I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

Nowadays, blacks blame slavery for anything they feel they can get the government to give them.

If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts
Ask him what year things started being equal and fair for black people in America.
Nowadays, blacks blame slavery for anything they feel they can get the government to give them.

If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts
Ask him what year things started being equal and fair for black people in America.

According to those that use slavery as an excuse, it never had been. That's why I said what I said about using slavery as an excuse FOR anything for which blacks don't want to accept responsibility.

Since when it black women having bastard babies at a 3/4 rate anyone's fault but hers? Since when is dropping out of school, regardless of race, the fault of anyone but the person making the choice? Since when it committing a crime the fault of anyone but the one committing it?
If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.

I asked you what specifically blacks blame slavery for and you tell a tale about 2 students and think you answered my question.

You didnt, you told a story about 2 students you made up.
Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.

I asked you what specifically blacks blame slavery for and you tell a tale about 2 students and think you answered my question.

You didnt, you told a story about 2 students you made up.

If you don't want to get it, fine. Let your people continue to be inferior in every way. As long as you make excuses, don't expect things to get better but it doesn't sound like you really. You make excuses and those that do are rarely ever good for anything else. In other words, continue to support those of your kind unwilling to do for themselves being good for nothing.

If you don't want your people getting better, I damn sure don't care.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

Jobs are the key. And they should be in or near these areas. They won't come to areas with high crimes.

The neighborhoods need to clean up their acts and join the rest of the world..........

Or stfu
A educated black person is more valuable not only to his employers, but his community. EDUCATION, EDUCATION AND THEN SOME MORE, IS THE KEY HERE

I agree, but a key component to this is having caring parents at home to help and be good examples.

It will take several generations to achieve, but it will never start until we all deal with that reality. They go hand in hand.

The question is how?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.

I asked you what specifically blacks blame slavery for and you tell a tale about 2 students and think you answered my question.

You didnt, you told a story about 2 students you made up.

If you don't want to get it, fine.

I knew it :badgrin:
If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.
Oh fuck you, you smug asshole. The unions call the shots from top down, students get very little bang for the buck and I have friends in teacher, some retired at this point.

You must be a product of public-ed.

The unions don't call the shots unless you elected weak people to represent you on the school board. If you want to express that the students (and their parents) aren't getting their money's worth, I am not going to argue with the idea you put the wrong people in charge.

I personally went to both public and private education throughout my school years, but that will never change the fact that the people are responsible for who they appoint over the schools in their district.
Appointed. That's right, but you claimed the people put the board in place. We don't vote for them and the unions run the show. And we spend enormous amounts on students for dismal results. Money is not the problem with US public-ed.
Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts
Ask him what year things started being equal and fair for black people in America.

According to those that use slavery as an excuse, it never had been. That's why I said what I said about using slavery as an excuse FOR anything for which blacks don't want to accept responsibility.

Since when it black women having bastard babies at a 3/4 rate anyone's fault but hers? Since when is dropping out of school, regardless of race, the fault of anyone but the person making the choice? Since when it committing a crime the fault of anyone but the one committing it?
Us liberals say young black boys and girls aren't to blame because they are victims of generational racism. And they are born to ignorant parents who are most likely going to raise their kids in ignorance and poverty. That's not a formula for success. So step one is to start providing jobs to the black community. A lot of minimum wage jobs but there has to be a good economy where blacks who want to do better can. Where there is opportunity for advancement. And ultimately, if a black kids ignorant parent is at least providing for them, they'll have less reason to join a gang or drop out of school.

The solution isn't easy and I didn't say everything I wanted to say because that'd be impossible.

But you are correct in that we need to get it through the heads of young black women that having a baby out of wedlock is unacceptable and you'll live in poverty forever if you keep repeating the cycle of poverty.

So you are wrong when you say it's no one else's fault but the one committing the crime. See the mom sitting in the court room? It's her fault too. And see how the dad isn't present in the court room? It's his fault too.
Oh fuck you, you smug asshole. The unions call the shots from top down, students get very little bang for the buck and I have friends in teacher, some retired at this point.

You must be a product of public-ed.

The unions don't call the shots unless you elected weak people to represent you on the school board. If you want to express that the students (and their parents) aren't getting their money's worth, I am not going to argue with the idea you put the wrong people in charge.

I personally went to both public and private education throughout my school years, but that will never change the fact that the people are responsible for who they appoint over the schools in their district.
Appointed. That's right, but you claimed the people put the board in place. We don't vote for them and the unions run the show. And we spend enormous amounts on students for dismal results. Money is not the problem with US public-ed.

I am sorry if the people where you live are retarded enough not to elect your school board members, but that's not anyone else's problem. The fact you have no control over the school board in your area would pretty much explain why your results suck. The idea you give people money to spend and don't have a means to hold them accountable is probably the result of your ignorance.

Public education may be part of y'all's problem, if that is how you choose to explain your obvious oversight in relinquishing your responsibilities to an unelected board.
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Oh fuck you, you smug asshole. The unions call the shots from top down, students get very little bang for the buck and I have friends in teacher, some retired at this point.

