I honenstly believe Trump is trying to lose the election

It's not like he was ever involved in actually being President.
This is literally the most RETARDED post I've seen in awhile and thats saying something considering Penelope has been posting today.

Until the pandemic hit he literally had some of the best economic numbers in history.
Now I know your leftist masters will spin that into nothing but you buying their bullshit would not surprise me

An economy that Barack Obama handed him. I know you'll never give him credit though. Obama's job growth numbers were better than Trump's.. period.
All Trump had to do was not fuck it up...and he found a way to do that. Because he didn't want to do the job he was actually elected to do.

I get that Trump is your guy. But your guy is an incompetent fraud.
The left has you trained well. A perfect lapdog.

Businesses & investors were so impressed with Obama that the day after Trump won the presidency the markets took flight and job openings began in earnest.
Then when Obama began slashing red tape and regulations the hiring frenzy got even better and the markets rejoiced. Wait! That wasn't Obama.....

What was black unemployment under Obama? What justice reform did Obama sign? What opportunity zones did Obama create in the inner city?


Now get back to your rioting and graffiti

Black unemployment? Heading downward. Like unemployment in general. But you won't give him credit for that.
Let's see, ignore the mess left behind by the previous administration and the steps he and Democrats took to bail us out of that? But you won't give him credit for that.
Hand off a booming economy with several years in between of declining deficits? (sure they went up..a little in the last two years). But you won't give him credit for that.

Ignored the outbreak of a pandemic while he he tweeted, held pep rallies, and golfed? Racked up over 140K+ deaths and 15% unemployment on his watch?...oh, wait. That Was Trump.

All your boy had to do was not fuck it up. But he did. Now, back to your alt-right hidey hole.
I’m not ready to say that he’s trying to lose. I think it’s just his massive ego. I agree with this line in the OP:

“Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course.”

It’s not that he’s trying to lose. He just has a very delicate ego and doesn’t want to admit that he was wrong in minimizing the seriousness of this situation, which just makes the situation worse. He’s a man-baby and he puts his ego above the good of the country.
It's not like he was ever involved in actually being President.
This is literally the most RETARDED post I've seen in awhile and thats saying something considering Penelope has been posting today.

Until the pandemic hit he literally had some of the best economic numbers in history.
Now I know your leftist masters will spin that into nothing but you buying their bullshit would not surprise me

An economy that Barack Obama handed him. I know you'll never give him credit though. Obama's job growth numbers were better than Trump's.. period.
All Trump had to do was not fuck it up...and he found a way to do that. Because he didn't want to do the job he was actually elected to do.

I get that Trump is your guy. But your guy is an incompetent fraud.
The left has you trained well. A perfect lapdog.

Businesses & investors were so impressed with Obama that the day after Trump won the presidency the markets took flight and job openings began in earnest.
Then when Obama began slashing red tape and regulations the hiring frenzy got even better and the markets rejoiced. Wait! That wasn't Obama.....

What was black unemployment under Obama? What justice reform did Obama sign? What opportunity zones did Obama create in the inner city?


Now get back to your rioting and graffiti

Black unemployment? Heading downward. Like unemployment in general. But you won't give him credit for that.
Let's see, ignore the mess left behind by the previous administration and the steps he and Democrats took to bail us out of that? But you won't give him credit for that.
Hand off a booming economy with several years in between of declining deficits? (sure they went up..a little in the last two years). But you won't give him credit for that.

Ignored the outbreak of a pandemic while he he tweeted, held pep rallies, and golfed? Racked up over 140K+ deaths and 15% unemployment on his watch?...oh, wait. That Was Trump.

