I have had it up to here with black people and excuses.....

Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.
ClosedCaption, the system works well when children receive proper parenting at home. A child who has been properly raised by his parents, attends school on time, every day, obeys the law, and shows proper respect towards teachers, principals, police officers, and other grown-ups in position of authority. I can only conclude from the fact that so many young black people skip classes, drop out of school, and get arrested that they are not receiving proper parenting at home. That is why I have been sharing good parenting tips, from someone who raised three children who are now adults who graduated high school, obey the law, and hold down regular jobs. Now that I've shared how to be a good parent, you can share these tips with your fellow black people, and if they apply them, they will see immediate improvement in the behavior of their children.
How could the inner city schools do worse when everything is the same? That would kind of mean everything isn't the same.

The opportunities are the same and the settings are the same. You left out the human factor.

If you're going on inner cities have the same everything as the suburbs then we don't have to talk further. That's just goofy by any measurable...shit, ANYTHING.

When it comes to the opportunities and resources, they're the same where I live. The only difference is certain group take those opportunities and certain ones don't. That's the human factor.

You complain that I say you make excuses then you make excuses. EVERY high school where I live spends the same amount per pupil and each one uses the same resources. It's the PEOPLE that make the difference not the location.
ClosedCaption, the system works well when children receive proper parenting at home. A child who has been properly raised by his parents, attends school on time, every day, obeys the law, and shows proper respect towards teachers, principals, police officers, and other grown-ups in position of authority. I can only conclude from the fact that so many young black people skip classes, drop out of school, and get arrested that they are not receiving proper parenting at home. That is why I have been sharing good parenting tips, from someone who raised three children who are now adults who graduated high school, obey the law, and hold down regular jobs. Now that I've shared how to be a good parent, you can share these tips with your fellow black people, and if they apply them, they will see immediate improvement in the behavior of their children.

Yet he claims the sperm and egg donor being married or together won't change things. Studies show that it does.
I actually agree with part of your message, the part about doing something productive for yourselves instead of waiting for the white man to do it for you.

The part I disagree with is your whining about being 'neglected' etc. Blacks have taken more than they have given, and if I owe you something more then tell me, just what the fuck have you ever done for me?
We brought your ancestors to America.
Compare the average black in America with the average black in Africa and see who is better off.
The basic problem I see is that so many blacks lack the intelligence it takes to make good decisions about life, and are therefore incompetent in knowing how to take care of themselves. So blacks are constantly going to whites and telling them that it is our job to take care of them.

Prior to the Civil War, Southern whites were willing to take care of blacks. In exchange for a day's labor, the Southern whites would make sure that the black person would get room and board, and all the necessities of life. Many blacks were satisfied with this situation, and when slavery ended, they did not know what to do so with themselves so they made deals with their former masters and became sharecroppers.

In our modern era, liberal whites tell blacks that they need not take care of themselves, they have the government give them free room and board, just like the slavemasters of the Old South. All the liberals ask for in return is that blacks vote a straight Democratic ticket every two years, and most blacks are willing to do that.

The problem arises because these welfare programs are designed in such a way that black men don't have a function, because they are not needed to take care of their women and children. So, because they feel useless, they get in trouble with the law and they end up in prison. And since so many black children are raised without a father, they do not learn discipline, so they drop out of school and get in trouble with the law.

White liberals know all this is happening, but don't give a damn about black people, all they want is their votes.
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.

Of course things can be done...things have been done. I just dont know how blacks wield so much power when they are the minority that blacks alone can change it by thinking positive or getting married.

They damn sure aren't going to change it blaming someone else or continuing to produce bastard children 3 out of every 4.

Getting married isn't going to change it either. So why is that proposed as a solution to anything?

Having illegitimate children oftentimes raised by a single parent can have affects that rollover into other things including education, choices related to committing crimes, etc.

Yeah, but what is that solving today? You're talking about a solution for another generation. That's going to take time and we all know that you don't allow that. It's only been 50 years since blacks have been free and you're already saying your head start doesn't count.

