that was awesome.
Oh, and another thing -- don't have children out of wedlock.

Oh, and another thing - speak English, not Ebonics and if you must have a tattoo have it on your ass not on your forehead.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.
Wanna bet? My job is worse than a fuckin plantation, I'd rather be a fuckin slave of yesterday than work for greedy don't give a shit about nothing white mf's jews!!

Quit. You'll be right there with a large portion of your people living off someone else.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.

A recent post where you said your working conditions under whites were horrible. You said you'd rather be a slave of yesteryear than work for white MFs. I have to ask. Do you want to be a field negro or a house negro?
So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?

Schools are run by local municipalities/parishes/counties/districts and if you have a problem with how the school is run, then stop electing idiots to run your schools. Same thing goes for jobs and the local work environment, if you don't like the way things are, then quit putting the idiots that don't have a clue what they are doing in charge.
You're full of shit. Schools are run from state boards that are led by federal boards. Locals municipalities have some say so but only what the unions allow.

Who puts people in charge of business in your area? Business owners aren't elected.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?
Friend, I have always supported you and will continue to do so....but we're gonna part ways here......Inner city issues have been around for decades, almost centuries...its part of our DNA. At what point, I ask, do we either move on or stay stuck with the trappings of inner city living? We can't keep this same ol bs up for more decades, more generations, more centuries....at what point do we do something about it? Or do we just stay on the path of my school is bad, there for I can't learn. My neighborhood is bad, I can't work, my this is ......when do we find SOLUTIONS?

We didnt redline ourselves bruh.
Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.



Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

Don't confuse addressing someone unqualified to do the job with whining. Unlike your people, I do well regardless of who is in office. Maybe that's because I'm white? Maybe it's because I don't make excuses? Or maybe it's because I'm white and willing to do for myself.

How's having that black President working out for blacks. Unemployment rate higher than all other groups. Illegitimate birth rate rising. Social welfare, poverty, and education? Still lagging behind.
No, motherfucka, what you white shit smelling racist mf's have been doing since Obama got elected twice to the white house is whine. Don't try to clean that shit up now, you whiney little bitch!!
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?

If there is a will, there is a way.

Rent the movie "Lean On Me" and learn.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

Jobs are the key. And they should be in or near these areas. They won't come to areas with high crimes.

The neighborhoods need to clean up their acts and join the rest of the world..........

Or stfu
A educated black person is more valuable not only to his employers, but his community. EDUCATION, EDUCATION AND THEN SOME MORE, IS THE KEY HERE
Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Before I answer that....find my post about white men and thier something from politicians throughout America's history, then lets talk, until then, fuck off!!

Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

Don't confuse addressing someone unqualified to do the job with whining. Unlike your people, I do well regardless of who is in office. Maybe that's because I'm white? Maybe it's because I don't make excuses? Or maybe it's because I'm white and willing to do for myself.

How's having that black President working out for blacks. Unemployment rate higher than all other groups. Illegitimate birth rate rising. Social welfare, poverty, and education? Still lagging behind.
No, motherfucka, what you white shit smelling racist mf's have been doing since Obama got elected twice to the white house is whine. Don't try to clean that shit up now, you whiney little bitch!!

Again, you confuse things.

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