I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.

I asked you what specifically blacks blame slavery for and you tell a tale about 2 students and think you answered my question.

You didnt, you told a story about 2 students you made up.

If you don't want to get it, fine.

I knew it :badgrin:

I knew you'd find some excuse. That's the only thing most of your kind is good for.
Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
I agree with what you said to a certain degree. I do think blacks have to make more of an effort to educate themselves and stop blaming the white man for their issues. I myself am a black woman who went to college and live a very comfortable lifestyle. I was raised in a two parent household where both parents went to college as well and I wasn't raised in ghetto.

However, it is a fact that blacks still get paid less for doing the same job as whites. I myself have worked two jobs where some of my Caucasian co workers who had less qualifications and experience than I had was making more than me. Some of them were hired the same I was and others were hired after me. So it wasn't an issue of them working on the job longer than I have. Hard work does pay off most of the time but not all the time.

I'm not saying whites are racist but sometimes ( not all the time) the system is racist. Especially in the southern region of this country.

Also many inner city schools have less resources and qualified staff because schools are funded by the tax bracket in the area. Which unfortunately many black kids live in poorer areas. As a result they receive a poorer education.
I agree with what you said to a certain degree. I do think blacks have to make more of an effort to educate themselves and stop blaming the white man for their issues. I myself am a black woman who went to college and live a very comfortable lifestyle. I was raised in a two parent household where both parents went to college as well and I wasn't raised in ghetto.

However, it is a fact that blacks still get paid less for doing the same job as whites. I myself have worked two jobs where some of my Caucasian co workers who had less qualifications and experience than I had was making more than me. Some of them were hired the same I was and others were hired after me. So it wasn't an issue of them working on the job longer than I have. Hard work does pay off most of the time but not all the time.

I'm not saying whites are racist but sometimes ( not all the time) the system is racist. Especially in the southern region of this country.

Also many inner city schools have less resources and qualified staff because schools are funded by the tax bracket in the area. Which unfortunately many black kids live in poorer areas. As a result they receive a poorer education.

Your example where you got paid less includes things that you know about the situation. It doesn't include things you don't know. Unless you know EVERYTHING, you can't make such assertions. How do you know what qualifications someone had and what the one doing the paying considered as a more important qualification? If you're going by what's on paper, that's not always the way to do it.

When it comes to spending at schools and qualified staff, that simply isn't true where I live. We have 16 high schools in the district. All but one recently (last 5 years) had a new school built. Every student, regardless of school, whether it in a more rural or more urban area, uses the same textbook for Class ABC/123. Per pupil spending is the same per student. The demographic makes up is as close to the way society is made up as possible without busing people from one end of the county to the other. The teachers at every school have to have a level of education. When it comes to the tangibles, there is very little, if any, difference.

Within each school, a black student in Class ABC/123 gets the same lesson as a white student in the same class. If the white student performs better, how is it they received a poorer education?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.


1. Vote
2. Stop having kids you can't afford. ANYONE who is single can make something of themselves in America. Even if you only made $10 hr. from the day you turn 18 years old to 65 if you save you can retire with a lot of money. Save $40 a week and don't make a penny in interest you will have $100,000 saved in 47 years. You can retire with social security on that nest egg.
I agree with all you said, but want to say, have kids that you want, not because of a sexual mistake. I had 3 kids, couldn't afford shit...but I wanted these little monsters and damit, today they're the most successful of my generation. If affordability is what it takes to have kids, than only the rich would have them.
If blacks blame slavery on everything then why are you having such a hard time telling me what they blame on slavery?

I've asked you 3 times already

Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.
We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
Many blacks blame slavery FOR, or as the reason FOR, why they are suffering economically, educationally, and socially.

Such as?

We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
We went over this more than once.

No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?
Friend, I have always supported you and will continue to do so....but we're gonna part ways here......Inner city issues have been around for decades, almost centuries...its part of our DNA. At what point, I ask, do we either move on or stay stuck with the trappings of inner city living? We can't keep this same ol bs up for more decades, more generations, more centuries....at what point do we do something about it? Or do we just stay on the path of my school is bad, there for I can't learn. My neighborhood is bad, I can't work, my this is ......when do we find SOLUTIONS?

Some politicians have learned that the vast majority of America's black community willingly accepts the breadcrumb pandering in exchange for votes. CC has played the role of those politicians on this thread and while you yourself have lamented it, you readily admit you are stuck on voting for those who have enslaved and continue to enslave your community.

Repubs may not be the remedy you seek - they will not pander to you - but Dems actively keep America's black folk in chains and you eagerly vote for it.

