I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

And whenever an issue comes up, and you disagree with the logical solution of that issue, you liberals slap on the label: RACIST.

Can't you come up with something more original already?

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

And whenever an issue comes up, and you disagree with the logical solution of that issue, you liberals slap on the label: RACIST.

Can't you come up with something more original already?
This coming from a race that still believes the Black Panthers are taking over the country? Bitch please!!
Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.

I didnt mention whites I mentioned Racism. I mean shit, I'm also against child abuse but that doesnt mean I'm Anti-Parent goof ball
I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????

And you black motherfuckers love Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a whole collection of idiots also known as Congressional Black Caucus and, of course, Barak Obama.

Are you better off than you were in 2007?

How did that work for you?
Uh, yeah...I am better off. Next question?

Maybe YOU, personally, are better off, probably because you found a way to get more welfare or married a girl who is willing to support you.

OK, you selfish pig, if you are better of, have you used any of your newly found riches to help your fellow freeloaders of the Negroid persuasion?
Dear, I earn 17.88 an hour, work like a dog yes, but I bring home a nice paycheck. My man, gets 4 grand a month with his ss and pension. My home is paid for, we have 3 cars, my kids all college educated and doing well in great jobs, although my neighborhood is stressed with so many illegals, I'm good, I got no complaints. Yes, there are people better off and those struggling....but I don't blame OBama for anything, ITS CALLED LIFE YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS GET OVER AND ON WITH IT AND STOP WAITING ON HITLER TO MAKE IT BETTER....YOU'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE.


However, you failed to answer my question: What have you done with your wealth? Have ever helped a fellow black person? (It is obvious that asking you if you ever helped a white person would be ridiculous).

You also never mentioned why you credit Obama with your financial comfort. Were you a pauper, was your husband a hobo before 2008?

Be careful and honest now, because if your financial success is not the result of Obama's handling of the economy, you might have to credit for your good fortune.

BTW, call me anything your filthy and primitive mind dictates you to do.

I have been called worse by better people than you.
Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.

I didnt mention whites I mentioned Racism. I mean shit, I'm also against child abuse but that doesnt mean I'm Anti-Parent goof ball

oh that's rich, you mention racism but that doesn't mean whites.

racism is the permanent excuse for failure, it is bullshit
Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.

I didnt mention whites I mentioned Racism. I mean shit, I'm also against child abuse but that doesnt mean I'm Anti-Parent goof ball

oh that's rich, you mention racism but that doesn't mean whites.

racism is the permanent excuse for failure, it is bullshit

No listen closely. I blamed systematic racism and you took that to mean I hate whites. No, I just hate the racism and I dont give a shit who it comes from white, black, hispanic etc.

You just want to make this into a you vs me thing when I'm discussing a me not supporting racism thing.
Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.

I didnt mention whites I mentioned Racism. I mean shit, I'm also against child abuse but that doesnt mean I'm Anti-Parent goof ball

oh that's rich, you mention racism but that doesn't mean whites.

racism is the permanent excuse for failure, it is bullshit

No listen closely. I blamed systematic racism and you took that to mean I hate whites. No, I just hate the racism and I dont give a shit who it comes from white, black, hispanic etc.

You just want to make this into a you vs me thing when I'm discussing a me not supporting racism thing.

ok, fair enough

racism is the ultimate excuse blacks use, it is supposedly the cause of everything from failing algebra to making meth, it is a bankrupt and useless idea
Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.

That's systematic bullshit. When blacks control the local gov't, have a majority population, control the school board and get more school funding than most, and have executive branch federal assistance, you STILL blame whites when they fail.

There is simply no way you will ever hold them accountable, so fuck you guys.

I didnt mention whites I mentioned Racism. I mean shit, I'm also against child abuse but that doesnt mean I'm Anti-Parent goof ball

oh that's rich, you mention racism but that doesn't mean whites.

racism is the permanent excuse for failure, it is bullshit

No listen closely. I blamed systematic racism and you took that to mean I hate whites. No, I just hate the racism and I dont give a shit who it comes from white, black, hispanic etc.