Another generation from now you'll still be making the same excuses. \

It's interesting that you say blacks have only been free for 50 years. That coincides with when the Democrats put into place thing that "enslaved" blacks again. Difference is this time blacks chose to do it. Black families survived hundreds of years of slavery and generations of Jim Crow. The disintegration of the that entity didn't being until about 50 years ago with expansion of the welfare state. The onset of drastic increases in illegitimate births started around that same time.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.



Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Pavlovian response and intermittent reinforcement.

Instead of it being food and a bell, it's claiming the other side is racist and pandering with something to get the vote. Eventually, it's just saying the other side is racist.
Still operates the same way, offer some desirable outcome (looting, public money, any other "free" stuff), thus eliciting a rabid, slobbering response from the targeted population. Then only occasionally delivering promised "rewards". And yes, using "racist" instead of bells seems to work very well for some of these animals, doesn't it?
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?
If the school in your neighborhood isn't teaching your kid, move to another neighborhood. OR, join the PTA and talk to the teachers AND go to school board meetings and pressure the school district to improve the school. Things can be done, it's not rocket science.
Is home schooling an option?
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

Jobs are the key. And they should be in or near these areas. They won't come to areas with high crimes.

The neighborhoods need to clean up their acts and join the rest of the world..........

Or stfu
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.


The lack of father's raising their children is destroying our youth, big problem with the black race.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.



Why is it blacks have to be offered something by the politicians?
Pavlovian response and intermittent reinforcement.

Instead of it being food and a bell, it's claiming the other side is racist and pandering with something to get the vote. Eventually, it's just saying the other side is racist.
Still operates the same way, offer some desirable outcome (looting, public money, any other "free" stuff), thus eliciting a rabid, slobbering response from the targeted population. Then only occasionally delivering promised "rewards". And yes, using "racist" instead of bells seems to work very well for some of these animals, doesn't it?

I get that. Same conditioning despite the items being used are different.
Also, parents should teach their children to obey the law and show respect towards police officers.

And finish all their vegetables
Yes, children should be taught how to eat all their vegetables, and only start desert when all other food is eaten. Parents should strive, as often as possible, to have a sit down dinner, with all family members present, at a dining room with the TV off and no cell phones or mobile devices allowed at the table. This is an opportunity for family members to learn about what happened with other family members at work and school, and it is an opportunity for parents to teach proper table manners by example and instruction. A prayer should always be said before the meal begins. Children should ask to be excused before they leave the table. If parents did all this, we wouldn't have so many problems in our world.
Respect and self-discipline...what foreign concepts!
And look both ways before crossing the street. That would help fix societies problems.

I guess the way I can put it for you to understand is to say "The system is rigged"
Yes, teach your children not to cross the street before looking both ways.

Why are you have such difficulty with these concepts?

I wouldnt be adding on if I found it difficult...but I dont see how doing any of that fixes society as a whole or the rigged system.

Again, you make excuses. Are you going to whine that I say you did?
What if the schools around you dont have good education? jobs? or skills being taught? Because thats part of the equation.

Or are we dealing in another reality where there are good schools and jobs but blacks just dont want them?

Jobs are the key. And they should be in or near these areas. They won't come to areas with high crimes.

The neighborhoods need to clean up their acts and join the rest of the world..........

Or stfu

Who in their right business mind is going to go into a location where when people get mad about something burn down businesses that have absolutely nothing to do with why they protest? They're not but you'll still have people like CC whining that they don't.
Also, once in a long while, a child needs to be spanked.

However, a child should never be hit out of anger or frustration.

But if a child commits an infraction that is so serious that only a spanking is sufficient punishment, then this is what the parent (probably the father) should do.

Sit down with the child in his or her room. You sit on the bed and the child stands in front of you.

Tell the child he is about to get a lecture, and when the lecture is over, he will be spanked.

This gives the child something to think about while you are lecturing him.

Give the lecture. Make sure you explain all the reasons why what he did was totally inappropriate, and must never, never be done again.

Make the lecture long, because the longer it is, the longer the child will think about the spanking he is about to get.

Then, with great ceremony, bend the child over your knees.

Pause, and let him think about the spanking he is about to receive.

Do not tolerate it if the child is resisting. The child must not resist, and you must not use force to get him to comply with the spanking. If he is resisting you, then it is not really a spanking because you are not in control. If you must, go in another room and give your child a chance to calm down and tell him only when he is calm will he get his spanking.

