I Just De-Registered As A Republican

Trump endorsed a candidate accused, tried, and convicted in the court of public opinion on charge of inappropriate relations and contracts with young females, one only 14. Yes, Moore is sick and twisted.

You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters. At least the child molester knows, on some level, that what they did was wrong. You don't seem to have a clue as to why this is totally inappropriate and flies in the face of our constitution and rule of law.
Boss, attacking me personally reveals your shallowness of character as well as inability to discuss issues honestly. You do not understand that is an issue decided by public opinion and not in a court of law. Do you know why?
Boss, attacking me personally reveals your shallowness of character as well as inability to discuss issues honestly. You do not understand that is an issue decided by public opinion and not in a court of law. Do you know why?

I'm not attacking you personally. I am stating a fact of life. No, I do not understand vigilante lynching or why it's appropriate. I also don't understand people who think it is. We have a system of justice and it works quite well. It is based in principles of our constitution. Public opinion is nothing more than a modern lynch mob. You are actively lynching people on the basis of hearsay and allegation without allowing them a proper defense or basic human rights. Destroying their lives and careers on the basis of sheer gossip. And you don't see anything wrong with that, in fact, you wish to defend it?

As I said, you and those who think like you are actually WORSE than the child molesters.
Boss, attacking me personally reveals your shallowness of character as well as inability to discuss issues honestly. You do not understand that is an issue decided by public opinion and not in a court of law. Do you know why?
I'm not attacking you personally. I am stating a fact of life. No, I do not understand vigilante lynching or why it's appropriate. I also don't understand people who think it is. We have a system of justice and it works quite well. It is based in principles of our constitution. Public opinion is nothing more than a modern lynch mob. You are actively lynching people on the basis of hearsay and allegation without allowing them a proper defense or basic human rights. Destroying their lives and careers on the basis of sheer gossip. And you don't see anything wrong with that, in fact, you wish to defend it? As I said, you and those who think like you are actually WORSE than the child molesters.
"You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters" is a personal attack based on nothing but your animus of being made to look worse than silly.

You do not understand the sense of public opinion is the rule in matters of morals and character. Or in Moore's case, his lack of it, and in your case, your concrete barriers of mental shallowness prevent you from grasping the facts.
"You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters" is a personal attack based on nothing but your animus of being made to look worse than silly.

You do not understand the sense of public opinion is the rule in matters of morals and character. Or in Moore's case, his lack of it, and in your case, your concrete barriers of mental shallowness prevent you from grasping the facts.

Public opinion means absolutely NOTHING. We do not convict and condemn people through public opinion... or at least, we didn't until very recently. I wonder if I could gather together assorted posters at USMB to wage a campaign of "public opinion" against you and have you banned from the site? I know the mods have more integrity than that and it wouldn't ever happen, but what IF we could do that? How would you feel about it? We just gang up on you and accuse you of all kinds of perverted nastiness and get you booted on the basis of our allegations... sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
"You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters" is a personal attack based on nothing but your animus of being made to look worse than silly.

You do not understand the sense of public opinion is the rule in matters of morals and character. Or in Moore's case, his lack of it, and in your case, your concrete barriers of mental shallowness prevent you from grasping the facts.

Public opinion means absolutely NOTHING. We do not convict and condemn people through public opinion... or at least, we didn't until very recently. I wonder if I could gather together assorted posters at USMB to wage a campaign of "public opinion" against you and have you banned from the site? I know the mods have more integrity than that and it wouldn't ever happen, but what IF we could do that? How would you feel about it? We just gang up on you and accuse you of all kinds of perverted nastiness and get you booted on the basis of our allegations... sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Public opinion of course means everything in cases like this. He was not tried or "convicted" in a court of law, because the statutes had run out a long time ago.

Your silly and goofy false equivalency is noted. USMB is a private company with its own rules. If it was run by member mob mentality, you and I would both have been booted out long ago.

The gang stalking of the Alt Right has never bothered me because you are gang of snowflakes. You have no bite and your bark is nothing but a snerk.

Back to Moore: he was swept up (rightly enough) in a tide of public opinion that condemns and enforces that condemnation of good old boy sexual mores in the work place. Guess what? A guy who does than well may lose his livelihood. That should apply to good old girl mores as well.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".
Thank you. The sooner we get the rest of the rino scum liars out, the better off the country will be.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

Lol, when the hell were you ever a conservative.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Since before you were born, tard.

You don't even know what conservatism is.

You think it is about hating negroes and muslims and mexicans and homosexuals.

All you have is hate. Your soul is dead.

Just look at the guy you are backing and try to tell yourself he's a good fiscal conservative with Family Values™

Upset he's not a fag huh?
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway.
You sure about that, Pogo?
The Republican party WANTED Trump?

I dunno, but they sure caved to him.

