I Hope Trump is Removed With 25th and Charged With Subversion Because...

If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
It was great to see the crooked bastards cower down like the spineless turds they are.
3rd party. You in? Fuck Repukes especially.
I voted Constitution Party in 2008 and 2012.
I mean now. A real 3rd party. How many Repukes will flip the bird at Repukes
Constitution Party is a real 3rd party.
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
He was taken down 2 months ago, yesterday he just demonstrated another reason why.
At least that's what the memo says.
Everyone blame Trump for everything...... whoopie!!!!!!!!!
Works for me. If not for Trump, yesterday wouldn't haver happened and four people would still be alive.
That was a coordinated planned attempt.You'll never be told that so I am. I so astonished on this board. I got to leave
They don't smell a rat unless the media tells them to.
Lol. Mindless cyborgs. Half this board smells like dead rat, it needs a DNC, dusting and cleaning. What a scam this was. Take attention off that senile old man. Lol
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him

obviously not after being thrown under the bus... :)

Nope, sorry, Pence will not pardon Trump. Not only did Trump throw him under the bus, but Pence also certified the vote in favor of Biden. Say what you want to about Pence, but he's been in Washington long enough to know what looks good and what doesn't. If he pardons Trump, he will kill any chance of being in politics in the future.
Plus, the truth be told, he must be just sick of the Orange Turd. Imagine working with that idiot and having to try and put out fires all the time, and even being associated with him. I reckon Pence's default mode when he is talking to somebody and they bring up Trump's name, is for him to roll his eyes before he starts talking.
The great honor of his life working for a man of the people, not a 47 year politician.

You like to throw your avi under the bus like on a daily basis.
Sure, because you hate great Americans.

Ah, I apologize I thought you knew how to read.
Are you a fucking English teacher on a cheesy poli board?
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him

obviously not after being thrown under the bus... :)

Nope, sorry, Pence will not pardon Trump. Not only did Trump throw him under the bus, but Pence also certified the vote in favor of Biden. Say what you want to about Pence, but he's been in Washington long enough to know what looks good and what doesn't. If he pardons Trump, he will kill any chance of being in politics in the future.
Plus, the truth be told, he must be just sick of the Orange Turd. Imagine working with that idiot and having to try and put out fires all the time, and even being associated with him. I reckon Pence's default mode when he is talking to somebody and they bring up Trump's name, is for him to roll his eyes before he starts talking.
The great honor of his life working for a man of the people, not a 47 year politician.

You like to throw your avi under the bus like on a daily basis.
Sure, because you hate great Americans.

Ah, I apologize I thought you knew how to read.
Are you a fucking English teacher on a cheesy poli board?

No, just a regular guy pointing out to someone else they didn't read my post accurately. Do I have to do that twice?
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
He was taken down 2 months ago, yesterday he just demonstrated another reason why.
At least that's what the memo says.
Everyone blame Trump for everything...... whoopie!!!!!!!!!
Works for me. If not for Trump, yesterday wouldn't haver happened and four people would still be alive.
That was a coordinated planned attempt.You'll never be told that so I am. I so astonished on this board. I got to leave
They don't smell a rat unless the media tells them to.
Lol. Mindless cyborgs. Half this board smells like dead rat, it needs a DNC, dusting and cleaning. What a scam this was. Take attention off that senile old man. Lol
This board if full of moderates and conservatives.
Usually you get on a board filled with leftist assholes and they ban you in the first week for saying something bad about Muslims.
Hopefully Trump does Trump TV and makes fun of Biden/Harris on a daily basis and soy beta leftists who post here.
I have no doubt you would be dumb enough to send Trump more money (suscription money) to watch him on tv. The same way idiots sent him money to attend his 'univeresity' or buy his Trump steaks, or Trump vitamins. Trump's been living off you fools for years.
I had a Trump dress shirt that I bought at Macy's. Best quality shirt ever made not in China! I heard Trump vitamins are the best ever.
Clearly he doesn't have the balls but that's how it would work in a perfect world.
A perfect world includes fraud?!?! It seems we have another case people accusing others of what they're doing themselves.
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.
The 25th Amendment specifically addresses mental capacity and doesn't apply in this case. Also, he's got 23 days left in power. It's over. The death of our Constitution and our freedoms will begin in earnest, on the 20th of January.
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
He was taken down 2 months ago, yesterday he just demonstrated another reason why.
At least that's what the memo says.
Everyone blame Trump for everything...... whoopie!!!!!!!!!
Works for me. If not for Trump, yesterday wouldn't haver happened and four people would still be alive.
That was a coordinated planned attempt.You'll never be told that so I am. I so astonished on this board. I got to leave
They don't smell a rat unless the media tells them to.
Lol. Mindless cyborgs. Half this board smells like dead rat, it needs a DNC, dusting and cleaning. What a scam this was. Take attention off that senile old man. Lol
This board if full of moderates and conservatives.
Usually you get on a board filled with leftist assholes and they ban you in the first week for saying something bad about Muslims.
I would rather live in a moderate Muslim country, safe hood access to booze, than in the West if it ever become too Marxist.
The 25th Amendment specifically addresses mental capacity and doesn't apply in this case. Also, he's got 23 days left in power. It's over. The death of our Constitution and our freedoms will begin in earnest, on the 20th of January.
Spotted a couple of typos. Fixed it for ya. Now say 'thank you'.