You just want to make this into a you vs me thing when I'm discussing a me not supporting racism thing.

ok, fair enough

racism is the ultimate excuse blacks use, it is supposedly the cause of everything from failing algebra to making meth, it is a bankrupt and useless idea

Ultimate excuse? What? Racism doesnt exist? Or racism has never turned into actions? What are you saying?
God rigged the system, you can blame him. Blacks have much lower IQ scores on average than whites:

Race, Genes, Intelligence - Facts Are Facts

Average IQ for blacks is 85, considered "low average."

What Does My IQ Score Mean? Your IQ Score Explained.

People with 85 IQ are not capable of going to college, not capable of learning a profession, and may even have difficulties making life choices necessary to take care of themselves and their children.

IQ standards were developed by white people.
Different standards need to be developed by black people.
It needs to be called "Affirmative Action".
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.
And when whites have power screws, they fuck....and???

Seeing what blacks have done municipally and as in case of Obama, federally, it is to be hoped that there will never be another black mayor or a black president.
And Southern Confederate inbred white trash mayonnaise monkeys, aka Albino cave N!ggers have been voting for the Repugs since the days of Jimmy Carter and STILL the poorest part of the country, and destitute :clap:, and most lack health insurance keep up the great work!

Voting for nasty repugnant old white cocksuckers that wear suits that cost more than you make in a year really worked out well huh:laugh:

No go back to your Trailer park and fry something, and get rid of the toilets sitting in your driveway, and please quit making babies with your family members..

Do you honestly not realize how obvious your fear is when you wallow in racism like that?
Go tell, sell your Bullshit, to the White Nationalist movement on this board :deal:

You know that YOU are the exact same asshole as those assholes, right? You're all the same brand of cowardly idiot.
MODS: somebody is manipulating posts.

Somebody attached my post (171) to ClosedCaptioned post (177) and quoted it in post 187.

Is this legal?
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And Southern Confederate inbred white trash mayonnaise monkeys, aka Albino cave N!ggers have been voting for the Repugs since the days of Jimmy Carter and STILL the poorest part of the country, and destitute :clap:, and most lack health insurance keep up the great work!

Voting for nasty repugnant old white cocksuckers that wear suits that cost more than you make in a year really worked out well huh:laugh:

No go back to your Trailer park and fry something, and get rid of the toilets sitting in your driveway, and please quit making babies with your family members..

Do you honestly not realize how obvious your fear is when you wallow in racism like that?
Go tell, sell your Bullshit, to the White Nationalist movement on this board :deal:

You know that YOU are the exact same asshole as those assholes, right? You're all the same brand of cowardly idiot.
And your the biggest dumbest fucking coward on here almost 60 thousand posts with nothing to show for it you worthless piece of shit..

Go fuck yourself you goofy inbred cocksucking Motherfucker..

Troll this :fu:you autistic dumbfuck..
You're full of shit. Schools are run from state boards that are led by federal boards. Locals municipalities have some say so but only what the unions allow.

Who puts people in charge of business in your area? Business owners aren't elected.

The state and the federal government do have oversight of schools, but school management and local funding is not controlled by other entities. Those entities are district school boards and not unions, albeit the teachers have unions that represent them. You either don't have a clue how school boards work, or live in a place where they have already forfeited their control over to entities that shouldn't be in control.

Just like school board officials, city officials are elected by the people. If they are not doing what is necessary to improve conditions in the schools or the community, then you are electing the wrong people. It isn't that hard to understand, you are putting people in charge of schools and community resources, and if your schools and communities suck, it is your fault in not holding them accountable or simply putting the wrong people in charge. If you want to say it is all the fault of the state or the federal government, it isn't, but even in that case you have the opportunity to change your representatives.

You are just a dumbass who won't take responsibility for your failures, and would rather be a victim than hold the people you elected accountable. You remind me of the type idiot that would suggest throwing money at incompetence will solve the problems, when it won't
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You're full of shit. Schools are run from state boards that are led by federal boards. Locals municipalities have some say so but only what the unions allow.

Who puts people in charge of business in your area? Business owners aren't elected.