Interestingly, the Nation of Islam has at its core a rigidly conservative structure and mindset. I do not subscribe to the hateful rhetoric its leadership employs but they have proven that self-discipline and self-respect can go along way to bettering ones life.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
Where's your cell phone? Call somebody that gives a damn, I don't
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?
Friend, I have always supported you and will continue to do so....but we're gonna part ways here......Inner city issues have been around for decades, almost centuries...its part of our DNA. At what point, I ask, do we either move on or stay stuck with the trappings of inner city living? We can't keep this same ol bs up for more decades, more generations, more centuries....at what point do we do something about it? Or do we just stay on the path of my school is bad, there for I can't learn. My neighborhood is bad, I can't work, my this is ......when do we find SOLUTIONS?

Some politicians have learned that the vast majority of America's black community willingly accepts the breadcrumb pandering in exchange for votes. CC has played the role of those politicians on this thread and while you yourself have lamented it, you readily admit you are stuck on voting for those who have enslaved and continue to enslave your community.

Repubs may not be the remedy you seek - they will not pander to you - but Dems actively keep America's black folk in chains and you eagerly vote for it.

Interestingly, the Nation of Islam has at its core a rigidly conservative structure and mindset. I do not subscribe to the hateful rhetoric its leadership employs but they have proven that self-discipline and self-respect can go along way to bettering ones life.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

When you create programs that enable people to not work because they get as much doing nothing, they're to blame. Ultimately, the person not wanting to work is at fault. However, if you don't give them the ability to make such a choice by enabling it to happen, they can't make it. It's like an accessory to a crime. You may not be the one that did it, but if you took part in some way, you're just as guilty.
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?
Friend, I have always supported you and will continue to do so....but we're gonna part ways here......Inner city issues have been around for decades, almost centuries...its part of our DNA. At what point, I ask, do we either move on or stay stuck with the trappings of inner city living? We can't keep this same ol bs up for more decades, more generations, more centuries....at what point do we do something about it? Or do we just stay on the path of my school is bad, there for I can't learn. My neighborhood is bad, I can't work, my this is ......when do we find SOLUTIONS?

Some politicians have learned that the vast majority of America's black community willingly accepts the breadcrumb pandering in exchange for votes. CC has played the role of those politicians on this thread and while you yourself have lamented it, you readily admit you are stuck on voting for those who have enslaved and continue to enslave your community.

Repubs may not be the remedy you seek - they will not pander to you - but Dems actively keep America's black folk in chains and you eagerly vote for it.

Interestingly, the Nation of Islam has at its core a rigidly conservative structure and mindset. I do not subscribe to the hateful rhetoric its leadership employs but they have proven that self-discipline and self-respect can go along way to bettering ones life.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

As already stated, I can't fix what is broken within Black American culture. Dem policies have had a strong influence on the disintegration of the family by providing a level of gov't bennies that is comparable to the market labor value of a large percent of American blacks, thus disincentivizing the work ethic and making our black community beholden to the hand that feeds them.

I know you know this but you seem to get upset when I say it.

With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
Where's your cell phone? Call somebody that gives a damn, I don't

Unlike many blacks, I provide my own cell phone.
What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?
Friend, I have always supported you and will continue to do so....but we're gonna part ways here......Inner city issues have been around for decades, almost centuries...its part of our DNA. At what point, I ask, do we either move on or stay stuck with the trappings of inner city living? We can't keep this same ol bs up for more decades, more generations, more centuries....at what point do we do something about it? Or do we just stay on the path of my school is bad, there for I can't learn. My neighborhood is bad, I can't work, my this is ......when do we find SOLUTIONS?

Some politicians have learned that the vast majority of America's black community willingly accepts the breadcrumb pandering in exchange for votes. CC has played the role of those politicians on this thread and while you yourself have lamented it, you readily admit you are stuck on voting for those who have enslaved and continue to enslave your community.

Repubs may not be the remedy you seek - they will not pander to you - but Dems actively keep America's black folk in chains and you eagerly vote for it.

Interestingly, the Nation of Islam has at its core a rigidly conservative structure and mindset. I do not subscribe to the hateful rhetoric its leadership employs but they have proven that self-discipline and self-respect can go along way to bettering ones life.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

As already stated, I can't fix what is broken within Black American culture. Dem policies have had a strong influence on the disintegration of the family by providing a level of gov't bennies that is comparable to the market labor value of a large percent of American blacks, thus disincentivizing the work ethic and making our black community beholden to the hand that feeds them.

I know you know this but you seem to get upset when I say it.

The black FAMILY survived slavery and Jim Crow pretty much intact. It wasn't until the Democrat expansion of the welfare state that the black family began to deteriorate.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.


