I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

No one needs insurance. People have survived for most of human history without insurance. It's a luxary.

so is education. I hope avatar has insurance.

(been wanting to say that)
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.

Even though no authority has been exceeded or will be, the "penalty" is to rescind the action not impeachment
I am not a liberal.
Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order
The president's power to issue executive orders comes from Congress and the U.S. Constitution.

The Constitution is VERY CLEAR as to what the president may do with an EO. He may NOT arbitrate which laws he will enforce and those he will not. He can also not MAKE law....only SIGN laws into effect. This piece of crap has no ability to work with Congress or anybody who doesn't sit and look at him with adoration. He's little more than an aging movie actress past her prime, smiling at her remaining fans, and working like a witch behind the scenes to get even with those who've left her behind.

yet Boehner has the power to pass Keystone even though he holds significant stocks in Keystone... how does that work ?

It's the PEOPLE'S WHITE HOUSE, not his....I look forward to the day we can rid it of the stench of his cigarettes and Moochele's BO.
Stay classy dude
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.
Apparently, the annointed ones forget that Congress enacts laws. Not a community organizing street lawyer.

A community organizing street lawyer cannot enact laws. But a President of the United States can execute them within his authority
Even though no authority has been exceeded or will be, the "penalty" is to rescind the action not impeachment

Who told you that....the same folks who told you there have been no scandals and that you could keep your doctor and health plan? :uhoh3: Fact of the matter is an EO can't be rescinded....it can be overridden by legislation if the president signs it. In this case, he knows once he issues green cards to millions of INVADERS we can't get them back. That's why he's doing it....he couldn't care less if he's impeached...he probably welcomes it because his side of the story will sell more books/movie rights. He wants a WAR with the GOP...and he's going to get one.
Impeaching the first black President for using executive powers that were available to every other President will go down good for Republicans in the history books
What's black got to do with it?

You think being black affords that radical asshole some sort of waver against actions for breaking the law?

YOU and that kind of thinking is why you leftards just got your asses handed to you in the last election.


Where is there a law against using executive actions?
When EA authority is exceeded, that's when.

You see, contrary to what you and other progtards would like to believe, Barry is NOT a KING.
Apparently, the annointed ones forget that Congress enacts laws. Not a community organizing street lawyer.

A community organizing street lawyer cannot enact laws. But a President of the United States can execute them within his authority
Within his authority is correct. The street lawyer will enact laws when he is President of ACORN. That's O.K.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Amend the constitution and turn his office into purely ceremonial. Change over to a more Parliamentary form of government. Take the Attorney General's office out from under the president. Start prosecution of the assholes that pushed this fraud through beginning with Nancy Pelosi.
I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

I hope they TRY to impeach President Obama! That would make TWO Democrat presidents in a row that NaziCons would try to impeach. NaziCons don't seem to know any other way to govern. Only a retarded moron would even suggest that President Obama should be impeached.
Even though no authority has been exceeded or will be, the "penalty" is to rescind the action not impeachment

Who told you that....the same folks who told you there have been no scandals and that you could keep your doctor and health plan? :uhoh3: Fact of the matter is an EO can't be rescinded....it can be overridden by legislation if the president signs it. In this case, he knows once he issues green cards to millions of INVADERS we can't get them back. That's why he's doing it....he couldn't care less if he's impeached...he probably welcomes it because his side of the story will sell more books/movie rights. He wants a WAR with the GOP...and he's going to get one.

There are two paths to rescind an EO

Congress passes legislation
It is ruled invalid by the courts

Impeachment is not one of those paths. Doesn't mean Republicans won't try
yet Boehner has the power to pass Keystone even though he holds significant stocks in Keystone... how does that work ?

Boner can't pass Keystone, we'll need a LINK to him "owning stocks in Keystone" (LIE) and only the Senate can approve the pipeline.... it invokes their treaty responsibilities because it crosses from Canada.

BTW, if you're concerned about House Speakers having stock in companies they control, look into PELOUSY's purchase of IPO Visa Card stock before she allowed it to pass. The hag made several million dollars on that charade after bad-mouthing it for months.
The only problem with Impeachment --- what if Obama doesn't leave office after he's convicted?

You never know. It's possible that he could just declare himself King of the country, and put all the patriotic white people in those FEMA prisons. We already know he is a communist, socialist, Kenyan who hates America, and is plotting to put fluoride in our water, and has all those black helicopters at his disposal. Brother Beck even says he has proof that Obama is the Antichrist. After forcing everybody to gay marry illegal aliens, and taking all the guns, there is no telling what he might do next. These are things that teabaggers stay up all night worrying about.

There are two paths to rescind an EO

Congress passes legislation
It is ruled invalid by the courts

Impeachment is not one of those paths. Doesn't mean Republicans won't try

Bullshit...nobody believes your side's lies anymore....If I were you I'd leave this board instead of continuing to be a Rat chew-toy.
The only problem with Impeachment --- what if Obama doesn't leave office after he's convicted?