Now, once your child is calm and not resisting, you may commence the spanking.

The spanking must be painful, but you should not bruise your child. I would not suggest using a belt or a paddle, but the palm of your hand. Do not use your fist, that is a hitting not a spanking.

If you do all that, the behavior the child was spanked for will probably be NEVER repeated.

But only do this for something truly serious.

My son once pulled a knife on his sister, and that was the only time I gave him a spanking like this, and he never did it again.
This would assume that there were ground rules and standards to be enforced, both sadly lacking in many of the "families" in question. In a culture that celebrates the lowest human behavior and vilifies individual responsibility and achievement as being "too white", it's difficult. Although beatings are not spared in the milieu under discussion, they are usually administered when the person doing the beating is drunk, high, or proving what a man/woman they are.
‘Milwaukee Uprisings’ Reflect Wisconsin’s Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives
'Milwaukee Uprisings' Reflect Wisconsin's Terrible Treatment Of Black Lives

Here are a few reasons why Wisconsin is literally the worst state for black Americans.,........ why Flint sucks for black, why Baltimore sucks for blacks, why Detroit, sucks for blacks and on and on and on.....

Until we get off our ass's and stop hangin in the streets and start paying the fuck attention to what is going on in the world and this country as a whole, we will continue to abuse, misuse and neglect us.

Listen up my people.....nobody gives a rats fuck about black people, except during elections, during sports seasons and when white women need a boost to their egos...other than that, nobody cares about or give a fuck about ya...That is just reality in todays America...own it and get use to it......until then, we us, you and me, we have got to get our shit together and stop watching life in this country from the sidelines. I am sick to death of the protest that leads to nothing. I am sick of the we need jobs and this and that, and our lives will be better.....etc....let me preach here.......when the struggles of your community become so real, its time to get active...and getting active is not letting some slick talking black/white mf come in, talk shit and do nothing for you once elected. Its time you pay attention to politics, listen, learn and then decide who will better serve your community. Inner city people don't vote, don't do anything but get their nails done, hang on street corners, you do nothing but drag your race, your community, us down...stop it!!!!

The only way to prosperity is through hard work....work, work work and getting paid for it. If jobs in your community aren't paying well, than educate yourself for a better paying job. Nobody is gonna get out of this life, without struggle, hardship and adversity, nobody.


The lack of father's raising their children is destroying our youth, big problem with the black race.

ClosedCaption doesn't seem to think parents being together raising their kids is the cause of any problems. He says doing that won't solve problems today but it will take another generation to do so. Have to start somewhere. People like him were saying the same thing in the previous generation and nothing improved. Now, the same exc uses are being made.
Basically, everyone is responsible for their own life.

Wow, you said a mouthful there. I dont think many people think as you do:rolleyes:

Far too many want to blame someone else for what they caused. Blacks still blame slavery despite not one person alive today ever having been a slave.

I think the problem you're seeing is that when someone brings up an issue you slap a label on it that reads "excuses". So everytime someone brings up bad public schools, lack of opportunity etc you just point at the label.

What do blacks blame slavery for? If you can answer that question you'd be half way to an answer.

It's not bringing up the issue that's the problem. It's the trying to place blame on something other than the cause of it that makes it an excuse. My dad smoked for 50 years. As a result, he has some health problems directly associated with smoking. He doesn't blame anyone but himself because, as he said, no one tied him up and put the cigarettes in his mouth, he did.

The high school dropout, statistically, isn't going to make much of an income. The median income for someone that has less than a diploma is just over $21,000/year or roughly $10/hour. If someone chooses to have kids, it's likely that amount won't be able to cut it financially. Certain ideologies push for a living wage or a minimum higher than that $10/hour for those reasons.

Most people are where they are in life due to choices they made. In the case of the dropout, no one made him/her dropout. They chose to do so but the Liberal answer is force a business to pay them more to offset that choice.

Many blacks blame slavery claiming long term results cause blacks to still be behind others. There are calls for reparations. Liberals pushed for things like affirmative action to offset the results they say slavery and discrimination caused. As long as the demands and AA exists, my statement stands.
Reparations=gimme free money so I can buy that HD, big screen TV I been wantin', and maybe a suuwweeet ride.

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