I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Yes, that would be a grand idea! You see how vilified Clinton was when they concocted his impeachment. The Dems are praying that the GOP loons impeach Obama. If Bill Clinton wanted to be President again, he would win with a landslide....:badgrin:
More manufactured theater for the rubes. The GOP was too cowardly to enact immigration reform during an election year, and now they cry when Obama acts on the issue. WAAAAAAAH!

The Republicans had their chance. They abdicated. Suffer the consequences, you whiny bitches.
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books

Make sure there is no doubt that a Republican wouldn't be elected President next time.
Reverse psychology. Is that you progtards best hope that your radical little kenyan boi king isn't thrown out of office on his America hating ass?

Be careful what you wish for, nipple head, it just might come true, and since the majority of Americans are on board with impeaching Barry, there's actually a good chance it will happen. If it does, the republicans would probably pick up even MORE support, because they'd have actually found their SPINE, which would energize the conservative base.

Either way, it's a win/win for republicans. They don't, progs lose because obama has destroyed the democrat party, they do, republicans win because they've energized the conservative base.

I guess it's going to be awhile before you progtards realize America rejected you, your agenda, and rejected your kenyan messiah.
Obama has never provided amnesty to illegal immigrants. His deferred action directive (DACA) did not confer legal status nor provide a path to citizenship.

DACA was written because the Republicans obstructed the DREAM Act.

If the Republicans continue to refuse to move on immigration reform, Obama will take action to light a fire under their sclerotic, bigoted asses.
So its GOP Chickenshit Watch: Day 3!

What excuse are republicans giving for not impeaching Obama this time? The acrid miasma of quivering yellow fear that surrounds their rhetoric regarding Obama's impeachment kinda burns my eyes. So its sometimes hard to see which excuse they've left their little puddles of terror next to on any given day.

Impeach already! Or at least tell us why there isn't a testie to be found in the empty pink flapping sack of the GOP.
I'm not calling for impeachment but if it does happen he will have brought it upon himself. Today's revelation of the 4th film clip of the Obamacare architect will have a huge impact on Obama's future and legacy. I can understand why the networks won't admit to their complicity and efforts to suppress this information. It is a testimony to their worship of the evil monster,B H Obama and to the drunken murderer, Ted Kennedy. Kennedy, who bilked the taxpayers out of money for Romneycare.
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being HALF black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions that break the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.
Why do you liberals always forget he is half white too..
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.

Probably because we've heard for 6 years that the only reason he was elected was that he was black.
Why would anyone want to lower the standards for impeachment to something so frivolous as using executive powers that were used by so many before? That would be weird, like emotional grudge in place of professional action. Hopefully, our Gov't doesnt give into such sophomoric think.

Pish-Posh. That's insignificant detail. Barely worth mentioning.

Surely something that isn't a crime, has been validated by the courts as within the President's authority and couldn't stick in any court will convince SIX, count the SIX democrats to cross the aisle and convict Obama during his impeachment trial. Surely it will.

So why haven't the republicans impeached? They have the numbers in the House. They have a majority in the Senate. What's their excuse this time for why they can't possibly back their empty bravado this time?
Not until January 20th they don't.

January 3rd. So now its only timing that is preventing the impeachment? Is that why republicans haven't done it?

Republicans impeached Clinton before the new term, in mid December 1998. But the senate didn't acquit Clinton until mid Feburary 1999. So clearly its not the term that defines when proceedings can begin. And impeachment is done exclusively by the House, which republicans currently hold. Only the trial is in the Senate. The democrats lack a filibuster proof majority in the Senate....so the Republicans could delay the vote on the impeachment until January easily. But they don't.

So what's the next excuse?
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.
Apparently, the annointed ones forget that Congress enacts laws. Not a community organizing street lawyer.
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Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Sorry, but no.
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Bush didn't make a career out of lying and subtrafuge, did he?
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Sorry, but no.

That pesky Google!

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Bush didn't make a career out of lying and subtrafuge, did he?
Sure he did. Didn't tell his daughters about his DWI rap until they heard about it on the news, wife almost left him due to his carrousing, forced a tax in Arlington to get a ballpark built, lied about WMDs after cooking the intelligence. His administration lied about the circumstances of Jessica Lynch's capture and Pat Tillman's death.

Bush was and is the consummate liar-in-chief.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

He has the legal right with the executive order.
What they can do and should is not fund it.
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Bush went further and more often than O. But that was okay...huh?
Sorry, but no.

That pesky Google!

Executive Orders Issued by President George W. Bush

Don't forget the signing statements where he basically gave himself the right to ignore the law he just signed.

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