I hope the Republicans IMPEACH Obama!

Gramps, they don't actually have a reason to impeach Obama that would stand up.

He has the right to sign executive orders in order to deal with a situation like this.

He does have a say in the matter - he's the president. It is lawful for him to take action if congress does not.
Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

You DO realize that issuing lawful Executive Orders is not impeachable, right?
what is lawful about giving amnasty [sic] to millions of criminals ?

The law is the law, if the law changed to provide amnesty to illegal aliens, it would become lawful.

You are too ignorant.

Prior to the elections last week I thought that was a bad idea.

No more

AS SOON as he uses that damn pen to do congresses job IMPEACH HIS ASS

In the words of Obama: "Elections have consequences"

Make sure there is no doubt that a Republican wouldn't be elected President next time.
Why do you guys act like your OPINION is fact?

Do you remember the political backlash from impeaching Clinton?
A blowjob & white lie about it is slightly different than bypassing congress dontcha think?

And for the record I think that impeachment was beyond stupid.
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
According to you knuckleheads we lost that vote during the last 2 elections. Don't you guys ever get new material?

What does losing the hispanic vote mean to Republicans?

Florida, Texas and Arizona

They will never see the White House again
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
According to you knuckleheads we lost that vote during the last 2 elections. Don't you guys ever get new material?

What does losing the hispanic vote mean to Republicans?

Florida, Texas and Arizona

They will never see the White House again
One trick pony. There is 0 evidence to support your absurd claim.
Go ahead. Then watch the repudiation of the GOP at the polls in 2016.
So you believe the gop was elected in droves to sit idly by why Obama supercedes them?

Funny stuff

Droves? :laugh:
The voter turnout was 40% of all voters, the GOP got 63% of the vote, that translates to 25% of all voters. Droves?
Now I believe I'm like most voters, I disagree with Obama a lot, but I don't hate the man. Most people whether they agree with "O" or not, don't hate the man. That's how most Americans felt about "W" during his second term. With a GOP majority in Congress, Obama's agenda is going to have a very rough time. We are headed to even more gridlock than we have now!
The GOP's approach to presidents from the other party is pretty well known based on their history in recent times. From pledging to make them a one-term president, to impeachment, to shutting down government. It all comes of making the GOP look like a bunch of immature radicals. Whenever GOP impeachment talk heads up, quite a few well respected Republicans have stated it's a bad idea for the GOP brand.
GOP was never predicted for extinction, Grampa, only for minority status: so quit the girlysterics.

It did reach out to women and minorities, like I thought it should, and it won big time.

The losers in the party will be the far right.
Why do you liberals always forget he is half white too..
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.
Why would anyone want to lower the standards for impeachment to something so frivolous as using executive powers that were used by so many before? That would be weird, like emotional grudge in place of professional action. Hopefully, our Gov't doesnt give into such sophomoric think.
Why do you liberals always forget he is half white too..
When the number of executive orders that President Obama presents exceeds the number that President Bush presented, then maybe you will have a case. Until then, just sour grapes on your part. He is the President and has enumerated powers under our Constitution. In 2016, you will have the oppertunity to elect a President more to your liking. Play games, and you may throw away that oppertunity.

Even if they did, there's nothing unconstitutional about that any more than when Bush did it.

If they had grounds, it would be done.

Not liking him, not agreeing him, hating him cuz he's black - if those were reason for impeachment, they might get away with it. As it is, its all just big talk.

And that's all the Repubs do - talk, posture, pose for cameras and then they go back to obstructing and lying. And boozing and golfing.
The white half of the Messiah came from pothead Communistic trailer trash.Who will deny that fact?
So its GOP Chickenshit Watch: Day 3!

What excuse are republicans giving for not impeaching Obama this time? The acrid miasma of quivering yellow fear that surrounds their rhetoric regarding Obama's impeachment kinda burns my eyes. So its sometimes hard to see which excuse they've left their little puddles of terror next to on any given day.

Impeach already! Or at least tell us why there isn't a testie to be found in the empty pink flapping sack of the GOP.
Why would anyone want to lower the standards for impeachment to something so frivolous as using executive powers that were used by so many before? That would be weird, like emotional grudge in place of professional action. Hopefully, our Gov't doesnt give into such sophomoric think.

Pish-Posh. That's insignificant detail. Barely worth mentioning.

Surely something that isn't a crime, has been validated by the courts as within the President's authority and couldn't stick in any court will convince SIX, count the SIX democrats to cross the aisle and convict Obama during his impeachment trial. Surely it will.

So why haven't the republicans impeached? They have the numbers in the House. They have a majority in the Senate. What's their excuse this time for why they can't possibly back their empty bravado this time?
I really hope Republicans impeach him over immigration reform

I one act, Republicans lose the black vote and hispanic vote forever
According to you knuckleheads we lost that vote during the last 2 elections. Don't you guys ever get new material?

What does losing the hispanic vote mean to Republicans?

Florida, Texas and Arizona

They will never see the White House again
One trick pony. There is 0 evidence to support your absurd claim.

Florida, Texas and Arizona all have large hispanic populations. Impeaching a President because he proposed helping hispanics would be highly unpopular
Why would anyone want to lower the standards for impeachment to something so frivolous as using executive powers that were used by so many before? That would be weird, like emotional grudge in place of professional action. Hopefully, our Gov't doesnt give into such sophomoric think.

Pish-Posh. That's insignificant detail. Barely worth mentioning.

Surely something that isn't a crime, has been validated by the courts as within the President's authority and couldn't stick in any court will convince SIX, count the SIX democrats to cross the aisle and convict Obama during his impeachment trial. Surely it will.

So why haven't the republicans impeached? They have the numbers in the House. They have a majority in the Senate. What's their excuse this time for why they can't possibly back their empty bravado this time?
Not until January 20th they don't.

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