You must be a product of public-ed.

The unions don't call the shots unless you elected weak people to represent you on the school board. If you want to express that the students (and their parents) aren't getting their money's worth, I am not going to argue with the idea you put the wrong people in charge.

I personally went to both public and private education throughout my school years, but that will never change the fact that the people are responsible for who they appoint over the schools in their district.
Appointed. That's right, but you claimed the people put the board in place. We don't vote for them and the unions run the show. And we spend enormous amounts on students for dismal results. Money is not the problem with US public-ed.

I am sorry if the people where you live are retarded enough not to elect your school board members, but that's not anyone else's problem. The fact you have no control over the school board in your area would pretty much explain why your results suck. The idea you give people money to spend and don't have a means to hold them accountable is probably the result of your ignorance.
Results suck all over the country. You're full of shit. Trying to blame me for it won't work.
If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts
Ask him what year things started being equal and fair for black people in America.

During the Johnson administration when the Republican congress passed the Equal Rights Law and LBJ signed it.

And then declared that "those ni66ers will vote Democrat for the next 200 years".

Do you take pleasure in taken for granted? Do you enjoy giving your vote to a political party and get nothing in return? For 50 years? Or even 40 or 30 or even one year? Are you proud to be dupe? Is that why you call all black people who have enough brains to dismiss Democrats "Uncle Toms? Is that why you vote for the party that are a bunch of despicable welshers who never kept their promise?

Or do you vote Democrat because the life of blacks is so much better under a Democratic administration? Or is it because the first black president made your life so much better?

According to LBJ you have another 150 years of plenitude and peaceful and comfortable life style you enjoy, fought for and achieved by Democrats. Enjoy it as folks in Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee etc, do, but don't plan to enjoy it for long because you never know when you will be shot to death by your African American Democrat brother.

Of course, when you are dead, you can always blame whitey.

Does it feel good to sell your soul and integrity for broken Democratic promises?
Results suck all over the country. You're full of shit. Trying to blame me for it won't work.

I wouldn't argue with that, I am sure there are a lot of places full of ignorant people who feel the need to blame someone else for their own shortcomings. Places that hold their school boards accountable for the results, tend to fair a little better than places that don't.

The school board here was sick and tired of getting poor results, so they fired the superintendent of school, they fired the corrupt money managers, they fired the teachers that couldn't perform at the appropriate level and starting recruiting better professionals from all around the state and neighboring states. They made sure the teachers left had better materials to work with, and rebuilt the internal systems from kindergarten up.
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Results suck all over the country. You're full of shit. Trying to blame me for it won't work.

I wouldn't argue with that, I am sure there are a lot of places full of ignorant people who feel the need to blame someone else for their own shortcomings. Places that hold their school boards accountable for the results, tend to fair a little better than places that don't.
You can't mask your ignorance with more smug condescension. The schools have failed you and created yet another dumbfuck loudmouth know nothing.
You can't mask your ignorance with more smug condescension. The schools have failed you and created yet another dumbfuck loudmouth know nothing.

The school board here was sick and tired of getting poor results, so they fired the superintendent of schools, they fired the corrupt money managers, they fired the teachers that couldn't perform at the appropriate level and starting recruiting better professionals from all around the state and neighboring states. They made sure the teachers left had better materials to work with, and rebuilt the internal systems from kindergarten up.

You shut the fuck up with your weak assed bullshit if you don't have the balls or the common sense to do what needs to be done ... You are the perfect example of what needs to be booted out the door.
You can't mask your ignorance with more smug condescension. The schools have failed you and created yet another dumbfuck loudmouth know nothing.

The school board here was sick and tired of getting poor results, so they fired the superintendent of schools, they fired the corrupt money managers, they fired the teachers that couldn't perform at the appropriate level and starting recruiting better professionals from all around the state and neighboring states. They made sure the teachers left had better materials to work with, and rebuilt the internal systems from kindergarten up.

You shut the fuck up with your weak assed bullshit if you don't have the balls or the common sense to do what needs to be done.
Which school board is that?
Which school board is that?

If you are interested in helping your local school board, I would suggest you start holding your school board accountable for what they do. You don't have to know where I live to get off your ass and quit neglecting your responsibilities to your community and the children who go to school there. You have already stated that your local school board is failing, get to work.

Or continue to piss and whine and act like it is someone else's fault you cannot accomplish what needs to be done, and get others to assist you in the endeavor.
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Which school board is that?

If you are interested in helping your local school board, I would suggest you start holding your school board accountable for what they do. You don't have to know where I live to get off your ass and quit neglecting your responsibilities to your community and the children who go to school there. You have already stated that your school board is failing, get to work.
Just like I knew. You're full of shit.
Just like I knew. You're full of shit.

Arguing with me isn't going to fix your local school board's problems, and if you think you can blame your incompetence on me, well fuck you too ... :thup:
It's about time you get your head out of your ass and get busy doing something other than pissing and whining. It's a shame you have allowed it to go on as long as you have. Fixing everything isn't easy, and there are a lot of people who are going to be pissed off.

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