I hope Biden picks Dr. Susan Rice for VP

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She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia
I do too, because during her subpoena testimony on Spygate it will bring out her former perjury on the subject and they can ask why she perjured herself to protect Obama, was it because she was in love with him? Because who else risks prison and career for a former boss unless it's love?
And if it's for love, then they get to ask in sworn testimony, about her affair with the former President Obama.

The leading contenders include California Sen. Kamala Harris, California Rep. Karen Bass and Obama national security adviser Susan Rice.


We're waiting! Go Joe!
And just like that he forgot who it was. Maybe an Indian, errr, I mean Native American. No. no, a clean looking Black...... Wait, a Colored Person, errr, I mean a Person of Color.....

You hate T .i get it
It’s either T or you becoming a “ minority “ in your own nation
Yes yes nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lying about it And writing nothing down like the mafiosos they are. Of course they did nothing who would want their help the incompetent twits.....

Two years and $32,000,000 later - whatcha got? Nothing.

Either Trump did not collude with the Russians or the Dems are shamefully ineffective at fact finding.

Now it's highly possible that there was some 'collusion' going on, but it wasn't between Trump and the Russians.

Intelligence agencies say otherwise. Also, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee also said otherwise.

What does the Mueller Investigation say? You know the team that investigated this for years? They came up with ZERO examples of the Trump campaign colluding with the Russian Government!

Don’t be so silly. PAY ATTENTION.

Mueller even came back. He said did not exonerate Trump. It’s just that he cannot convict a sitting president. There are lots of Russians and Trump goons contacts. Because they all lied Mueller was not able to establish the collusion. Trump refuses to be interview in person. Instead he answered a written questions denying every thing he had contacts with Russians. Including contacts with Wikileaks.

Even today. Does it look like he stop loving Putin? Still in love with Putin. Trump blasted just about every one even his own staff and relatives and friendly allies. Russians fighter jet planes and military ships constantly harassing us out there in the international waters and caught multiple times close to Alaskan coast. But we never heard a single words against Putin. Trump is a Russian assets.An American TRAITOR.

Mueller, who was a fix and part of the REAL corruption threw snowflakes a bone. Elephant in the room is congress never went after Trump, because unlike you they already understood they lost & feared further exposure they're trash.

WTF do you think the Ukraine business came from? Use your head instead of the one you were raised with under spoils.
Oh Lordy.
Mueller. Read my previous post. You are entitled to your opinion.

Trump was saved by only 5 Republicans in Senate. Otherwise we could have kick that lousy dog out of WH.

So what happened to Ukraine scandal created by Trump? So far we have not seen a single evidence or money laundering against the Biden.
So far they have not charges or any investigation against Biden.

Just imagine if we could have kicked that lousy president last year. Think about it. Right now this country is in very big trouble from all kinds troubles, from infections from death, from bankruptcies, massive jobs lost, businesses not coming back. Families by millions are in trouble. We are in very big trouble and this will take a very long time recover.

We could have save this country from all that miseries and disasters causes by inept, unfit, incompetent president Trump.

I read as far as your first sentence. You misrepresented the facts, I'm guessing because you're a coward.
Cowards? Nah! I’m still here.
2 years & $32 millions. That is because most or all of Trump gangsters lied that includes Donnie. Investigation such as this has lots of moving targets. But several of Trump goons are in jail. Stone pardoned by Trump.

And you perhaps wonder why no one takes you seriously. President Trump did NOT pardon Stone.


Step up then charwin95, prove me wrong and show us all where President Trump PARDONED Roger Stone.
2 years & $32 millions. That is because most or all of Trump gangsters lied that includes Donnie. Investigation such as this has lots of moving targets. But several of Trump goons are in jail. Stone pardoned by Trump.

And you perhaps wonder why no one takes you seriously. President Trump did NOT pardon Stone.


Step up then charwin95, prove me wrong and show us all where President Trump PARDONED Roger Stone.
View attachment 338470

She is brilliant and highly qualified - and only 55 years old. What do you think?

Susan Rice says she would 'certainly say yes' to be Biden's VP

Susan Rice - Wikipedia

Doggone right! She is the Hero of Benghazi. Lying bitch.

and allegedly a good friend of Joe bidens, and here he is possibly shovingbher intoca buzz saw.
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The leading contenders include California Sen. Kamala Harris, California Rep. Karen Bass and Obama national security adviser Susan Rice.


We're waiting! Go Joe!
Give him a little time, Lakhota! At the moment, Joe can't remember who any of those women ARE so his handlers are showing him pictures and reminding him about how he knows them! If he's having a good day or two...he might be able to pick someone! If he starts drooling on himself again then it might be awhile! :)
It looks like they might have only looked at her gender and race of Bass rather than the content of her character when she made the short list.

They backed themselves into a corner saying his VP would be a woman of color. His top three choices have as much baggage as Biden himself. Biden can not help in any decisions and they don't understand to do with the debates either.

They pushed off the VP decision for another week. Time has to seem like it's traveling at warp speed and their "leader" doesn't know where he is even when it is on his teleprompter.
what i love about Biden is his compassion. but he needs a VP who brings out the passion!
i've had it up to here with folks who say women are too ambitious. stop it. cut it out!

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