Zone1 I have seen hell

No, I am not suggesting this. I'm not even sure how you might come to such a conclusion.
Thing is, people go to church on a Sunday, have their sins absolved and then go out and carry on as before.

Does it work?
You anti-Gods sure do a lot of judging. But then if we say anything about YOUR behavior, that's different. You believe we can't judge you 😂
Are you blaming Christianity for the very thing it fights against? Let's take a look at the history of mankind. Two choices are before us: God's way, which is life; the other way, which is death. The Israelites began by choosing life, yet they fell away. Is this because God's way, and hearing God's way, caused them to choose death, or is it because they chose to listen to self/ways of mankind over listening to God and the ways of God? Is it the fault of God's word that so many turn from it?

"I will heal their defection," says the Lord. "I will love them freely."

Whose Word are Christians following? Notice the 'buts' we hear:
  • I am Christian, but I believe in women's choice.
  • I am Christian, but I am more spiritual than following any religion/Word of God.
  • I am Christian, but I believe in divorce.
  • I am Christian, but instead of putting neighbor equal to self, I put self above neighbor.
That list can go on and on--not just for Christianity, but for people of any faith. It is so easy to rationalize our own way above God's way, when it is God we are to love with all our heart, mind, strength.

Notice how government goes against the Word of God, and how people willingly embrace the Word of Government because government is human and it chooses human ways: The sins of divorce, of abortion, of party disunity, and so forth.

Sin is not power. Sin is weakness. So we should be asking ourselves, "Why do people in government want to make their citizens weak?"

Instead of broad brushing and blaming Christianity/The Word of God for the ills we see around us, is to ask, "Are we, the people, listening/following the Word of God? Or, do our opinions and actions show we are listening/following the Word of humans/government?

Don't blame Christians/people of faith. Call them to to hear the Word of God and to be Christians/people of faith.

I am right as well.

As soon as i threw all the women's clothes out of the room, i felt some kind of presence by my room.

I able to sense spirits, like one time at the luxor, i remember hearing a thump and then felt a chill.

I think it was this woman in this news article.
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I am right as well.

As soon as i threw all the women's clothes out of the room, i felt some kind of presence by my room.
I cannot say I ever 'felt' some kind of presence, at least per se. I work on genealogy from time to time, and as I work on a family line, I find myself saying the rosary and other prayers for those who have passed on. One afternoon as I was working, inspiration after inspiration hit me. Genealogy is a lot of hard work and research if it is done right, and in opening up new lines, there are usually a lot of dead ends. I had come to a dead end in one line, which is why I was trying another. The work I was doing on the new line kept throwing up avenues of research that kept tossing me back to the original line.

I finally had a breakthrough on the original line and a name popped up. I was thinking, "This is really strange, how I found it." It wasn't like someone else's hands were on the books and keyboard, but the ideas that guided me did seem to come from outside of me. Then this thought descended all around me. "Now you can pray for me, too."

Weird, right? Still, the spirit world may be closer to us than we imagine.
I did. You dismissed it and seemed to offer your own idea?


I'm saying that the church is preaching this idea that you sin, you go to church, your sins get absolved, you're told "you need to not sin" and the people go "yeah, okay" and then they walk out and do exactly what they were doing before.

I'm saying that the church is preaching this idea that you sin, you go to church, your sins get absolved, you're told "you need to not sin" and the people go "yeah, okay" and then they walk out and do exactly what they were doing before.
I don't know which church you attend. However the archdiocese of New Orleans sums up my own experiences in Catholic churches:

The homily serves as our moment of reflection, instruction, exhortation, and consolation. A good homily will use Scripture as a framework for understanding our relationship with God; for teaching us about how to grow in His grace; for encouraging us to hold fast to the faith; and for offering us comfort when we fail.

Church serves as one of the guides on our journey through living this life, and in coming to know God and understand God is in the midst of our life.
I don't know which church you attend. However the archdiocese of New Orleans sums up my own experiences in Catholic churches:

The homily serves as our moment of reflection, instruction, exhortation, and consolation. A good homily will use Scripture as a framework for understanding our relationship with God; for teaching us about how to grow in His grace; for encouraging us to hold fast to the faith; and for offering us comfort when we fail.

Church serves as one of the guides on our journey through living this life, and in coming to know God and understand God is in the midst of our life.

The issue here is that there are lots of churches with lots of different ways of doing things.
However, Christianity is the religion with the most violence and crime.
And what you're telling me doesn't change my view of that.
I'm saying this whole way you're saying literally leads to people thinking it's okay to do what they do.
However, Christianity is the religion with the most violence and crime.
And what you're telling me doesn't change my view of that.
I am not trying to change your view of that. I am merely pointing out Christianity does not teach violence and there must be another measuring factor. Let's take drugs as an example. In the general population, drug uses are more likely to commit crimes than non-drug users. Christianity does not teach using drugs, either. On the other hand, government is giving recreational drug use the nod. Another factor: Christians make up the majority of the population.
I am not trying to change your view of that. I am merely pointing out Christianity does not teach violence and there must be another measuring factor. Let's take drugs as an example. In the general population, drug uses are more likely to commit crimes than non-drug users. Christianity does not teach using drugs, either. On the other hand, government is giving recreational drug use the nod. Another factor: Christians make up the majority of the population.

I didn't say it teaches violence. However what it does teach is, in comparison with say Islam, that you can go out and do bad, get your sins absolved on a Sunday ready for a week of sinning.
I didn't say it teaches violence. However what it does teach is, in comparison with say Islam, that you can go out and do bad, get your sins absolved on a Sunday ready for a week of sinning.
Christians understand it is repentance for the forgiveness of sins. We are to give up disobedient behavior and turn to obedience towards God and His ways. We cannot just give up the sin, we must replace it with something worthy and right. If we don't, we are warned we are open to more demons.

Are you saying that those who are out committing violent crimes are in church every Sunday?
Christians understand it is repentance for the forgiveness of sins. We are to give up disobedient behavior and turn to obedience towards God and His ways. We cannot just give up the sin, we must replace it with something worthy and right. If we don't, we are warned we are open to more demons.

Are you saying that those who are out committing violent crimes are in church every Sunday?
No, I'm not saying that.
What I'm saying is that Christianity as majority religion in a country or an area is more likely to lead to that.

It's not an automatic thing either. Some of the lowest countries are Christian too, San Marino, the Vatican etc, small places.
Spain, as a large country has 0.6 murders per 100,000, which is quite low.
Obviously poverty has an impact, Africa and Latin America are impacted quite a lot.

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