The 25th Amendment specifically addresses mental capacity and doesn't apply in this case. Also, he's got 23 days left in power. It's over. The restoration of your Constitution and your freedoms will begin in earnest, on the 20th of January.
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence wouldn't pardon his butt.
100% would. Just like Ford did to Nixon in order to avoid 4 or 5 years of legal battles.
Ford’s pardon was designed to heal the wounds of the Nation, protect the integrity of the office of the President, absolutely nothing to do with Nixon and his legal troubles. I find it interesting in that what Nixon was accused of and orchestrated is child’s play to what the FBI, some members of the US Senate, and House of Reps pulled these past four years.
Ford’s pardon was designed to heal the wounds of the Nation, protect the integrity of the office of the President, absolutely nothing to do with Nixon and his legal troubles. I find it interesting in that what Nixon was accused of and orchestrated is child’s play to what the FBI, some members of the US Senate, and House of Reps pulled these past four years.

Not as bad as what Trump has done. But, yep, politics just keeps getting dirtier and dirtier....
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Ain’t gonna save your Own - Personal - Jesus from Cy Vance Jr or Letitia James! :)

Are you a fucking English teacher on a cheesy poli board?

Are you a twat or Flash dressed up as Uncensored?
No. I'm Ropey.
Oh, gidday Dopey. Where have you been? And why change your nick? Thought it was a good 'un...
I came here in 15 and posted 22 times. I was so impressed with this place that I left for 5 yrs. Appearing last week.

I'm Ropey, so I guess per 2 posters. Now I'm also Twat, Flash, and Uncensored. Tomorrow I'll be Elvira and Mr Magoo.

What is it with you people and Sockpuppets. Sockpuppet paranoia?? A sock is the same ass hole or bigger as the last Sock. Who fucking cares?
I came here in 15 and posted 22 times. I was so impressed with this place that I left for 5 yrs. Appearing last week.

I'm Ropey, so I guess per 2 posters. Now I'm also Twat, Flash, and Uncensored. Tomorrow I'll be Elvira and Mr Magoo.

What is it with you people and Sockpuppets. Sockpuppet paranoia?? A sock is the same ass hole or bigger as the last Sock. Who fucking cares?

Oh, I gotcha.
Couple of things - a long-standing poster recently came back under a different nick. Think he accidentally got locked out or something along those lines so he had to change his name. Thought the same thing happened to Dopey. Hadn't seen him around for a while.
My Flash/Uncensored comment (there is no twat, that is an insult, not a poster) was not me thinking you were a sock, but that you had similar politics to them.
Trump as a private citizen throwing the dirt on everyone in the media, entertainment and political class in every way will be great if he chooses to. The same love given to him and his family to give back to them and their families. If he chooses to do so.

Oh FUCK .. ^ Cultists Gonna Cult!!

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