I have to apologize to USMB Right Wingers. You were right.



We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.
Rdean, did you apologize for challenging me about Dems saying that unemployment stimulates the economy?
We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

What's your level of education?
Iron-ic \i-ra-nik, adjective
1: relating to, containing, or constituting irony
<an ironic remark>
<an ironic coincidence>
2. given to irony
<an ironic sense of humor>
example: rdean calling or implying someone else is ignorant
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We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

And since this isn't a SYG case, what's your point?
Is this like Obama supposedly being a Law Professor and not knowing Judicial Review?
We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

What's your level of education?
Bump for Derp.
Derp went to school, he knows stuff

6%, etc

Oh, yes, I forgot -- he's an Engineer of Womyn's Studies.


Ummm...if you major in a useless field, why should you think you deserve a job?

Derp, can you explain this?
Derp went to school, he knows stuff

6%, etc

Oh, yes, I forgot -- he's an Engineer of Womyn's Studies.


Ummm...if you major in a useless field, why should you think you deserve a job?

Derp, can you explain this?

Interestingly enough, there are roughly 3 million jobs here in America that are good paying jobs that cannot be filled.

Wanna know why?

People aren't willing to go to trade schools anymore. On Bill Maher this past Friday, Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) was telling everyone about how there are trade jobs that require technical skills (like the current shortage at Caterpillar), but nobody has the skill set required for those jobs.

It's more that people are choosing jobs outside of the blue collar type jobs (which while they don't require a 4 year degree, they still require skills from a vocational school), because they think that those jobs are "beneath" them.

Sorry................but it's kinda like being in the Navy and bitching about being in a CREO "C" job like administration, which has a more limited advancement opportunity because you liked the field (as well as almost everyone else did as well), rather than going for a CREO "A" job which few people want (or could qualify for), which would advance you much quicker.

Me? I was in a CREO "C" job (Personnelman). When I made First Class, I was the only PN in the entire group of PSD's, and my LT was proud of me.

I think I was the only one out of around 8 or 10 PSD's to make it that cycle.
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Derp went to school, he knows stuff

6%, etc

Oh, yes, I forgot -- he's an Engineer of Womyn's Studies.


Ummm...if you major in a useless field, why should you think you deserve a job?

Derp, can you explain this?

Interestingly enough, there are roughly 3 million jobs here in America that are good paying jobs that cannot be filled.

Wanna know why?

People aren't willing to go to trade schools anymore. On Bill Maher this past Friday, Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) was telling everyone about how there are trade jobs that require technical skills (like the current shortage at Caterpillar), but nobody has the skill set required for those jobs.

It's more that people are choosing jobs outside of the blue collar type jobs (which while they don't require a 4 year degree, they still require skills from a vocational school), because they think that those jobs are "beneath" them.

Sorry................but it's kinda like being in the Navy and bitching about being in a CREO "C" job like administration, which has a more limited advancement opportunity because you liked the field (as well as almost everyone else did as well), rather than going for a CREO "A" job which few people want (or could qualify for), which would advance you much quicker.

Me? I was in a CREO "C" job (Personnelman). When I made First Class, I was the only PN in the entire group of PSD's, and my LT was proud of me.

I think I was the only one out of around 8 or 10 PSD's to make it that cycle.
:clap2: I fully agree. Everyone has been told that they HAVE to go to college. And the result is guys like the one pictured above, who wasted money on a Classical Studies degree that prepared him to do absolutely nothing in the real world.

Ain't nothin' wrong with getting your hands dirty, people. A tradesman has to use his/her brain just as much as a desk jockey.
Oh, yes, I forgot -- he's an Engineer of Womyn's Studies.


Ummm...if you major in a useless field, why should you think you deserve a job?

Derp, can you explain this?

Interestingly enough, there are roughly 3 million jobs here in America that are good paying jobs that cannot be filled.

Wanna know why?

People aren't willing to go to trade schools anymore. On Bill Maher this past Friday, Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) was telling everyone about how there are trade jobs that require technical skills (like the current shortage at Caterpillar), but nobody has the skill set required for those jobs.

It's more that people are choosing jobs outside of the blue collar type jobs (which while they don't require a 4 year degree, they still require skills from a vocational school), because they think that those jobs are "beneath" them.