All your boy had to do was not fuck it up. But he did. Now, back to your alt-right hidey hole.
Sorry. Obama and the term "booming economy" just doesn't work. Even his slavish media used words like hopeful, recovering, improving, but booming, no. No way. That happened when Trump unloaded so many absurdities and idiotic deals that Obama made.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

I am pretty sure that Trump knows as to what he is doing. Trump has to pretty much play this hoax of a virus plandemic exercise game that has been going on for far too long now by the deep state globalists, and their socialist democratic party puppets on a string with the help of the lying and fake media. The cost to society has been far worse than what this hoax of a virus could have ever done to society. Besides, thousand of people get the seasonal flu every year, and many tens of thousands of people get sick from some flu bug and many recover and many thousands will die from the seasonal flu bug every year. Those deep stater's mentioned have to keep the many covidiots out there always in a state of panic and fear to keep it all going. This nonsense of social distancing and wearing a diaper mask is all just one big joke. Wake up, you are being made fools of by a bunch of evil globalists. Hello????
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
Oddly, terms like testing and contact tracing have become emotionally laden terms, but only to those who haven't done the math. While testing and contact tracing may stop some small amount of spread, we have 330,000,000 people in this country so even if we were to test a million people a day, we would likely catch only about 0.3% of the infected people each day and it you test negative that day, no one knows if you would test positive the next day, so testing and contact tracing may be important to scientists studying the pandemic, they provide only minimal effect in stopping the spread.

While social distancing and masks will slow down the spread of the virus, it is clear that the pandemic will not end until most of the population has been vaccinated and that won't happen until next summer at the earliest, so what we have to consider now is how to deal with the virus for the next 12 months or more.

Despite the concerns about increases in the spread of the virus, most developed nations are pursuing the same course as the US in reopening the economy and schools, presumably relying on advances in treatment, including remdesivir and tricor, to prevent steep increases in deaths as a result. While it seems likely reopening the economy and schools will produce an increase in the spread of the virus, it is not clear it will produce and increase in deaths from the virus. Good news for Americans but much to the chagrin of other developed countries and WHO, the Trump administration has been aggressively buying up most of the world's stock of remdesivir, which studies show has reduced deaths in covid patients by 62% over standard treatment, and has contracts to buy up most of the future production of the most promising vaccines.
Here's the deal. Around 90% of CDC people are hard core democrats. WAPO is in the business of undermining the Trump administration. What do you think the political climate would seem like to TDS lefties when WAPO publishes every leak and lie from unverified sources before a bill is even hammered out? The fix is in but strangely enough none of these breathless fake news leaks from anonymous and unverified sources ever mentions even token support for the democrat candidate.
What I would like to know is how many of what would've been votes for him will go to Kanye West. I've heard it said that Kanye is only running to take votes away from Biden. Well votes can be taken away from everyone who is in the game.

God bless you and every candidate always!!!

I don't believe that there was ever a time in history when the media was so flagrant in it's efforts to undermine an administration. Hammering out funding deals in congress is as old as the Country. Like any other deal in the world (including buying a freaking car) one side demands more than they expect to get and the other side negotiates. The criminal and treasonous part comes in where leaked and sometimes faked information from anonymous unverified sources is used by the media to pretend that (mostly) republicans are the freaking enemy before a bill is even voted on. Surer than shit, the TDS left picks it up and pretends to be shocked that the President is trying to lose the election. It's a tactic as old as Alinsky and lefties fall or it every time.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
Trump isn’t trying to lose the election, he simply has no idea what he’s doing.

Trump doesn’t know anything about the political process, the election process, and how to run a presidential campaign.

And like someone who has always had his own way his entire life, who has never had to work hard for anything, where things just ‘fall into place’ for him, running for reelection isn’t any different.

Indeed, Trump’s ‘plan’ was the ride Obama’s strong economy to a second term – with the economy now in recession he has nothing else to fall back on, except a dismal record of incompetence and failure.
Contact tracing once the box has been opened is a JOKE............

You can contact trace your ass off and it will not mean a dang thing..............testing is really only necessary when someone thinks they are sick.............those that don't .......honestly don't need it anyway.......You could test millions a day........millions negative and get it 10 minutes after testing.......doesn't matter.

This virus will run it's course no matter what we do........we have only prolonged it and caused more economic damage to this country as a result.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

well how 'bout that. welcome to the light. however i will disagree with you on one thing:

' Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America. '

biden will listen to the scientists & will invoke the defensive production act, & isn't insane enough to think he's a stable genious who knows more than the generals & goes on his hunches about this fucking pandemic.

