I hope they impeach Trump

But you forget he leads the country you live in, and if he fails our country fails, and we all suffer for it.

Did you say that about Obama?

I imagine not. Almost every conservative loudly proclaimed their goal was to make Obama fail.

Hence, you're a hypocrite.

Yep......because he was a disaster .....he allowed Iran to get Nuclear weapons.....that is going to bite us on the ass in the worst fucking way in the future...........remember that when people die....

Dubious as the dead don't remember much at all.

OK, not all liberals will go with the first Iranian nuclear blast - but they'll die off quickly when, in the aftermath, they have to think and fend for themselves.
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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When do you guys put country over party? You are part of the problem not the solution
You don't get it, we Trumpsters bow to no party. Washington is the problem. We took are nation back from the democrat and from the GOP establishment. The people returned the nation to the people. You should be happy not angry.
But that's just it... the democrat party has gone full radical, and they hate America, and they had 8 years a little radical muslim dog turd that hated America too, and his agenda was to... wait for it... "transform America".... well, America didn't WANT transforming, and now all these little shit heads that though that's the way it's going to be are all in for a rude awakening. Tough shit. Americans are taking their country back, whether the snowflake ass clowns like it or not.
I hope the left keeps up all of this lunacy. It doesn't harm Trump it harms the libs and their fake news media.

And the thing is....Trump could have worked with the democrats....he is just a deal maker.......and that was a big concern with him....but with the way they are attacking him...without mercy.....maybe this will wake him up to what the left really is.......
This guy can't stop stepping in it. He is beyond incompetent.

Pence would make a fine President.

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Impeachment is bad for the country. Worse than a Trump presidency.

Oh, yes. Yes it is.

Stop wishing for the worst. It is sickening.

YOU set this in motion by petulantly voting a narcissistic conman as President. You knew he was a liar, a cheat and spectacularly unqualified to be President but you voted for him anyway.

The consequences of the impeachment will be on YOUR head and the heads of every person who voted for this asshole.
I'm not a Trump fan but watching the liberals going nuts everyday is pretty entertaining.
Enough of this bullshit. You aren't fooling anyone. Your stupid spin only went so far, now you just sound like a moron. He's an abject failure as president in every way, is a fucking traitor and he's GOING to be impeached whether you like it or not.
Trump is the best president this country has had in decades. .... :thup: .. :cool:

Like what? Like Kissing the Russian ass.
We are already suffering because of Trump, you dolt, and it's only going to get worse. But by all means, continue with your support for a traitor, we already know you have the moral compass of a slug
Suffering? You are suffering? You are suffering because of who is president? If anyone is harming the nation it's the fake news media along with the dems and dopes like you that care more about finding some way, any way, to get Trump impeached. You do know impeachment does not remove a president from office don't you? The president was elected by a majority of electoral votes and nothing can change that. He will remain in office despite you morons and your wild eyed dreams. Buuuaaaahahahahahahahahaha

Trump is a pussy grabbing president is nothing but total embarrassment here and abroad.
When do you guys put country over party? You are part of the problem not the solution
You don't get it, we Trumpsters bow to no party. Washington is the problem. We took are nation back from the democrat and from the GOP establishment. The people returned the nation to the people. You should be happy not angry.

So how is he doing?
But you forget he leads the country you live in, and if he fails our country fails, and we all suffer for it.

Did you say that about Obama?

I imagine not. Almost every conservative loudly proclaimed their goal was to make Obama fail.

Hence, you're a hypocrite.

Yep......because he was a disaster .....he allowed Iran to get Nuclear weapons.....that is going to bite us on the ass in the worst fucking way in the future...........remember that when people die....

No he didn't. I'm hoping that you are only kidding.

Before the Iran nuclear deal -------- Did you see how far was the Iran nuclear program? All they need is the hard water. So if Obama just ignore and do nothing ------ You will be crying on the other side.

If Trump was the president--------- How should Trump solved the Iran nuclear deal?
Trump is doing a terrific job judging by the massive amount of crazed frenzy he is creating among the loony liberals and the leftist media. ... :thup: .. :cool:

Enough of this bullshit. You aren't fooling anyone. Your stupid spin only went so far, now you just sound like a moron. He's an abject failure as president in every way, is a fucking traitor and he's GOING to be impeached whether you like it or not.

Wow, little fella needs a hug.
Johnny McNulty @JohnnyMcNulty
I cannot emphasize this enough: when this is over, Republicans will want to be treated like they're normal again, and that can never happen.

12:43 AM - 10 May 2017
You must be joking. You and the rest of the snowflakes who go into hysterical ranting every time the Washington Post publishes another fake news story think the Republicans aren't behaving normal?

How many times does the fake media have to be wrong before you quite taking everything they say as gospel?

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