I have long Covid, and at least 1 in 5 of you will also.

I realized I never really spelled out my symptoms.
It started with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a consistent dry cough - this was the first 12 hours or so.
That quickly deteriorates into genuine illness. Extreme fatigue, muscle aches and general malaise. This period last for about 36-48 hours. During this period I also experienced the "brain fog".
Once that passes, the coughing slowly goes from non productive to extremely productive. Coughing up some serious phlegm. Gross as hell. That fluid buildup results in an impossibility to get a decent nights rest. Eventually the fluid buildup and inflammation lead to secondary infection. You will know this because the mucus will go from white to gnarly green. Indicating the presence of immune cells battling and dying against the infection. This spread into my sinus cavities which lead to a secondary sinus infection. Which adds to the problem of not being able to sleep.
In the last week or so, the inflammation spread to the throat/mouth. I experienced ghost smells, lack of smell and major taste shifts. This also contributed to inability to sleep well.

Both rounds lasted for about 3 weeks. Although, of course the body doing that kind of battling leaves you with lingering tiredness and this brain fog that comes and goes.

I am reading and learning as much as I can about consuming anti-inflammatory foods/teas. Everything about this is down to the body reacting to the protein spikes that cause that inflammation. If I can get that to a minimum I am convinced future waves will be less severe.
Here's hoping you fully recover soon.
2nd that
I wrote this thread to help inform people.
We are being failed again by our government and their media.
well that's been the case for multiple issues now
Keep in mind that SARS/Covid spreads due to a protein in the virus.
Also - the vaccine is a protein based vaccine.
it's definitionally not a vaccine
stop confusing it with Covid. It is NOT Covid.
And the American medical system is woefully behind in diagnosing and treatment than the rest of the world.
Biz as usual for a shill enterprise
Heart disease is the #1 killer in the USA. Has been for a long time.
because.......everyone's heart stops when they die!
shikimic acid or shikimate
interesting, what is the PH? Acidic or alkaline ?
America obviously politicized the Covid virus.
search: "icahn."
yes, he's quite the boy......
2nd that


well that's been the case for multiple issues now


it's definitionally not a vaccine


Biz as usual for a shill enterprise

because.......everyone's heart stops when they die!

interesting, what is the PH? Acidic or alkaline ?


yes, he's quite the boy......
Icahn is a school, not a boy.
I realized I never really spelled out my symptoms.
It started with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a consistent dry cough - this was the first 12 hours or so.
That quickly deteriorates into genuine illness. Extreme fatigue, muscle aches and general malaise. This period last for about 36-48 hours. During this period I also experienced the "brain fog".
Once that passes, the coughing slowly goes from non productive to extremely productive. Coughing up some serious phlegm. Gross as hell. That fluid buildup results in an impossibility to get a decent nights rest. Eventually the fluid buildup and inflammation lead to secondary infection. You will know this because the mucus will go from white to gnarly green. Indicating the presence of immune cells battling and dying against the infection. This spread into my sinus cavities which lead to a secondary sinus infection. Which adds to the problem of not being able to sleep.
In the last week or so, the inflammation spread to the throat/mouth. I experienced ghost smells, lack of smell and major taste shifts. This also contributed to inability to sleep well.

Both rounds lasted for about 3 weeks. Although, of course the body doing that kind of battling leaves you with lingering tiredness and this brain fog that comes and goes.

I am reading and learning as much as I can about consuming anti-inflammatory foods/teas. Everything about this is down to the body reacting to the protein spikes that cause that inflammation. If I can get that to a minimum I am convinced future waves will be less severe.
If you’re concerned about having contracting myocarditis, this column should be helpful.

Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common - My Clinical Experience
If you’re concerned about having contracting myocarditis, this column should be helpful.

Myocarditis: Once Rare, Now Common - My Clinical Experience
So far, no signs of that. Some of the symptoms of Myocarditis is the same as respiratory inflammation. Fatigue, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing etc. However the differing symptoms of irregular heartbeat, chest pain, swelling of the legs/ankles - I have none of that.
My greatest concerns are two fold -
1) How long is this going to last, and how many flare ups will there be an will they be worse.
2) Cognitive decline. This is a big one for me. Being smart is a part of who I am, and how people see me. This brain fog is seriously concerning. It only comes and goes. It is not any lingering thing, it just happens in "bursts". I will be doing something and then all of a sudden, a wave of light headedness, and then I can't concentrate. If I try to continue to think, it almost feels like anxiety... no... it does feel like anxiety. My brain is telling me, loudly, to stop thinking and reduce sensory input.
I am really concerned this could become permanent. Studies have not eliminated that possibility as there are folks who have had the brain fogging for over a year! FFS!
Yes. Moderna - the first two.
I had no boosters, and never will.
I got them because my 80 (now 82) year old mother lives in our basement.
Otherwise I probably wouldn't have. Early on I pretty much figured that if my Mom got Covid it would certainly kill her. We did all of her shopping etc. for her for almost a year. She went no where for a long time.

