I Ingest Disinfectants Every Day

Huff of Lysol a day keeps the doctor away .
Do I have to issue a disclaimer for the tards?
Huff of Lysol a day keeps the doctor away .

1. I spray Lysol (or Walmart's generic equivalent, Great Value) every day. I then breathe the air that the disinfectant is highly concentrated in, ingesting the disinfectant into my lungs. Then I go out (at 74 years of age) and walk a mile. Come home, do 50 jumping jacks, 20 dips on a club chair (similar to pushups), 20 squat thrusts, and 20 curls on both arms with a 15 pound dumbbell.

2. I gargle with mouthwash disinfectant (22% alcohol) twice a day, and inhale the vapors into my lungs. I never get sick with flus, or any other viruses.

3. Four more years. MAGA.

For total protection, make sure to gargle with Pine Sol daily.
in reality i rarely drink ..... but during cold and flu season i eat a clove of raw garlic every day . 1st crush the clove then peel and dice it and let it sit in open air for 15 to 20 minutes ..it develops powerful anti viral's and antibiotic chemicals during that time ... if you are going to eat it mix it with food or just swallow the small dices with water. dont chew raw ! it will burn like crazy !

There is no better cancer fighter than garlic. None. I've not gone that far but this is something I might consider. Allicin, there active ingredient in garlic, hunts down free radicals and destroys them.
Nice. BTW, I play the guitar (acoustic & electric) too, the harmonica, and of course, the cousin of the violin, the mandolin. And the disinfectants I ingest, help to keep me healthy enough to play all these instruments.
Sesame oil , turmeric and organic apple cider vinegar
to prevent arthritis and other things.;)

You like Jean Luc Ponty ?
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in reality i rarely drink ..... but during cold and flu season i eat a clove of raw garlic every day . 1st crush the clove then peel and dice it and let it sit in open air for 15 to 20 minutes ..it develops powerful anti viral's and antibiotic chemicals during that time ... if you are going to eat it mix it with food or just swallow the small dices with water. dont chew raw ! it will burn like crazy !

I just discovered this:

"The allicin in crushed raw garlic is destroyed by heat, so putting crushed raw garlic into a bubbling hot sauce essentially cooks it and destroys the aromatics associated with raw garlic regardless of any culinary merit."

So your process is certainly is the way to go. I'm wondering if I could crush it and add it to a smoothie? Might have to try that. Moving forward I'm going to add it raw to salads, or just add to water.
I like to stand in front of the Glade dispenser every 9 minutes.
View attachment 330690

Dude where I worked had one of these damn things on the wall in the mens room. I had no idea WTF it was I thought it was some kind of camera or something. So I climb up on the counter to take a look in the little hole and about that time I hear "pssst" and feel the most incredible burning sensation in my eye.
I like to stand in front of the Glade dispenser every 9 minutes.
View attachment 330690

Dude where I worked had one of these damn things on the wall in the mens room. I had no idea WTF it was I thought it was some kind of camera or something. So I climb up on the counter to take a look in the little hole and about that time I hear "pssst" and feel the most incredible burning sensation in my eye.
One of my brothers is an airplane mechanic.
He's retired from the Marines living in Hawaii.
Nice. BTW, I play the guitar (acoustic & electric) too, the harmonica, and of course, the cousin of the violin, the mandolin. And the disinfectants I ingest, help to keep me healthy enough to play all these instruments.
Sesame oil , turmeric and organic apple cider vinegar
to prevent arthritis and other things.;)

You like Jean Luc Ponty ?

Nice. BTW, I play the guitar (acoustic & electric) too, the harmonica, and of course, the cousin of the violin, the mandolin. And the disinfectants I ingest, help to keep me healthy enough to play all these instruments.
Sesame oil , turmeric and organic apple cider vinegar
to prevent arthritis and other things.;)

You like Jean Luc Ponty ?

Not too much. Too repetitive and jazzy. I like bluegrass and classic rock (Beatles, Stones, Dylan, Hendrix, Neil Young, C,S, & N, Fleetwood Mac, America, Cream, James Taylor,

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