You never know. It's possible that he could just declare himself King of the country, and put all the patriotic white people in those FEMA prisons. We already know he is a communist, socialist, Kenyan who hates America, and is plotting to put fluoride in our water, and has all those black helicopters at his disposal. Brother Beck even says he has proof that Obama is the Antichrist. After forcing everybody to gay marry illegal aliens, and taking all the guns, there is no telling what he might do next. These are things that teabaggers stay up all night worrying about.
The only problem with Impeachment --- what if Obama doesn't leave office after he's convicted?

You never know. It's possible that he could just declare himself King of the country, and put all the patriotic white people in those FEMA prisons. We already know he is a communist, socialist, Kenyan who hates America, and is plotting to put fluoride in our water, and has all those black helicopters at his disposal. Brother Beck even says he has proof that Obama is the Antichrist. After forcing everybody to gay marry illegal aliens, and taking all the guns, there is no telling what he might do next. These are things that teabaggers stay up all night worrying about.

Giddy UP, a moron tries satire when the lies don't work anymore....your next stage will be to deny you ever voted for the mutt.

There are two paths to rescind an EO

Congress passes legislation
It is ruled invalid by the courts

Impeachment is not one of those paths. Doesn't mean Republicans won't try

Bullshit...nobody believes your side's lies anymore....If I were you I'd leave this board instead of continuing to be a Rat chew-toy.

Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?
I am not a liberal.
Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order
The president's power to issue executive orders comes from Congress and the U.S. Constitution.

The Constitution is VERY CLEAR as to what the president may do with an EO. He may NOT arbitrate which laws he will enforce and those he will not. He can also not MAKE law....only SIGN laws into effect. This piece of crap has no ability to work with Congress or anybody who doesn't sit and look at him with adoration. He's little more than an aging movie actress past her prime, smiling at her remaining fans, and working like a witch behind the scenes to get even with those who've left her behind.

I am not agreeing to what he is doing .I think it's wrong.
I am saying that it is lawful.
Executive Order legal definition of Executive Order
Historically,executive orders related to routine administrative matters and to the internal operations of federal agencies, such as amending Civil Service Rules and overseeing the administration of public lands. More recently, presidents have used executive orders to carry out legislative policies and programs. As a result, the executive order has become a critical tool in presidential policy making. For example, President john f. kennedy used an executive order to eliminate racial discrimination in federally funded housing (Exec. Order No. 11,063, 3 C.F.R. 652 [1959–1963], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 1982 app. at 6-8 [1982]); President lyndon b. johnson acted through an executive order to prohibit discrimination in government contractors' hiring practices (Exec. Order No. 11,246, 3C.F.R. 339 [1964–1965], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 28-31 [1982], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,375, 3 C.F.R. 684 [1966–1970], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,478, 3 C.F.R. 803 [1966–1970], reprinted in 42 U.S.C.A. § 2000e app. at 31-33 [1982]); and President richard m. nixon used an executive order to set a ninety-day freeze on all prices, rents, wages, and salaries in reaction to rising inflation and unemployment (Exec. Order No. 11,615, 3C.F.R. 602 [1971–1975], amended by Exec. Order No. 11,617, 3 C.F.R. 609 [1971–1975], superseded by Exec. Order No. 11,627, 3 C.F.R. 621 [1971–1975]).
Care to discuss legal grounds for impeaching?

Sure, but you're not equipped to handle what you'll learn about it....First off, are there illegal grounds for impeachment?:confused-84: Nah, you'll keep repeating defeated phrases or run away claiming your dog is on fire. Simple really...."high crimes and misdemeanors"....archaic language from the late 1700's meaning the president has either broken or failed to enforce laws in force. There can be a multitude of levels.....each one easily exceeded by this president's treachery. The House impeaches....the Senate convicts.....step one is a forgone conclusion if he tries to back-door in the illegals.

Your turn. :doubt:
The only problem with Impeachment --- what if Obama doesn't leave office after he's convicted?

You never know. It's possible that he could just declare himself King of the country, and put all the patriotic white people in those FEMA prisons. We already know he is a communist, socialist, Kenyan who hates America, and is plotting to put fluoride in our water, and has all those black helicopters at his disposal. Brother Beck even says he has proof that Obama is the Antichrist. After forcing everybody to gay marry illegal aliens, and taking all the guns, there is no telling what he might do next. These are things that teabaggers stay up all night worrying about.

Giddy UP, a moron tries satire when the lies don't work anymore....your next stage will be to deny you ever voted for the mutt.

Satire hell. Each and every one of those claims have been made by prominent high ranking members of the republican party. I can understand you being embarrassed by such crazy claims, but it's a waste of time to try to deny them. I would never deny voting for our president........TWICE. A good goal now is to make the republican Senate majority a "ONE TERM" Senate majority, and from the statements being made by them in the last few days, they are willing to help make that happen.

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