My aunt still has problems with her breathing almost a year and a half later. Hope you get better.
The New England Journal of Medicine suggested that the recent huge spike in RSV diagnosis is incorrect, and the real condition was long covid. (currently RSV diagnosis is 15 times higher than before) And indeed this appears to be right.
My personal opinion on that is clear. America obviously politicized the Covid virus. The medical establishment doesn't want people to be openly aware of this new killer condition - SPECIFICALLY - due to the first 3 studies suggest that the vaccine is making it worse. If I can find that article again I will link it. Currently the NEJM has over 50 articles on long Covid.

Whatever the case - the American health industry is inexcusably and irresponsibly waaaay behind other countries on diagnosing and treating long Covid.
We are being failed again. Get politics out of Medicine.

Well now, I don't know. RSV is acute from what I understand--not like mono, or chronic fatigue syndrome. It's a virus--it can be tested. Are they seriously claiming that getting a DIFFERENT virus is a symptom of long Covid? If so, then I really do think they're covering for the vaccines. Because the vaccines negatively impact the immune system--leading to more infections, like RSV.
Well now, I don't know. RSV is acute from what I understand--not like mono, or chronic fatigue syndrome. It's a virus--it can be tested. Are they seriously claiming that getting a DIFFERENT virus is a symptom of long Covid? If so, then I really do think they're covering for the vaccines. Because the vaccines negatively impact the immune system--leading to more infections, like RSV.
My daughter is a charge RT, she sees patients getting diagnosed with RSV as a "general diagnose" without any test done.
You have to understand how the medical establishment works.
Everything is based on codes. If there is no code for a condition, a doctor can't make that diagnoses. Even if they know it isn't right, they may give a similar diagnoses because it works in the system.
Long Covid, unbelievably, isn't in many hospital systems.
Bloomberg News - For long Covid, there is no past, no standards of care, and very little research. So some treatments for long-Covid conditions, even if ordered by a doctor, are being deemed not medically necessary or experimental, prompting insurance companies to deny claims

So doctors don't give them a diagnoses of Long Covid because it hasn't been coded. Insurance companies, always at the ready to not pay bills, use that as a legal reason to deny claims. Doctors know this - so they make a different diagnoses.

I realized I never really spelled out my symptoms.
It started with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a consistent dry cough - this was the first 12 hours or so.
That quickly deteriorates into genuine illness. Extreme fatigue, muscle aches and general malaise. This period last for about 36-48 hours. During this period I also experienced the "brain fog".
Once that passes, the coughing slowly goes from non productive to extremely productive. Coughing up some serious phlegm. Gross as hell. That fluid buildup results in an impossibility to get a decent nights rest. Eventually the fluid buildup and inflammation lead to secondary infection. You will know this because the mucus will go from white to gnarly green. Indicating the presence of immune cells battling and dying against the infection. This spread into my sinus cavities which lead to a secondary sinus infection. Which adds to the problem of not being able to sleep.
In the last week or so, the inflammation spread to the throat/mouth. I experienced ghost smells, lack of smell and major taste shifts. This also contributed to inability to sleep well.

Both rounds lasted for about 3 weeks. Although, of course the body doing that kind of battling leaves you with lingering tiredness and this brain fog that comes and goes.

I am reading and learning as much as I can about consuming anti-inflammatory foods/teas. Everything about this is down to the body reacting to the protein spikes that cause that inflammation. If I can get that to a minimum I am convinced future waves will be less severe.
Did you get the vaxx? I'm sure you stated it somewhere but can't see it.
This is seriously f*cking me up.
Cognitively I am getting worse. Periods of impossibility to concentrate, and seek as little sensory input as possible. Where I don't want to think about anything. VERY much not like me.
I have been noticing here when I read messages I have typed... the sentence structuring/cohesiveness is off. So I come back and fix it.
Pretty nervous about all this. Affecting my job.

Keep in mind - CDC states at least 1 in 5 of you will get long Covid.
I realized I never really spelled out my symptoms.
It started with a little tickle in the throat, followed by a consistent dry cough - this was the first 12 hours or so.
That quickly deteriorates into genuine illness. Extreme fatigue, muscle aches and general malaise. This period last for about 36-48 hours. During this period I also experienced the "brain fog".
Once that passes, the coughing slowly goes from non productive to extremely productive. Coughing up some serious phlegm. Gross as hell. That fluid buildup results in an impossibility to get a decent nights rest. Eventually the fluid buildup and inflammation lead to secondary infection. You will know this because the mucus will go from white to gnarly green. Indicating the presence of immune cells battling and dying against the infection. This spread into my sinus cavities which lead to a secondary sinus infection. Which adds to the problem of not being able to sleep.
In the last week or so, the inflammation spread to the throat/mouth. I experienced ghost smells, lack of smell and major taste shifts. This also contributed to inability to sleep well.