That's why I keep referring back to 1912. Bombastic New York candidate dismissed by his critics as an egomaniac, sweeps through the primaries, walks into the convention with commanding delegate lead. Republican Party decides no, regardless how many delegates he got they're gonna go with the establishment guy from Ohio because he represents where they want the party to go. Bombastic New York candidate takes his supporters, goes down the street, starts his own party and pushes the Republican nominee down to third place in the election.

Perhaps they didn't want that to happen again. Or perhaps they just had cojones in 1912 and some idea where they wanted to go.
The solid majority of the Party voted against Trump in the primaries.

And we could add, from this same 2016 campaign, that the Democrats did the same thing steering their chosen candidate into the nomination without regard to the primaries. They just did it by fixing the primaries ahead of time with that bogus "superdelegate" crapola.

But the similarity is that, just as the Republicans wanted to take on the interests of in the corporate/wealthy and steer away from Teddy Roosevelt's appeal to the interests of the commoners in 1912, so the Democratic Party wanted to avoid Bernie Sanders going in the same direction in 2016 and stay the "safe" establishment course.

That's what happens when such an organization lives too long and gets entrenched ---- it becomes afraid to take risks, afraid to stand on principle, because all it exists for is self-preservation. Power for its own sake and little else. And I think the Republicans saw the dollar signs of Rumpism and gave up on their principles as well. Not all of them of course, but as a party, that's where they landed.

And that's what happens when you're just out for power for its own sake.
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I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

Can anyone imagine Dwight D Eisenhower endorsing and campaigning for an accused pedophile? Lying Trump, a self admitted sexual predator endorses an accused pedophile.

THIS is what the Republican Party platform supports now. That party went from Jerry Falwell proclaiming them as the 'family values' party to one that supports an accused pedophile. And Pat Robertson, among other fake Christians also endorses Lying Trump and his band of flying monkeys.

In all seriousness, what in the hell happened to Republicans? They used to at least be sane.
"You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters" is a personal attack based on nothing but your animus of being made to look worse than silly.

You do not understand the sense of public opinion is the rule in matters of morals and character. Or in Moore's case, his lack of it, and in your case, your concrete barriers of mental shallowness prevent you from grasping the facts.

Public opinion means absolutely NOTHING. We do not convict and condemn people through public opinion... or at least, we didn't until very recently. I wonder if I could gather together assorted posters at USMB to wage a campaign of "public opinion" against you and have you banned from the site? I know the mods have more integrity than that and it wouldn't ever happen, but what IF we could do that? How would you feel about it? We just gang up on you and accuse you of all kinds of perverted nastiness and get you booted on the basis of our allegations... sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Public opinion of course means everything in cases like this. He was not tried or "convicted" in a court of law, because the statutes had run out a long time ago.

Your silly and goofy false equivalency is noted. USMB is a private company with its own rules. If it was run by member mob mentality, you and I would both have been booted out long ago.

The gang stalking of the Alt Right has never bothered me because you are gang of snowflakes. You have no bite and your bark is nothing but a snerk.

Back to Moore: he was swept up (rightly enough) in a tide of public opinion that condemns and enforces that condemnation of good old boy sexual mores in the work place. Guess what? A guy who does than well may lose his livelihood. That should apply to good old girl mores as well.

Vigilanteism is going to come back to bite you in the ass... BIG TIME! When that happens, I don't want to hear you whining about "innocent until proven guilty" ...just take your public opinion punishment like a good little troll.

In the meantime, I will continue to speak out against this Jerry Springer Justice System you retards have constructed and apparently have no problem whatsoever with. I have a sneaky feeling, when it all boomerangs on your asses, you'll be singing a different tune.
"You have lost your goddamn mind, if you had one to lose in the first place. People who think like you are actually WORSE than child molesters" is a personal attack based on nothing but your animus of being made to look worse than silly.

You do not understand the sense of public opinion is the rule in matters of morals and character. Or in Moore's case, his lack of it, and in your case, your concrete barriers of mental shallowness prevent you from grasping the facts.

Public opinion means absolutely NOTHING. We do not convict and condemn people through public opinion... or at least, we didn't until very recently. I wonder if I could gather together assorted posters at USMB to wage a campaign of "public opinion" against you and have you banned from the site? I know the mods have more integrity than that and it wouldn't ever happen, but what IF we could do that? How would you feel about it? We just gang up on you and accuse you of all kinds of perverted nastiness and get you booted on the basis of our allegations... sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Public opinion of course means everything in cases like this. He was not tried or "convicted" in a court of law, because the statutes had run out a long time ago.

Your silly and goofy false equivalency is noted. USMB is a private company with its own rules. If it was run by member mob mentality, you and I would both have been booted out long ago.

The gang stalking of the Alt Right has never bothered me because you are gang of snowflakes. You have no bite and your bark is nothing but a snerk.

