I hope the left keeps on bashing the right about the concern of refugee terrorism

Yes please do keep it up. Keep making fun of anyone concerned about allowing thousands settle here that can then all potentially be contact points for terrorists abroad.

And lets forget about the fact that you could essentially call the Tsarnaev brothers "refugees" since the family asked for political asylum once their tourist visas expired.
I agree. The more they make light of it, the less inclined people of all political persuasions will be to vote for them.
I agree. The more they make light of it, the less inclined people of all political persuasions will be to vote for them.

And you can't tell me there are not plenty of moderates are not concerned as well. They like everyone else are witnessing the eagerness of the left to resettle Muslims in the U.S.
Today it's Syria. Soon the entire region will have millions wanting to come here, and we all see which party wants to walk us all down the garden path.
Right up until next November.

Most of us are just :itsok: as we watch states like Montana, of all places, benefit from the influx of new people and the concomitant boost to its infrastructure.

You, after all, are the guy who thinks people have to be citizens in order to cross state lines, so reasoning with the likes of you is a waste of time.
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.

No one is shitting their pants, but please do keep making fun of anyone concerned that a terrorist attack could come here.
The majority doesn't want the refugees coming here, keep it up and the majority will only increase.
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.

And you lefties are picking daisy's and smelling them and inviting Muslims to the drum circle thinking "If we just hug them and show them we care....they'll love us and be fine!"

You morons will think that all the way up the to orange jumpsuit on your knees facing a camera!!
It's funny how terrified liberals are of Jonny America owning an AR15 in his rural home and how they certain he's gonna go shoot up a city......BUT....Muslims waging holy war across the world...libs welcome tens of thousands with open arms and just assume they're all peaceful.
It's funny how terrified liberals are of Jonny America owning an AR15 in his rural home and how they certain he's gonna go shoot up a city......BUT....Muslims waging holy war across the world...libs welcome tens of thousands with open arms and just assume they're all peaceful.
and kiss the ass of the mother whose son killed civilians by blowing himself up. yep those folks they love violence. Ask them.
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled. Or those who soiled themselves aboard the airliners as they realized they were going to be killed moments before their planes crashed into buildings, or dove to the ground.
Or the people who shit their pants in Boston last year as they realized they were in the middle of an attack at the Marathon.
It was all a real hoot wasn't it ?
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.
You are embracing and cheering and defending terrorism.
THE DHS/CIA/FBI are reading everyone of your pro terrorist posts. Hope you like cat food sandwiches when they arrest you.
You guys are so convinced that the rest of America is shitting their pants in fear just like you guys.

It's adorable.
The only reason some Americans are shitting their pants in fear is because idiots like want to disarm them and let Muslims possibly terrorists in. Bunch of retarded lowlife scum libs.
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.
You are embracing and cheering and defending terrorism.
THE DHS/CIA/FBI are reading everyone of your pro terrorist posts. Hope you like cat food sandwiches when they arrest you.

Because I care about the people who died in the WTC? You're one sick puppy...
I guess the libs here along with the rest of the left, laughed at those who were "shitting their pants" as they ran as fast as they could away from the WTC's as they crumbled.

You want to be careful about that. There may be posters here who lost people in the WTC.

It's clear you have no respect for anyone who doesn't think exactly like you. So what are you doing to fight terrorism? Besides spreading hate on message boards, I mean.

I'm encouraging my lawmakers to work to halt or to at least stem the tide of Muslims coming here.
We should be looking at ways to pressure countries like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia to take these people.
Except for American liberals, the world would much rather see them end up in places where their own culture is the dominant one.

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