I Hope Trump is Removed With 25th and Charged With Subversion Because...

...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him
Pence would pardon Trump. Pence saw the 4-years of MSM unfairness up close, Pence saw the Mueller Investigation hoax, the Impeachment hoax, the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. So if Trump was smart he would resign now IF Pence agreed to pardon him.
Pence is worse than the Rosenbergs and Comey, he's a fucking Judas

Pence looked at yer Dotard with lovin eyes for four long years. You turn on him NOW? :laugh:
I came here in 15 and posted 22 times. I was so impressed with this place that I left for 5 yrs. Appearing last week.

I'm Ropey, so I guess per 2 posters. Now I'm also Twat, Flash, and Uncensored. Tomorrow I'll be Elvira and Mr Magoo.

What is it with you people and Sockpuppets. Sockpuppet paranoia?? A sock is the same ass hole or bigger as the last Sock. Who fucking cares?

Oh, I gotcha.
Couple of things - a long-standing poster recently came back under a different nick. Think he accidentally got locked out or something along those lines so he had to change his name. Thought the same thing happened to Dopey. Hadn't seen him around for a while.
My Flash/Uncensored comment (there is no twat, that is an insult, not a poster) was not me thinking you were a sock, but that you had similar politics to them.
Well I now hate repukes as much as libfarts if that tells you anything. Tell Dopey whoever the hell it is I said hi.

No. I'm just a new schmuck who stumbled in here. it looks like I been here a long time. Looks are deceiving. Peace
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him
Pence would pardon Trump. Pence saw the 4-years of MSM unfairness up close, Pence saw the Mueller Investigation hoax, the Impeachment hoax, the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane. So if Trump was smart he would resign now IF Pence agreed to pardon him.
Pence is worse than the Rosenbergs and Comey, he's a fucking Judas

Pence looked at yer Dotard with lovin eyes for four long years. You turn on him NOW? :laugh:
Like you sucking Bolton's weenie when appropriate.
No big deal yesterday. There were no murders and no burning of government buildings. Just a bunch of hillbillies stealing paper clips and rubber bands out of desks.

Lots of hidden guns though and that's a given in America anyway, even when they go to their churches. But nobody with the balls to take one out of their pocket and show they were serious!

Expect something on the order of America's own Kristallnacht for a show that things are getting serious.
No big deal yesterday. There were no murders and no burning of government buildings. Just a bunch of hillbillies stealing paper clips and rubber bands out of desks.

Lots of hidden guns though and that's a given in America anyway, even when they go to their churches. But nobody with the balls to take one out of their pocket and show they were serious!

Expect something on the order of America's own Kristallnacht for a show that things are getting serious.
Next timie you find one with a hidden gun, attack them.
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him
He might, for old time's sake, and he might not with pressure from Democrats who have everything we ever had taken away if they decide to "eliminate" Trump supporters, then religious fanatics, uncooperative gun owners, then "unfit parents," then euthanize older people, handicapped children whose expenses compete with their pet rock projects, etcetera, etcetera, and so forth. :rolleyes-41:
No 25th is going to happen. Trump will run in 2024 and know more about taking on the communist fraud machine.
I can't imagine him wanting anything more to do with this country.
The move to a fascist regime can't just be put on hold for 4 years. It's going to be up to the extreme right to keep the level of violence and pressure up continuously for 4 years, and that would be near impossible.
I would wager that if Trump is going to be president again, it's going to have to be in January at the latest.

And not to suggest that it's not looking promising. Just that the silly pseudo-sideshow put on yesterday is going to take a lot more violence and balls than that!
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
It was great to see the crooked bastards cower down like the spineless turds they are.
And now knowing Joe like we do he will try and be the tough guy and go after people hard...but the people will stand against that kind of retribution towards one group and not the other....Joe's stupidity and sharp anger will make Trump stronger...
There will be no more unarmed conservative rally's now. Ashli's murder took care of that.
Good. Hopefully you and Rambunctious will go to the next one. Just remember though, when you kick down a door and the window pane from said door, and then try and jump through it, you might get shot. Even though you and Ram Bam are Deplorables it wouldn't be nice to see you six feet under. On the plus side, it would increase the average IQ of America if you were to meet your maker, but just be careful out there. Nah, what am I saying. You're too much of a coward to go to such a rally armed yourself, ain't ya, Petal?