Both rounds lasted for about 3 weeks. Although, of course the body doing that kind of battling leaves you with lingering tiredness and this brain fog that comes and goes.

I am reading and learning as much as I can about consuming anti-inflammatory foods/teas. Everything about this is down to the body reacting to the protein spikes that cause that inflammation. If I can get that to a minimum I am convinced future waves will be less severe.

The second I get that tickle in the throat I take a good shot of whiskey and let it sit right at the edge of swallowing.

Usually for 3 to 4 minutes.

Then I pound Vitamin C and take a hot shower.

I already take a steady dose of zinc and vitamin D.
Everything in America is about politics.
Most people have never even heard of "long Covid" - yet the New England Journal of Medicine has called it "the next Pandemic" and it could be worse than Covid 19. The CDC, on their own website, estimates that by the end of 2023 - 1 in 5 adults will have Long Covid.
The Social Security Administration, in November, listed Long Covid as an approved condition where people can get on disability.
The American government is prepared for this coming threat. But the American media, and elected officials are saying nothing.
What is long Covid? --- >

Let me tell you how bad it sucks.
I have been sick since Nov. 9th. This weekend will mark 8 weeks.
Long Covid means you will get sick at specific intervals (different for everyone) and it will last for an indefinite amount of time. There are people who have suffered with Long Covid for over a year.
For me, I have had a bad cough, sinus troubles, burning throat and mouth with inflammation burns on my tongue. Energy levels low, brain fog which can get serious. Sometimes I cannot concentrate. Just can't think clearly. Oxygen levels lingering in the low 90s. Basically I get pretty bad sick every 4 weeks, with it taking close to 3 to feel somewhat normal again.

But of course. The American media is nearly silent on this. Why" Because 3 of the 39 studies currently underway on this condition have found that those who had the vaccine are worse than those who have not taken it.

I suggest everyone reading this, to inform yourself by reading about this condition that for some reason your government and the media prefers you stay dumb about.

Note to Mods. Don't move this thread, like that last one to conspiracy.
Every link here is from legitimate sources, indeed, the most legitimate health sources in the world.
This is not a damn conspiracy thread.
People nee dto be informed and aware of what is happening as RIGHT NOW - millions are getting Long Covid and America is months and months behind Europe in diagnosing and treatment.
How much are you gonna get for this "disability" ?
The second I get that tickle in the throat I take a good shot of whiskey and let it sit right at the edge of swallowing.

Usually for 3 to 4 minutes.

Then I pound Vitamin C and take a hot shower.

I already take a steady dose of zinc and vitamin D.
It is all about inflammation.
The protein spikes cause inflammation, that is the root of every symptom.
It is not a virus. It is not something you catch. It is not related to your immune system, insomuch a virus etc.
It is protein spikes.
Soo... eat as many anti-inflammatory foods as you can - and stay away from foods that make inflammation worse. I.E. - processed white flour, processed sugars, high sodium etc.
How much are you gonna get for this "disability" ?
Yes the SSA made a special provision for this condition. If yuo are diagnosed with long Covid you can go on disability. I make way more than that. That would be a huge cut in income.
Round 3 hit last Thursday at about 2pm. by 7pm I was full on sick. By 7am Friday I am at the hospital.
Friday nite I am horribly sick.
This is worse than Covid. It is not even close.
My fears have come true. Each time it restrikes, it is worse than it was before.
The next time I have no doubt I will be hospitalized.
This time 101.7 fever, sitting HR 91 bpm with Blood Ox at 90. I probably should have been under observation just for that. Keep in mind I take 100mg of Atenolol a day. My normal sitting heart rate is high 50s.
I am better this morning. I got my mind back last night. The fever is gone, vitals have normalized etc.
I am once again now left with a productive cough, weakness, fatigue and fuzzy headiness.
I don't know what I am going to do. There is nothing that can be done. Extremely few resources are available to treat long Covid. To my knowledge only UCLA in CA has set up a facility specifically to treat long Covid. Everywhere else is basically ignoring it.
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Read the article.
Long Covid is not the virus. I have no virus in me.
Long Covid is caused by protein spikes in your pulmonary system that causes irritation and inflammation throughout your lungs/bronchial tubes and sinuses. As well as, well documented, having effects on patients brains. Causing temporary "brain fog"
It is not the virus.
It is a protein spike caused by the virus, and early studies have shown that the vaccine may be making the protein spikes worse.
Thanks. I did not want to have to explain it. I was actually concerned about having early onset Alzheimers after COVID. Then after about a year I completely cleared up and my wife had to scrap her plans of locking me up in the Alzheimer unit. I have no opinion about the vaccine making the fog worse, I just dont know enough to have an opinion.
You got in on the ground floor, too. That was back before any new drug treatments, warnings or precautions, or vaccines, before it was known to already be here. I was right behind you in Jan of 2020.
I retied in Nov and got sick mid December. I was in a spin class at the YMCA with a bunch of women that had just got back from Europe.

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