I have to apologize to USMB Right Wingers. You were right.

We got into an argument on another thread. Someone said you could take a class for two years and not figure out you didn't learn anything and that proves I don't know anything about education.

I said that was ridiculous and if you couldn't figure out that a class didn't teach you anything after only a couple of classes, they you were a moron.

Well, apparently I was wrong and I'm here to apologize.


On Wednesday, a former professor of Zimmerman’s who gave Zimmerman an “A” in criminal litigation and said Zimmerman was “one of the better students in the class” testified in his trial that his 2010 course addressed criminal law and procedure, as well as self-defense.

“I wanted to teach the class from a practical standpoint where these students can really relate and take something from it and apply it to their own lives. You know with Florida and other states, they have what’s called the Stand Your Ground Law,” U.S. Army Capt. Alexis Francisco Carter said of why he taught his students about Florida’s expansive self-defense law, which allows individuals to defend themselves with deadly force if they feel their lives are being threatened. Thirty states have copied the law.

The testimony was important to prosecutors because Zimmerman had said during an interview with Sean Hannity of Fox News last summer that he was not familiar with the Stand Your Ground law prior to the shooting. Jurors were shown that interview on Tuesday afternoon.

Zimmerman received 'A' in college course that addressed self-defense - U.S. News


So this proves that murderers and right wingers can go to school for two years and learn nothing AND even get an "A" while learning nothing.

I'm sure a manslaughter charge has absolutely nothing to do with the "memory loss".

So I didn't believe it was possible and I thought it was ridiculous and I was on half right.

So here's my half apology.

What's your level of education?
Hey, @rdean -- there's a question on the floor.
It was a bomb throw in USMB Humor made by the resident language reorganizer, daveman. :rolleyes:

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