I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

Jobs are the key. And they should be in or near these areas. They won't come to areas with high crimes.

The neighborhoods need to clean up their acts and join the rest of the world..........

Or stfu
A educated black person is more valuable not only to his employers, but his community. EDUCATION, EDUCATION AND THEN SOME MORE, IS THE KEY HERE

There are so few of them around.
Only in white america, can a rant by a black person to other blacks, ie my OP topic, morph into a conversation on reparations, slavery and bullshit....I'm done!!
Also, parents should teach their children to obey the law and show respect towards police officers.
Really? I'll pass

Thanks for proving that some blacks teach their children to be savages and lawless.
And thanks for reminding me, that white women systematically rape their male students, don't they?

And you wonder why people call you a dumb negro.
Only in white america, can a rant by a black person to other blacks, ie my OP topic, morph into a conversation on reparations, slavery and bullshit....I'm done!!

That's because your people don't listen to things like what you say. They're too busy blaming white people and demanding something be handed to them.
I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?

No I'm stating that the system is rigged and you havent said how to fix the system. Call it whatever you want because when I speak about reality you seem to think its whining. All you have to do is say you dont know and not look so petulant

When you say the system is rigged, it's an excuse to cover for the making of bad choices by people wanting to blame the system for something that is their own fault. When people quit high school and then can't make it, did the system make the choice? No, the person did that now wants to blame something for a choice he/she made. Did the system cause that black girl on a 3/4 basis to spread her legs for someone that was only interested in getting a piece? No, she chose to do so then blames the system when she can't support her kids.

Well you cant say that blacks and whites both have the same everything available to them. Thats not only statistically impossible but that would also mean that being the majority or minority is the same. Again, simply impossible

How does a black student and a white student going to the same school, sitting in the same class, using the same books, having the same amount spent on them, learning from the same teachers, ect. not the SAME?
Its called a stable home life, both have it, they'll succeed, those that lack it, won't....next stupid analyis
Also, parents should teach their children to obey the law and show respect towards police officers.
Really? I'll pass

Thanks for proving that some blacks teach their children to be savages and lawless.
And thanks for reminding me, that white women systematically rape their male students, don't they?

And you wonder why people call you a dumb negro.
First off, you have to wonder, do I give a fuck and second, you must know I don't. Since when do I give a fuck about you people here, get over yourselves, you bitches are nadda to me and so are your opinions...I don't care
Why would I believe anything you say?

As to your demand about what I do until then, NO. What the fuck are you going to do about that, whine and cry like the rest of your kind?
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????

And you black motherfuckers love Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a whole collection of idiots also known as Congressional Black Caucus and, of course, Barak Obama.

Are you better off than you were in 2007?

How did that work for you?
The part I disagree with is your whining about being 'neglected' etc. Blacks have taken more than they have given, and if I owe you something more then tell me, just what the fuck have you ever done for me?

Can we just dump this 'whining' bull shit. It's particularly one of the Liberal's favorite insults. No one is whining. Now, how the Hell do I know this? Read the freakin' definition.

'Rant' maybe but 'whine'?... no.

definition of whine
: to complain in an annoying way
: to make a high, crying sound
: to make a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time

: to complain in an annoying way
: to make a high, crying sound
: to make a high and unpleasant sound that continues for a long time

Which system are you referring to as being rigged, and how is it rigged?

Schools, Education, employment, justice etc. I've explained this plenty so if you want to find the numbers google is there. I have no interest in starting this from level 0 and you just going "Nuh uh" on every topic.

Its obvious you dont think anything is rigged. Blacks have it as good as anyone else. Same....everything. (which is impossible but whatever)

Its like someone asking "how is water wet?" Its a safe bet that if they asked the question they already dont believe it
I'm not sure where you get I don't think things are rigged. I am interested in how you think things are rigged.

CC considers things as being rigged because the results aren't the same despite the opportunities in the areas of which he speaks being the same.

Why would you expect the results to be the same between the slave owners and slaves in a matter of 80 years? I don't confuse personal responsibility with societal challenges those are 2 different things. So yes, blacks can do better and at the same time yes..the system can do better. No one thinks that the system is the best all around. Not conservatives, not democrats...no one believes that. But curiously only when we discuss race do some people pretend the system is fair and just across the board.

