I hope it does not come to this, but I don't put anything past certain people.

Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia precincts. Yes poll watchers are a necessity to be sure the votes are counted fairly, especially in Philadelphia.
"The Phildadelphia Inquirer reported today that, in 59 precincts in inner-city Philadelphia, the GOP nominee received not a single vote. And according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, nine precincts in Cleveland returned zero Romney votes."
No one questions the votes coming out of ghettos neighborhoods. The accusations of hate become loud. I believe two close mayoral races were stolen some years ago there. 2nd and 3rd world thinking is the village.....the shithole village.
If they steal this election like they failed to in 2016, The New 666 Global World Order will be installed immediately.

Make sure you are stocked up on food, and water and that you know Jesus.
America may vote for President Trump in the coming election and may do so in overwhelming numbers, but as Joseph Stalin pontificated, it's not the people who vote that count; it's the people who count the votes. But it's also the people who report the votes. Soros secretaries of state may not give actual numbers.

If the outcome of this November's election comes down to fights over counting mail-in ballots and claims of fraud by President Donald Trump, Democrat Joe Biden may have a quiet advantage: The top election officials in many of the key states that could decide the election are Democrats.
Democrats are understandably confident that their secretaries of state will do whatever is necessary to assure a Democrat will win in a close contest.
And networks may stall, as they did in 2016, to give Democrats time to "find" votes or may even misreport, like their 2000 call for Gore in Florida (oops).

The plan is to give Biden a lead with mail-in ballots and then pounce, call the election, say the president can't overcome Biden's leads with the votes that remain. Any attempt to challenge the call will be blamed on extreme right-wing Trump voters not accepting the election results. And Democrats are giddy over the possibility of sending in the military to drag President Trump out of the White House if he "won't accept the results of the election."

If we don't want governors ruling our lives, seizing our property, and controlling our elections, then the time to fight is now. Open your business, gather and celebrate your freedom, and vote!

But also gather where the votes are counted. Monitor Democrat officials to keep them from operating in the shadows. Be poll-watchers — see something, say something. If we allow these insurgents to openly steal our elections, then it will be the end of our Republic. And there will be no coming back.

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it. —John Adams

The problem with that theory is that the Secretary of State is far from the only one who knows what the actual count is. It's not like they are the ones actually counting those ballots, nor are they the ones actually compiling and tabulating the reported counts from the precincts. The final result that the Secretary of State reports is given to him/her by the lower-level staffers who actually did the work. And, as the old saying goes, "Two people can keep a secret . . . if one of them is dead."

If the Arizona Secretary of State, for example, decided to report something different from the actual result, within a week someone in the office would be leaking like a bad faucet to the press, and said SoS would be impeached, prosecuted, and possibly tarred-and-feathered.
A country is only as good as its people. So that means we are in BIG trouble.

This country is having more and more problems when it comes to honest voting.

Many people see nothing wrong with fraud if it benefits their party.

Their motto is: Anything is fair in love and in war and in elections.

Don't forget that in the 19th century, one President was openly referred to as His Fraudulency.

(Maybe the Democratic Party will be honest enough to emulate China, where there is NO electoral fraud, for there are NO elections.)
I agree that Oregon and also Washington State will both go to Biden/Harris. We do have Conservative areas in both States, but there is massive corruption and vote rigging in Portland and Seattle and it's been going on for years, King County is a cesspit of election corruption.

Absolutely no sign of vote rigging in Portland, nor Eugene ... that many liberals live there ... as close to half the state as to make no difference ...

North Jefferson is solid Trump Country ... have yet to see a Biden sign without bullet holes in it ... we want the President to rescind all the job-killing community-ruining hippy/liberal/commie EOs limiting timber harvests on Federal lands ... not enough peoples, I have to drive to Eugene for grocery shopping ... it's an all day affair ...

Clear cutting a forest ruins the environment ... just re-planting the trees won't fix that ... these trees are over-ready to be harvested again ... and are burning while we wait ...
(Maybe the Democratic Party will be honest enough to emulate China, where there is NO electoral fraud, for there are NO elections.)

There was quite a bit of fraud in their last election ... 1,274,738,263 to 14 ... still looking for where them fourteen votes came from ... [giggle] ...

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