Twenty years ago he was Crazy Uncle Joe. Now I honestly think he has dementia.
You're going for the fake news. Joe's dementia is just as real as Hillary's Parkinson's.

Hillary’s big drag was Hillary. Getting us in Syria. Causing the Refugee Crisis in Europe. The big problem is that Hillary was never quite as clever as she thought she was. And wasn’t clever enough to pull off her schemes.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
Trump isn’t trying to lose the election, he simply has no idea what he’s doing.

Trump doesn’t know anything about the political process, the election process, and how to run a presidential campaign.

And like someone who has always had his own way his entire life, who has never had to work hard for anything, where things just ‘fall into place’ for him, running for reelection isn’t any different.

Indeed, Trump’s ‘plan’ was the ride Obama’s strong economy to a second term – with the economy now in recession he has nothing else to fall back on, except a dismal record of incompetence and failure.

The problem with that was that Obama said we had to get used to ten percent unemployment because that was the new normal. So handing credit for the economy when it surpassed the predictions of the guy you are trying to credit is a little unfair.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.

I am pretty sure that Trump knows as to what he is doing. Trump has to pretty much play this hoax of a virus plandemic exercise game that has been going on for far too long now by the deep state globalists, and their socialist democratic party puppets on a string with the help of the lying and fake media. The cost to society has been far worse than what this hoax of a virus could have ever done to society. Besides, thousand of people get the seasonal flu every year, and many tens of thousands of people get sick from some flu bug and many recover and many thousands will die from the seasonal flu bug every year. Those deep stater's mentioned have to keep the many covidiots out there always in a state of panic and fear to keep it all going. This nonsense of social distancing and wearing a diaper mask is all just one big joke. Wake up, you are being made fools of by a bunch of evil globalists. Hello????

And that is why the Hospitals are full of ICU patients? Because it is a hoax? That entire argument is bereft of any semblance of intelligence or logic.
And that is why the Hospitals are full of ICU patients? Because it is a hoax? That entire argument is bereft of any semblance of intelligence or logic.
They're being told that the full ICU units and hospital beds are fake news. So, in their universe, the hospitals are just operating normally. They won't believe anything else.

This is their reality. Since it is their reality, they're not kidding. They're being serious and (in their minds) honest.
And that is why the Hospitals are full of ICU patients? Because it is a hoax? That entire argument is bereft of any semblance of intelligence or logic.
They're being told that the full ICU units and hospital beds are fake news. So, in their universe, the hospitals are just operating normally. They won't believe anything else.

This is their reality. Since it is their reality, they're not kidding. They're being serious and (in their minds) honest.
Show me the data without the hype...From the hospitals themselves............there was never a real shortage of beds in New York at the peak............the hospital ship and tent center were hardly used.

Why was that...........and why are the death rates WAY DOWN........You are Hyping the numbers again........but younger people are getting it........and not dying........WHICH FUCKS UP YOUR NARRATIVE.
And that is why the Hospitals are full of ICU patients? Because it is a hoax? That entire argument is bereft of any semblance of intelligence or logic.
They're being told that the full ICU units and hospital beds are fake news. So, in their universe, the hospitals are just operating normally. They won't believe anything else.

This is their reality. Since it is their reality, they're not kidding. They're being serious and (in their minds) honest.
Show me the data without the hype...From the hospitals themselves............there was never a real shortage of beds in New York at the peak............the hospital ship and tent center were hardly used.

Why was that...........and why are the death rates WAY DOWN........You are Hyping the numbers again........but younger people are getting it........and not dying........WHICH FUCKS UP YOUR NARRATIVE.


I like the quote from the Republican State Senator who is saying that ICU beds at his hospital are full. What would he know?
Democrats and the Media support rioting, violent, looting, burning, destructive BLM and Antifa.
Democrats and the Media support the economy crashing Virus over reaction.
Democrats and the Media supported a Recession in order to get rid of Trump.
Democrats and the Media support Open Border disguised as Amnesty.
Democrats and the Media support China eating our economic lunch and sending even more jobs there.
Democrats and the Media support the Marxist Cancel Culture.