Not every white person, contrary to popular belief, owned slaves. There were a lot of whites that were just as poor as blacks. Why did the descendants of those POOR whites do better in those 80 years than the descendants of the POOR blacks? Something had to make the difference.
And you can ask that shit with a straight face, can you??? Whine???? You white good for nothing bitches have been whining since OBama took the fuckin white house 2 elections ago, whine? Bitch please!!

So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????

And you black motherfuckers love Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a whole collection of idiots also known as Congressional Black Caucus and, of course, Barak Obama.

Are you better off than you were in 2007?

How did that work for you?
Uh, yeah...I am better off. Next question?
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.
Any person who wants to succeed in this world must get an education, get a job skill or a profession, and go to work. People who are unwilling to take those simple steps will not succeed.

Wow that was awesome.
Oh, and another thing -- don't have children out of wedlock.

Oh, and another thing - speak English, not Ebonics and if you must have a tattoo have it on your ass not on your forehead.
Is this english enough for you? Bite me bitch!!:banana:
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

What if you quit making excuses when someone fails in life?

So we arent considering reality? All schools are the same? Inner City Jobs are plentiful?

If there is a will, there is a way.

Rent the movie "Lean On Me" and learn.
And you rent the movie, Horton finds a Who?
So, why did Obama not do something about it "2 elections ago"?
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????

And you black motherfuckers love Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a whole collection of idiots also known as Congressional Black Caucus and, of course, Barak Obama.

Are you better off than you were in 2007?

How did that work for you?
Uh, yeah...I am better off. Next question?

Maybe YOU, personally, are better off, probably because you found a way to get more welfare or married a girl who is willing to support you.

OK, you selfish pig, if you are better of, have you used any of your newly found riches to help your fellow freeloaders of the Negroid persuasion?
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.
And when whites have power screws, they fuck....and???
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

Sadly, but correctly, when black have power, they just screw it up. Look at all the cities: Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Flint, Washington, St. Louis, and heaven knows how many smaller cities.

Blacks dont have power there. You're turning the entire idea of systematic racism on its head.
Contray to popular belief....black people are not hatin on OBama...ITS YOU WHITE BITCHES, TAKE NOTES, YOU DUMB FUCK!!

I know that black people do not hate Obama. In fact black people LOVE Obama, irrationally, insanely, stupidly and inexplicably, since Obama has done absolutely nothing for black people. Instead, he spent most of his presidency pissing on blacks and playing a white man's game on the golf course.

In two terms, some of which he had the House and the Senate, wasted his time with the rapidly failing piece of crap aka "Obamacare" instead doing anything to help black people. He should have used his phone and pen, if Republicans gave him any opposition.

But he did not.

That was maybe he is a phony half black pretender.

You can call white people all the pejoratives and derogatory names you can think of, your ilk can be described simply as STUPID
Historically, you white motherfuckers have loved everything....Hitler, Stalin, Bush jr and Now Trump....just one question....how'd it work out for ya????

And you black motherfuckers love Idi Amin, Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandela, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and a whole collection of idiots also known as Congressional Black Caucus and, of course, Barak Obama.

Are you better off than you were in 2007?

How did that work for you?
Uh, yeah...I am better off. Next question?

Maybe YOU, personally, are better off, probably because you found a way to get more welfare or married a girl who is willing to support you.

OK, you selfish pig, if you are better of, have you used any of your newly found riches to help your fellow freeloaders of the Negroid persuasion?
Dear, I earn 17.88 an hour, work like a dog yes, but I bring home a nice paycheck. My man, gets 4 grand a month with his ss and pension. My home is paid for, we have 3 cars, my kids all college educated and doing well in great jobs, although my neighborhood is stressed with so many illegals, I'm good, I got no complaints. Yes, there are people better off and those struggling....but I don't blame OBama for anything, ITS CALLED LIFE YOU WHITE MOTHERFUCKERS GET OVER AND ON WITH IT AND STOP WAITING ON HITLER TO MAKE IT BETTER....YOU'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

And whenever an issue comes up, and you disagree with the logical solution of that issue, you liberals slap on the label: RACIST.

Can't you come up with something more original already?

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