1. Vote
2. Stop having kids you can't afford. ANYONE who is single can make something of themselves in America. Even if you only made $10 hr. from the day you turn 18 years old to 65 if you save you can retire with a lot of money. Save $40 a week and don't make a penny in interest you will have $100,000 saved in 47 years. You can retire with social security on that nest egg.
I agree with all you said, but want to say, have kids that you want, not because of a sexual mistake. I had 3 kids, couldn't afford shit...but I wanted these little monsters and damit, today they're the most successful of my generation. If affordability is what it takes to have kids, than only the rich would have them.
A guy at my work said the same thing and you are correct. Even if your TWO parents are dirt poor, they are better than having one rich parent.
Maybe their parents aren't as educated. My parents weren't able to help us because my mom only had a high school education and my immigrant dad didn't even finish high school.

So why did my brother become a VP of a fortune 500 company and you didn't? I don't know. Are Greeks smarter than you blonde haired whites who's families have been in this country for hundreds of years? You would think so.


With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
No we havent...I've been asking you the same question after 5 posts

Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.

With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.
Trying to explain logic to these morons here is just useless....hey, have a drink and a great weekend, kid.
Question? How the hell is a democrat at fault because nigga's don't want to work? My job hired 300 inner city folk about 6 months ago, of that 300 we got maybe 12 left. Note to Trump and white people, some nigga's don't want to work and blaming democrats for the high numbers is fucked up. The reason them numbers is so high, cause half don't won't work or have a record...again, how the fuck is that democrats fault.

welcome to the white man's club. I have worked my ass off my whole life only to be told by liberals and blacks my success was white privilege. How does it feel to work knowing others are simply going to use democrat politics to take some of your money, then call you names if you object? why would they work if they know they can do that?

With your brother, it goes back to the even a blind squirrel finds a nut every so often. Your brother is the exception not the rule. Good for him. When the other 999 do that, let me know.
You would be very impressed with us first generation Greek Americans born around 1970 give it take 20 years. We are all successful business owners or college educated professionals.

But my brother admits he hit the job lotto. A million things had to happen just right for him to have climbed that high in the ranks by 40 years old.

The best thing he did after getting his bachelors at msu was to get a masters. Ford hired him starting at $100,000 and now he makes over a half mill a year. If they let him go they have to pay him $1 mill
Actually, we have.

I asked you why if blacks sit in the same classes, use the same books, get the same lessons, have the same teachers, have as much spent on them, etc as whites they don't perform as well. You made an excuse that went directly toward the slavery excuse. In fact, you put number of years on it.
I tried butting in answer your question and you completely ignored me. Let me tell you a little known factual story.....I raised my nephew because his mom was a dope head and I took over.....I was getting phone calls left an right because the kid was acting up at school. I sat this kid down one day and I told him....once a kid, especially a black kid gets a repetation of being as ass ho, the teachers give up on you. And they focus on those that won't to learn!!
My nephew unlike so many minority kids in this country, had two strikes against him...a unstable home life to deal with and didn't know how to harness his anger and bitterness. So many black kids, are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young to give a damn once these kids start school. The only kids able to really learn in school are those that go home to HAPPY, WHAT EVER MEASURES THAT ENTAILS.

"won't to learn"

I see you used the because you're black excuse.

Since students are in school to learn, if they don't want to do that, oblige them and don't force them to stay. They're only disrupting the process for those that care.

I have a solution for the situation where "so many blacks kids are being raised by grandparents or mom's too young . . ". Stop having bastard children and/or raise the ones you have.
Oh I agree....just one thing, people like you, make me support abortions...if only mom and dad had the guts with you, eh?

Unlike most black children, my white parentS raised me. They didn't, like many blacks, push me off on a grandmother.
My cousin did. And my dad's white neighbor has a daughter who has to be 40 now. Her kids are around 20 give or take. They have different fathers. One of them's father is involved, the other is not. Both of them would have become much better people had their parents been more involved. Had they been raised in a 2 person house.

At least the grandparents are willing to help. Probably why these kids won't turn out to be criminals. Still they are losers and could have been much better citizens IMO but they aren't murderers and rapists. At least as far as I can tell. They have no social skills though but I'm not sure if that's because they have no father or because that's how kids are nowadays.

Lots of white bastards in the USA. They are fortunate not to be bastards growing up in very violent poverty stricken areas with no role models or opportunities.

I went to Detroit Public Schools up until 4th grade. That's not learning.

Let's see. 29% illegitimate for white vs. 75% for blacks. Neither one are good but in a comparison one is better.

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