Most Americans do NOT support any of this anti American nonsense. Trump will win.
I wish I could lead off saying I am joking. But I am honestly not. Trump is trying to lose the election. I am sure of it now.

Ok, reading that article, we see the Trump Administration trying to block money for testing, tracking, and block more money to the CDC. Because in the midst of a Pandemic, the one thing you don't want to do is give money to the Centers for Disease Control. Because. Um. America I guess.

The problem is that the original response was not great. But you can recover from that, and improve. The problem comes when even as the evidence mounts, and it has been mounting for a while, you stubbornly stay the course. Even when it is wrong, Trump thinks he would look like a Pussy if he changed course. The problem is in avoiding the image of a pussy for changing course, you look like an ass for ignoring the evidence. Well the answer to that is to get rid of the evidence.

It is not just that there are more people testing positive. That could be explained by non symptomatic people testing positive. Ok. But locally, our Hospitals are approaching capacity. Hospitalizations increase in Coastal Health District; Savannah hospitals have surge plan

Now what does that mean? It means that for all those non symptomatic people, there are also seriously ill people overwhelming the Hospital's ability to care for them. But Trump wants to believe it is just testing that is the problem, and tracking, which leads to more testing.

That by the way is how we run down Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Let's say you test positive for Gonorrhea. You give the Health Department folks the names of people you have had sex with, and they contact those people and tell them to get tested right away. If they are positive, they give up names, and they track the disease until they run out of names. This technique is not new, and it isn't untried. It works. For COVID. you tell those who were exposed to get tested. Then anyone they interacted with gets tested. You throw out the net in an effort to minimize the spread.

True story. I was home from work for about three hours when I got a call from the Manager. I had used some equipment after another guy, and he had tested positive for COVID. When I went into that equipment I had sprayed Lysol and wiped down the surfaces with Alcohol wipes. I wore a mask for the first twenty minutes giving the stuff time to work. I came up with no symptoms and returned to work two weeks later. But that kept me from possibly spreading the disease if I had contracted it. During those two weeks I left the house twice. Both times I masked up to make sure I didn't spread the disease and maintained the social distance. Precautions seemed to have worked, since I did not get sick.

That is how you stop the disease from spreading. You contact those who may be infected, and tell them to get tested, and then if they turn up positive you track and track and track until you get the net cast wide enough to stop the spread.

Now there are two possible explanations for Trumps adamant determination to cancel testing and tracking. 1) He really wants to lose the election. 2) He is so petty that he wants to risk the entire nation to satisfy a grudge. I tend to believe that it is number one. While it is possible that he is that petty, it is not the most likely answer. The most likely answer is that Trump wants to lose. The economy will take a longer, harder hit, and that is his claim to fame, and he knows it. Unemployment will stay high through the election, and that will be a bodyblow to his campaign anyway. He might as well just lose and get it over with. Then he hands the smoking ruins to Biden, who is completely unsuitable to manage it, and Adios America.
NOPE! As it loses this election, its jail time state of NY. Douche must win or find a non-extradition country to live in. Say Russia.

And that is why the Hospitals are full of ICU patients? Because it is a hoax? That entire argument is bereft of any semblance of intelligence or logic.
They're being told that the full ICU units and hospital beds are fake news. So, in their universe, the hospitals are just operating normally. They won't believe anything else.

This is their reality. Since it is their reality, they're not kidding. They're being serious and (in their minds) honest.
Show me the data without the hype...From the hospitals themselves............there was never a real shortage of beds in New York at the peak............the hospital ship and tent center were hardly used.

Why was that...........and why are the death rates WAY DOWN........You are Hyping the numbers again........but younger people are getting it........and not dying........WHICH FUCKS UP YOUR NARRATIVE.


I like the quote from the Republican State Senator who is saying that ICU beds at his hospital are full. What would he know?
If they are full then they are full..............it is what it is....................the death rates are down........and even if they rise the virus will eventually run it's course whether you like it or not....................

The Corp of Engineers have shown that they can set up make shift hospitals quick...........stop fear mongering...........if they are really that full.

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