Zone1 I have seen hell

I had to chime in here to say something to those who are laughing at him. Did you not read the last sentence in his original post? (basically the conclusion)

He said: "This is also a warning against anyone who may want to crossdress, best u stay away from that stuff."

Regardless of how his vision came about, if it left him with the knowledge to stay away from cross-dressing AND with the desire to ask God for forgiveness (as he stated in post #15) AND if he felt God said "Go and sin no more".... then that is a HUGE improvement over previous stuff he has posted, which IIRC was mostly anti-christian and occultic.

So why laugh at anyone who experienced something that caused them to ask God for forgiveness and come away with a new view on something twisted (cross-dressing)?

not trying to be hard on anyone, just sayin.


Me and my mom can both see stuff, both of us are Psychic.

Me and my mom can both see stuff, both of us are Psychic.

That opens a whole new can of worms. People can have certain abilities, but the real question is, where is that power coming from? You might not like to hear this, but when you boil it down, the power either comes from God, or the other spiritual realm (the enemy of God.)

And since the bible is clear on things like spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (it is strongly condemned) it's easy to know that the power those things draw upon is not of God, it's of the enemy.

If you do sincerely feel that your vision was from God... then my suggestion is to stay far away from all of the occult stuff, it is very very bad news, because it opens a door (that you are opening) which is an invitation to demonic influence or oppression.

And believe me, you don't want that, because if you continue with it it will blind you and block you from God / truth.
Reminder folks, this is a Zone 1 discussion.

Which means what?
I've searched, and can't find anything.
Is it like a CCP sort of "law" that basically says do whatever I say, or I'll kick it, but I'm not telling you what it is, or are there actual rules?
That opens a whole new can of worms. People can have certain abilities, but the real question is, where is that power coming from? You might not like to hear this, but when you boil it down, the power either comes from God, or the other spiritual realm (the enemy of God.)

And since the bible is clear on things like spiritism, mediums, the occult, and psychics (it is strongly condemned) it's easy to know that the power those things draw upon is not of God, it's of the enemy.

If you do sincerely feel that your vision was from God... then my suggestion is to stay far away from all of the occult stuff, it is very very bad news, because it opens a door (that you are opening) which is an invitation to demonic influence or oppression.

And believe me, you don't want that, because if you continue with it it will blind you and block you from God / truth.
He dabbles in the OCCULT. There are many problem with his story. He's obviously into some weird stuff. God can CALL people OUT of these sins. Hopefully he'll give that stuff up.
And yet God also seems to have said all people are sinners, and always will be sinners.
It's kind of like God saying, "here's a cake, I want you to put it on display, but I want you to eat it all too"
"BECOME ye PERFECT, as your Father in heaven is perfect

It's more like God is saying, "here's another human being. Don't murder that other human being"
And yet God also seems to have said all people are sinners, and always will be sinners.
It's kind of like God saying, "here's a cake, I want you to put it on display, but I want you to eat it all too"
Christ told a person that was sinning, to stop it. If you are a prostitute, then stop being a prostitute. If He was talking to a thief, then stop stealing. It wasn't a blanket order to cease and desist, because we can sin and not even know it. He wanted them to strive for righteousness, not purposely continue to behave in their usual manner.
Like telling a child that is doing something he shouldn't be doing to, "Stop it and behave." That doesn't mean the child will never do anything wrong again. But it puts him on the right track to do what is right.
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Christ told a person that was sinning, to stop it. If you are a prostitute, then stop being a prostitute. If He was talking to a thief, then stop stealing. It wasn't a blanket order to cease and desist, because we can sin and not even know it. He wanted them to strive for righteousness, not purposely continue to behave in their usual manner.
Like telling a child that is doing something he shouldn't be doing to, "Stop it and behave." That doesn't mean the child will never do anything wrong again. But it puts him on the right track to do what is right.

Ever wondered why Christian countries are at the top of the highest murder rates per captia?

Literally a "oh, you're a bad boy. Stop it".

Ever worked with kids? Not really.
A few days ago i had visions over a couple of days of a man in a dress who was me and they were drawing pentagrams on a floor and later on i kept calling the man in the dress Brandon,but his name was Kevin and later on i was forced to sign a contract. But on a certain date i was supposed to meet a man with a scary face that i was supposed to avoid and not talk to the guy that no one else could see and meet a man in a dress. and today power was supposed to go out,but i got rid of the womans clothes last night. I later learned that after i signed the contract that i couldn't meet my family after i died nor enter heaven and in the vision i saw that i was put somewhere because i was possessed by devils and a priest that was to get the devil out,but i died.
This is also a warning against anyone who may want to crossdress, best u stay away from that stuff.

Did you ever stop to think it's the lifestyle you lead?
Ever wondered why Christian countries are at the top of the highest murder rates per captia?

Literally a "oh, you're a bad boy. Stop it".

Ever worked with kids? Not really.
Are you suggesting Christ beat, or kill them them to make a point? He forgave them inspite of their sin and caused them to want to change their behavior/behave...
I think it's God sending me those visions.
I've had real premonitions, about real things. I don't think that's what you're experiencing.

