I Just De-Registered As A Republican

As a matter of fact, that right there helped me make my decision. When someone says they would choose a child molester over a Democrat, you know they are too far gone.

That level of hatred and moral decrepitude is irredeemable. Their soul is dead.

I cannot be associated with that kind of sickness.

In the final analysis the demon is not a political party or affiliation with it --- it's lockstep mob mentality. In the contemporary term, tribalism.

Which is again one of the pitfalls of political parties -- they encourage that shit. Although they're certainly not the only entity who do.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

Does someone actually believe this complete loser EVER had an R by his name? Anyone with an R by his name is at least able to not conflate accusations with facts. (And I believe the accusations miraculously just stopped after the election so I suppose Moore is no longer even accused of anything - what a surpise).

More predictable, boring, leftist trickery. Far leftist pretending to be a republican. I just left the communist party...

Ha, Spot On. Thanks. :thup:
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway.
You sure about that, Pogo?
The Republican party WANTED Trump?
I never pay attention to who is a Dem or a Repub. When the government shut down a few years ago I called my Representative and gave a long lecture about how it was stupid and wrong to shut down the government and how Obama wasn't going to budge, so get over it and vote for the damned budget.
Come to find out, my rep is a Democrat.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

I did that years ago when the pubs started kissing Obama's ass

I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway.
You sure about that, Pogo?
The Republican party WANTED Trump?

I dunno, but they sure caved to him.

That's why I keep referring back to 1912. Bombastic New York candidate dismissed by his critics as an egomaniac, sweeps through the primaries, walks into the convention with commanding delegate lead. Republican Party decides no, regardless how many delegates he got they're gonna go with the establishment guy from Ohio because he represents where they want the party to go. Bombastic New York candidate takes his supporters, goes down the street, starts his own party and pushes the Republican nominee down to third place in the election.

Perhaps they didn't want that to happen again. Or perhaps they just had cojones in 1912 and some idea where they wanted to go.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

I ate freedom fries today, does that count?
Good Ridance
You were never a conservative to start with.
BTW is De-Registered even a word?
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine. I think it's obvious that you were never any more Republican than that other fake-ex-Republican, JackassStarkey.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


I call solid digestive waste from a male bovine. I think it's obvious that you were never any more Republican than that other fake-ex-Republican, JackassStarkey.
Your writing level, BoobBob, somewhat low for most normal adults on a good day, plummets even more when you are drinking, as it did above.
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway.
You sure about that, Pogo?
The Republican party WANTED Trump?

I dunno, but they sure caved to him.

That's why I keep referring back to 1912. Bombastic New York candidate dismissed by his critics as an egomaniac, sweeps through the primaries, walks into the convention with commanding delegate lead. Republican Party decides no, regardless how many delegates he got they're gonna go with the establishment guy from Ohio because he represents where they want the party to go. Bombastic New York candidate takes his supporters, goes down the street, starts his own party and pushes the Republican nominee down to third place in the election.

Perhaps they didn't want that to happen again. Or perhaps they just had cojones in 1912 and some idea where they wanted to go.
The solid majority of the Party voted against Trump in the primaries.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

I did it 10 years ago. Party politics is degrading to those who associate with a party.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

It's fine with me that you don't care to identify as a Republican anymore. I quit being a Republican in 1988, after Reagan. I've voted Republican but I am a registered Independent.

My contention is with your "accused child molester" comment. Anyone can accuse anyone of anything. You know this, right? Tomorrow, someone who holds a grudge with you could go out there and accuse you of molesting them when they were a child. Do you believe it is ethical for us to condemn people on the basis of an accusation alone?

Trump endorsed the Republican candidate on the ballot, he did not endorse a child molester. You've condemned someone and found them guilty without allowing them a day in court or the chance to defend themselves properly. This sort of thing has to stop. From Antifa attacking and assaulting people "because they are Nazis!" to "Hands Up--Don't Shoot!" our society has somehow jumped the tracks when it comes to jurisprudence and reasonable application of judicial standards. It seems that more and more people are just ready to condemn over assumptions and innuendo. No trial... no evidence required.... no chance to cross examine... Just knee-jerk vigilante lynching in the court of public opinion... and that's good enough.

This is sick and twisted.
Trump endorsed a candidate accused, tried, and convicted in the court of public opinion on charge of inappropriate relations and contracts with young females, one only 14. Yes, Moore is sick and twisted.
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway.
You sure about that, Pogo?
The Republican party WANTED Trump?

I dunno, but they sure caved to him.

That's why I keep referring back to 1912. Bombastic New York candidate dismissed by his critics as an egomaniac, sweeps through the primaries, walks into the convention with commanding delegate lead. Republican Party decides no, regardless how many delegates he got they're gonna go with the establishment guy from Ohio because he represents where they want the party to go. Bombastic New York candidate takes his supporters, goes down the street, starts his own party and pushes the Republican nominee down to third place in the election.

Perhaps they didn't want that to happen again. Or perhaps they just had cojones in 1912 and some idea where they wanted to go.
I heard in passing--no details--that the RNC passed new rules in the past couple of years that made it harder for them to do what they did in 1912. They were attempting to be more transparent and democratic. To hell with that, I say, if it gives us a mess like this.
Trump endorsed a candidate accused, tried, and convicted in the court of public opinion on charge of inappropriate relations and contracts with young females, one only 14. Yes, Moore is sick and twisted.

A conviction by the court of public opinion does not make Moore sick and twisted. There is NO evidence, allegedly it happened decades ago, Moore has been a public figure for years, any reasonable person would wonder why these women decide now is the time to come forward. What are we suppose to think? These women are OK letting their assaulter become a judge, but not a Senator. Richard Jewel was convicted by the court of public opinion too, and it was folks like you who essentially ruined an innocent man’s life.

Richard Allensworth Jewell (born Richard White;[1] December 17, 1962 – August 29, 2007) was an American police officer and security guard. While working as a security guard for AT&T, he became known in connection with the Centennial Olympic Park bombing at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, Georgia.[2] Discovering a backpack filled with three pipe bombs on the park grounds, Jewell alerted police and helped to evacuate the area before the bomb exploded, saving many people from injury or death. Initially hailed by the media as a hero, Jewell was later considered a suspect. Jewell's case is considered an example of the damage that can be done by reporting based on unreliable or incomplete information.[3]

Richard Jewell

Born Richard White[1]
December 17, 1962
Danville, Georgia[1]
Died August 29, 2007 (aged 44)
Woodbury, Georgia
Other names Richard Allensworth Jewell
Occupation Police officer, security guard
Known for Discovered planted pipe bomb at Centennial Olympic Park during the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta, Georgia, United States and helped evacuate people from the area before the bomb exploded. He was later falsely accused of planting the bomb himself and later was exonerated by an FBIinvestigation.
Despite never being charged, he underwent a "trial by media" with great toll on his personal and professional life. Jewell was eventually completely exonerated, and Eric Rudolph was later found to have been the bomber.[4][5] In 2006, Governor Sonny Perduepublicly thanked Jewell on behalf of the State of Georgia for saving the lives of those at the Olympics.[6] Jewell died on August 29, 2007 of heart failure from complications of diabetes at age 44.
Trump endorsed a candidate accused, tried, and convicted in the court of public opinion on charge of inappropriate relations and contracts with young females, one only 14. Yes, Moore is sick and twisted.

You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters. At least the child molester knows, on some level, that what they did was wrong. You don't seem to have a clue as to why this is totally inappropriate and flies in the face of our constitution and rule of law.

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