Sorry................but it's kinda like being in the Navy and bitching about being in a CREO "C" job like administration, which has a more limited advancement opportunity because you liked the field (as well as almost everyone else did as well), rather than going for a CREO "A" job which few people want (or could qualify for), which would advance you much quicker.

Me? I was in a CREO "C" job (Personnelman). When I made First Class, I was the only PN in the entire group of PSD's, and my LT was proud of me.

I think I was the only one out of around 8 or 10 PSD's to make it that cycle.
:clap2: I fully agree. Everyone has been told that they HAVE to go to college. And the result is guys like the one pictured above, who wasted money on a Classical Studies degree that prepared him to do absolutely nothing in the real world.

Ain't nothin' wrong with getting your hands dirty, people. A tradesman has to use his/her brain just as much as a desk jockey.

You're right.................there's nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty. During the 20 years I was in, I volunteered for many different collateral jobs, and it was BECAUSE I was a desk jockey that I did that.

Why? I wanted to know more about the ship and the jets I was stationed with.

In retrospect, maybe I should have gone for one of the mechanical jobs, because it's a lot easier to find a job as a HVAC technician or diesel mechanic than it is to find a personnel job working with pay and records.
Interestingly enough, there are roughly 3 million jobs here in America that are good paying jobs that cannot be filled.

Wanna know why?

People aren't willing to go to trade schools anymore. On Bill Maher this past Friday, Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs) was telling everyone about how there are trade jobs that require technical skills (like the current shortage at Caterpillar), but nobody has the skill set required for those jobs.

It's more that people are choosing jobs outside of the blue collar type jobs (which while they don't require a 4 year degree, they still require skills from a vocational school), because they think that those jobs are "beneath" them.

Sorry................but it's kinda like being in the Navy and bitching about being in a CREO "C" job like administration, which has a more limited advancement opportunity because you liked the field (as well as almost everyone else did as well), rather than going for a CREO "A" job which few people want (or could qualify for), which would advance you much quicker.

Me? I was in a CREO "C" job (Personnelman). When I made First Class, I was the only PN in the entire group of PSD's, and my LT was proud of me.

I think I was the only one out of around 8 or 10 PSD's to make it that cycle.
:clap2: I fully agree. Everyone has been told that they HAVE to go to college. And the result is guys like the one pictured above, who wasted money on a Classical Studies degree that prepared him to do absolutely nothing in the real world.

Ain't nothin' wrong with getting your hands dirty, people. A tradesman has to use his/her brain just as much as a desk jockey.

You're right.................there's nothing wrong with getting your hands dirty. During the 20 years I was in, I volunteered for many different collateral jobs, and it was BECAUSE I was a desk jockey that I did that.

Why? I wanted to know more about the ship and the jets I was stationed with.

In retrospect, maybe I should have gone for one of the mechanical jobs, because it's a lot easier to find a job as a HVAC technician or diesel mechanic than it is to find a personnel job working with pay and records.
I got lucky. When I enlisted, it was two weeks from the day I walked into the recruiting office until I stepped off the bus at Lackland AFB for Basic -- two days before my 28th birthday, then the cut-off for active duty service. I didn't get a career field (MOS) guarantee; I got Open Mechanical...a whole host of fields in the Mechanical area were open to me. I wound up with 3E0X2, Electrical Power Production. Interesting stuff. Got to see and do a wide variety of jobs all over the world. My last eight years in, however, were in a cubicle at USAFCENT, as subject matter expert for BARE Base systems -- all the assets required to build an operable air base around just a runway...power generation and distribution, water purification, shelters for living, working, playing, showering, and pooping. Everything air-transportable. I had 17 DVDs worth of .PDF equipment manuals I had to have at least a passing familiarity with.

Now, I'm studying welding at the local technical college. I've got one AWS certification under my belt, and I'll have the second one I want this fall. I'm the first welder they've had at work in years, and I've saved my organization around $20K by doing stuff in-house they used to have to contract out.

All this to say: I've worked in the field, and I've worked in an office. I'm happiest when I can do both. :)
We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

do you know what i have to say about apologies ?

read my tag line \/ below\/
We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=mkoPq5AOCOA]Animal House - Fat, drunk and stupid - YouTube[/ame]
We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

What's your level of education?
Hey, [MENTION=20394]rdean[/MENTION] -- there's a question on the floor.

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