What happened was I was told to do a certain thing at a certain point in time in a certain situation (well the situation was NOT really explained).

I was told to do a certain thing 3x in a dream, so when the time came, I did it, I knew to do it because of the dreams, and it saved 3 lives.

I already knew what I had to do. I think it was God that told me, I do.

They started shortly before that event and never happened again. Yet..

I don't doubt he could tell me something again if it was important. That was important, but I don't know why.
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Ever wondered why Christian countries are at the top of the highest murder rates per captia?
Because other non Christian countries won't allow the freedom to be a pervert or get out of line. People like you and the things you support in the name of your perverse form of "freedom" wouldn't be allowed(go.osexuality, trans wrongs, murder, adultery, drug dealing)

In a Muslim or Hindu country, black culture like we have in this country wouldn't be tolerated. Imagine how well a ghetto dweller here in the U.S. would fare in Saudi Arabia.

With "freedom" comes responsibility. Liberalism created our crime problem, not our "collective" cultural religion which YOU people tell us is SECULAR HUMANISM
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Are you suggesting Christ beat, or kill them them to make a point? He forgave them inspite of their sin and caused them to want to change their behavior/behave...

No, I am not suggesting this. I'm not even sure how you might come to such a conclusion.
Thing is, people go to church on a Sunday, have their sins absolved and then go out and carry on as before.

Does it work?
You are overlooking repentance. If you are sincere you will turn away from your sin. Saying, "Sorry-not sorry" (Sorry on Sunday, back at it on Monday) doesn't fool God. He sees your heart.
And most people that are involved in their church pretty much continue to be Christian outside of it as well...
The reason it works is because so much of our worship and our listening is about what to do instead of what not to do. Scripture is inspirational and it can deeply touch lives.

But then it doesn't seem to work that much because Christianity seems to breed a lot of bad people, ie, high murder rates and a lot of intolerance and bigotry....
But then it doesn't seem to work that much because Christianity seems to breed a lot of bad people, ie, high murder rates and a lot of intolerance and bigotry....
Are you blaming Christianity for the very thing it fights against? Let's take a look at the history of mankind. Two choices are before us: God's way, which is life; the other way, which is death. The Israelites began by choosing life, yet they fell away. Is this because God's way, and hearing God's way, caused them to choose death, or is it because they chose to listen to self/ways of mankind over listening to God and the ways of God? Is it the fault of God's word that so many turn from it?

"I will heal their defection," says the Lord. "I will love them freely."

Whose Word are Christians following? Notice the 'buts' we hear:
  • I am Christian, but I believe in women's choice.
  • I am Christian, but I am more spiritual than following any religion/Word of God.
  • I am Christian, but I believe in divorce.
  • I am Christian, but instead of putting neighbor equal to self, I put self above neighbor.
That list can go on and on--not just for Christianity, but for people of any faith. It is so easy to rationalize our own way above God's way, when it is God we are to love with all our heart, mind, strength.

Notice how government goes against the Word of God, and how people willingly embrace the Word of Government because government is human and it chooses human ways: The sins of divorce, of abortion, of party disunity, and so forth.

Sin is not power. Sin is weakness. So we should be asking ourselves, "Why do people in government want to make their citizens weak?"

Instead of broad brushing and blaming Christianity/The Word of God for the ills we see around us, is to ask, "Are we, the people, listening/following the Word of God? Or, do our opinions and actions show we are listening/following the Word of humans/government?

Don't blame Christians/people of faith. Call them to to hear the Word of God and to be Christians/people of faith.
Are you blaming Christianity for the very thing it fights against? Let's take a look at the history of mankind. Two choices are before us: God's way, which is life; the other way, which is death. The Israelites began by choosing life, yet they fell away. Is this because God's way, and hearing God's way, caused them to choose death, or is it because they chose to listen to self/ways of mankind over listening to God and the ways of God? Is it the fault of God's word that so many turn from it?

"I will heal their defection," says the Lord. "I will love them freely."

Whose Word are Christians following? Notice the 'buts' we hear:
  • I am Christian, but I believe in women's choice.
  • I am Christian, but I am more spiritual than following any religion/Word of God.
  • I am Christian, but I believe in divorce.
  • I am Christian, but instead of putting neighbor equal to self, I put self above neighbor.
That list can go on and on--not just for Christianity, but for people of any faith. It is so easy to rationalize our own way above God's way, when it is God we are to love with all our heart, mind, strength.

Notice how government goes against the Word of God, and how people willingly embrace the Word of Government because government is human and it chooses human ways: The sins of divorce, of abortion, of party disunity, and so forth.

Sin is not power. Sin is weakness. So we should be asking ourselves, "Why do people in government want to make their citizens weak?"

Instead of broad brushing and blaming Christianity/The Word of God for the ills we see around us, is to ask, "Are we, the people, listening/following the Word of God? Or, do our opinions and actions show we are listening/following the Word of humans/government?

Don't blame Christians/people of faith. Call them to to hear the Word of God and to be Christians/people of faith.

I don't see your reply as having discussed this topic at all. You're merely saying things that appear to be like preaching.
Just because a pastor/vicar/priest etc says "behave yourself", does that mean people will?

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