I Identify as a 80 Year o Ld, So Why Wont The Feds Give Me My Social Security?

I identify as a poor person and demand my Obama phone! :mad:

Why is it called the Obama phone when the program started either under Clinton or Bush?
You need a tissue now?

What for? The program was created in 1985, but expanded during the Bush admin to include cell phone service.

You probably qualify for a Bushphone.
You qualify for Prozac...
The program of which you speak, has NOTHING to do with cell service. In fact, cellular phones were still an "idea" in 1985.
and for Information, you cookie baking twit, 1985 marked the year of the break up of the Bell System.
In that Act, Congress also included provisions for extending land line telephone service to previously unserved rural areas. The Act also included the provision that customers could choose which local and long distance Telco service they desired.
Cell phone service was part of a new act by Congress that would extend cellular service to non urban areas and those outside the suburbs.
The Act made no provisions for "free cell service" or "free cell phone devices"....That was added during the present administration.
And We, the paying customers are funding this unfunded mandate. Again......

You seem angry.

Lifeline and programs like it have been around quite a while. Lifeline was created in 1985 and expanded in 2008 during the Bush administration to include cell phone service. An FCC spokeswoman told PolitiFact in 2009 that the 1996 Telecommunications Act required the FCC to create the Universal Service Fund, a pool of money subsidized by small charges on phone bills and redistributed to low-income service programs, as well as programs that bring telecommunications services to rural areas and schools.

Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters
No shit.....We're discussing the Obama plan that offers free cell phones and cell service.
Why is it called the Obama phone when the program started either under Clinton or Bush?
You need a tissue now?

What for? The program was created in 1985, but expanded during the Bush admin to include cell phone service.

You probably qualify for a Bushphone.
You qualify for Prozac...
The program of which you speak, has NOTHING to do with cell service. In fact, cellular phones were still an "idea" in 1985.
and for Information, you cookie baking twit, 1985 marked the year of the break up of the Bell System.
In that Act, Congress also included provisions for extending land line telephone service to previously unserved rural areas. The Act also included the provision that customers could choose which local and long distance Telco service they desired.
Cell phone service was part of a new act by Congress that would extend cellular service to non urban areas and those outside the suburbs.
The Act made no provisions for "free cell service" or "free cell phone devices"....That was added during the present administration.
And We, the paying customers are funding this unfunded mandate. Again......

You seem angry.

Lifeline and programs like it have been around quite a while. Lifeline was created in 1985 and expanded in 2008 during the Bush administration to include cell phone service. An FCC spokeswoman told PolitiFact in 2009 that the 1996 Telecommunications Act required the FCC to create the Universal Service Fund, a pool of money subsidized by small charges on phone bills and redistributed to low-income service programs, as well as programs that bring telecommunications services to rural areas and schools.

Adam Putnam: Obama campaign gives free cell phones to supporters
No shit.....We're discussing the Obama plan that offers free cell phones and cell service.

Except that's a pants on fire lie, and you can't read.


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