I’ll wager Bushie is too old, infirm and well .. Dumb to get from his place to the end of the block ;-)
No 25th is going to happen. Trump will run in 2024 and know more about taking on the communist fraud machine.
I can't imagine him wanting anything more to do with this country.
Dream on. By 2024, the communists will a nnounce who the politburo, I mean the committee will choose from their ranks a person who they can expediently obey all that they wish to make happen.
If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....

I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of that Trump. Even if he doesn't run again, he'll live forever in that vast empty void between the ears of every liberal in this country.

I doubt it..

If they take him down they make him stronger....yesterday scared the shit out of those elected scumbags....on both sides...I was there...I've never seen a bigger crowd of people in one place in my life...they saw them too...and they are desperate to destroy Trump...but they can't because they didn't create him....
It was great to see the crooked bastards cower down like the spineless turds they are.
And now knowing Joe like we do he will try and be the tough guy and go after people hard...but the people will stand against that kind of retribution towards one group and not the other....Joe's stupidity and sharp anger will make Trump stronger...
There will be no more unarmed conservative rally's now. Ashli's murder took care of that.
Good. Hopefully you and Rambunctious will go to the next one. Just remember though, when you kick down a door and the window pane from said door, and then try and jump through it, you might get shot. Even though you and Ram Bam are Deplorables it wouldn't be nice to see you six feet under. On the plus side, it would increase the average IQ of America if you were to meet your maker, but just be careful out there. Nah, what am I saying. You're too much of a coward to go to such a rally armed yourself, ain't ya, Petal?

I’ll wager Bushie is too old, infirm and well .. Dumb to get from his place to the end of the block ;-)
You really know how to marginalize a guy.
...that way President Pence can give him a full pardon before the socialist usurp power on the 20th. Fuck the Democrats.

Pence won't pardon him

obviously not after being thrown under the bus... :)

Nope, sorry, Pence will not pardon Trump. Not only did Trump throw him under the bus, but Pence also certified the vote in favor of Biden. Say what you want to about Pence, but he's been in Washington long enough to know what looks good and what doesn't. If he pardons Trump, he will kill any chance of being in politics in the future.
Plus, the truth be told, he must be just sick of the Orange Turd. Imagine working with that idiot and having to try and put out fires all the time, and even being associated with him. I reckon Pence's default mode when he is talking to somebody and they bring up Trump's name, is for him to roll his eyes before he starts talking.
The great honor of his life working for a man of the people, not a 47 year politician.

You like to throw your avi under the bus like on a daily basis.

I keep tellin the dumfuk that he’s making Poppy spin in his grave. Not a Bush on the planet in past 100 years who liked Rumpy Rump.
I would be happy to see Trump resign now with a deal from Pence to pardon him. I hope Pence proposes this. Get Trump out pronto. For the good and security of the nation. Afterward Pence can reneg on his promise. Even if he pardons Trump on federal charges, there will be plenty of ways to punish Trump —- for old tax avoidance like Al Capone, on state charges, etc. It’s like some of the fools who broke into the Capitol — they thought they were riding high, even bragging about their triumphs, but they will pay eventually.
I would be happy to see Trump resign now with a deal from Pence to pardon him. I hope Pence proposes this. Get Trump out pronto. For the good and security of the nation. Afterward Pence can reneg on his promise. Even if he pardons Trump on federal charges, there will be plenty of ways to punish Trump —- for old tax avoidance like Al Capone, on state charges, etc. It’s like some of the fools who broke into the Capitol — they thought they were riding high, even bragging about their triumphs, but they will pay eventually.

Trump claims he can pardon himself.

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