The state and the federal government do have oversight of schools, but school management and local funding is not controlled by other entities. Those entities are district school boards and not unions, albeit the teachers have unions that represent them. You either don't have a clue how school boards work, or live in a place where they have already forfeited their control over to entities that shouldn't be in control.

Just like school board officials, city officials are elected by the people. If they are not doing what is necessary to improve conditions in the schools or the community, then you are electing the wrong people. It isn't that hard to understand, you are putting people in charge of schools and community resources, and if your schools and communities suck, it is your fault in not holding them accountable or simply putting the wrong people in charge. If you want to say it is all the fault of the state or the federal government, it isn't, but even in that case you have the opportunity to change your representatives.

You are just a dumbass who won't take responsibility for your failures, and would rather be a victim than hold the people you elected accountable. You remind me of the type idiot that would suggest throwing money at incompetence will solve the problems, when it won't
Oh fuck you, you smug asshole. The unions call the shots from top down, students get very little bang for the buck and I have friends in teacher, some retired at this point.

You must be a product of public-ed.
And Southern Confederate inbred white trash mayonnaise monkeys, aka Albino cave N!ggers have been voting for the Repugs since the days of Jimmy Carter and STILL the poorest part of the country, and destitute :clap:, and most lack health insurance keep up the great work!

Voting for nasty repugnant old white cocksuckers that wear suits that cost more than you make in a year really worked out well huh:laugh:

No go back to your Trailer park and fry something, and get rid of the toilets sitting in your driveway, and please quit making babies with your family members..

Do you honestly not realize how obvious your fear is when you wallow in racism like that?
Go tell, sell your Bullshit, to the White Nationalist movement on this board :deal:

You know that YOU are the exact same asshole as those assholes, right? You're all the same brand of cowardly idiot.
And your [sic] the biggest dumbest.......

Funny how the exact same kind of spineless, dickless, low-life, idiot racists feel uncomfortable when the fact that they are identical to their counterparts is rubbed in their slack-jawed faces. One would think that if one finds some characteristics unpleasant in others they would not be so quick to emulate them personally.
Oh fuck you, you smug asshole. The unions call the shots from top down, students get very little bang for the buck and I have friends in teacher, some retired at this point.

You must be a product of public-ed.

The unions don't call the shots unless you elected weak people to represent you on the school board. If you want to express that the students (and their parents) aren't getting their money's worth, I am not going to argue with the idea you put the wrong people in charge.

I personally went to both public and private education throughout my school years, but that will never change the fact that the people are responsible for who they appoint over the schools in their district.
And Southern Confederate inbred white trash mayonnaise monkeys, aka Albino cave N!ggers have been voting for the Repugs since the days of Jimmy Carter and STILL the poorest part of the country, and destitute :clap:, and most lack health insurance keep up the great work!

Voting for nasty repugnant old white cocksuckers that wear suits that cost more than you make in a year really worked out well huh:laugh:

No go back to your Trailer park and fry something, and get rid of the toilets sitting in your driveway, and please quit making babies with your family members..

Do you honestly not realize how obvious your fear is when you wallow in racism like that?
Go tell, sell your Bullshit, to the White Nationalist movement on this board :deal:

You know that YOU are the exact same asshole as those assholes, right? You're all the same brand of cowardly idiot.
And your [sic] the biggest dumbest.......

Funny how the exact same kind of spineless, dickless, low-life, idiot racists feel uncomfortable when the fact that they are identical to their counterparts is rubbed in their slack-jawed faces. One would think that if one finds some characteristics unpleasant in others they would not be so quick to emulate them personally.
:fu:, Here rub this in your face Maggot, you should be thankful for the Liberals on here , otherwise you wouldn't have your dream job posting BULLSHIT on this site all day long..

Funny how ones that call others Racists are Racists themselves, takes 1 to know 1 Asshole.

Cuntservatives are a stage 3 Cancer to this country just like the Orangutan, when you sorry ass fucks get Blasted in the November election, it's gonna be Priceless watching the Garbage posters on here go down in flames!!!

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