Back to Moore: he was swept up (rightly enough) in a tide of public opinion that condemns and enforces that condemnation of good old boy sexual mores in the work place. Guess what? A guy who does than well may lose his livelihood. That should apply to good old girl mores as well.

Vigilanteism is going to come back to bite you in the ass... BIG TIME! When that happens, I don't want to hear you whining about "innocent until proven guilty" ...just take your public opinion punishment like a good little troll. In the meantime, I will continue to speak out against this Jerry Springer Justice System you retards have constructed and apparently have no problem whatsoever with. I have a sneaky feeling, when it all boomerangs on your asses, you'll be singing a different tune.
"Vigilantism" as you understand will bounce back on you most likely. All Moore had to do forty years ago and more was to act like a worthy man, yet he allowed his base instincts to take hold.

The opposition did to Moore and is doing to Trump what the opponents of Clinton did to her.

I am glad Clinton and Moore are gone.
"Vigilantism" as you understand will bounce back on you most likely. All Moore had to do forty years ago and more was to act like a worthy man, yet he allowed his base instincts to take hold.

The opposition did to Moore and is doing to Trump what the opponents of Clinton did to her.

I am glad Clinton and Moore are gone.

There was actual EVIDENCE against Clinton!
"Vigilantism" as you understand will bounce back on you most likely. All Moore had to do forty years ago and more was to act like a worthy man, yet he allowed his base instincts to take hold.

The opposition did to Moore and is doing to Trump what the opponents of Clinton did to her.

I am glad Clinton and Moore are gone.

There was actual EVIDENCE against Clinton!
As there was against Moore. You can have your opinion about the quality of evidence against Moore, but it existed, and that fries your grits.
So far, all the tards have in response are red herrings and straw man fallacies.

This only serves to confirm I made the right decision.
Boss, attacking me personally reveals your shallowness of character as well as inability to discuss issues honestly. You do not understand that is an issue decided by public opinion and not in a court of law. Do you know why?

I'm not attacking you personally. I am stating a fact of life. No, I do not understand vigilante lynching or why it's appropriate. I also don't understand people who think it is. We have a system of justice and it works quite well. It is based in principles of our constitution. Public opinion is nothing more than a modern lynch mob. You are actively lynching people on the basis of hearsay and allegation without allowing them a proper defense or basic human rights. Destroying their lives and careers on the basis of sheer gossip. And you don't see anything wrong with that, in fact, you wish to defend it?

As I said, you and those who think like you are actually WORSE than the child molesters.

Again, as regards Roy Moore, it was never about "crime" or "evidence", and choosing some other candidate for an office he runs for cannot amount to "destroying his life and career". If his career is that fragile he's in the wrong business.

---- Which may be true anyway, since Moore had already been removed from a court bench for the simple and arrogant inability to follow the law, and then after he climbed back up --- did it again. That alone is reason enough to judge him as fatally irresponsible.

But to return to the point voters considering candidates are not a district attorney bringing an indictment -- they're judging choices involving competence and character. When an actual crime is committed, evidence is imperative; judging character is far more fluid and far less quantifiable. For example a lot of us have always loathed the character of Donald Rump, but that's got nothing to do with "committing a crime". So ultimately what's relevant to the election is not the one-or-zero fact of whether or not Roy Moore went all touchy-feely with a 14-year-old; it's the question of whether he's the kind of guy who would do that. To the extent that character matters to a voter, that's the consideration, and while his various accusers made a better case than he made in defense, those who were already supporters said they were staying supporters anyway.

There were myriad reasons to not elect Roy Moore, paramount among which was incompetence.
"Vigilantism" as you understand will bounce back on you most likely. All Moore had to do forty years ago and more was to act like a worthy man, yet he allowed his base instincts to take hold.

The opposition did to Moore and is doing to Trump what the opponents of Clinton did to her.

I am glad Clinton and Moore are gone.

There was actual EVIDENCE against Clinton!
As there was against Moore. You can have your opinion about the quality of evidence against Moore, but it existed, and that fries your grits.

I don't know that there was ANY evidence against Moore, other than accusations. There was no examination of physical evidence, there was no formal charge or arrest.
"I don't know" fits Boss well on this thread. Notice his red herring of physical evidence or formal charges or arrest forty years after the events and almost that long with the elapse of criminal statues.
There were myriad reasons to not elect Roy Moore, paramount among which was incompetence.

I agree, Moore was a terrible candidate and there were many reasons not to vote for him. That has nothing to do with what I'm talking about and I'd say the same thing if it were Doug Jones, who was a worse candidate than Moore, in my opinion.

I don't care what letter is beside someone's name or what they do for a living, or whether I agree or disagree with their views.... none of that matters in terms of how they should be treated regarding allegations of wrongdoing. We have a system and a protocol is supposed to be followed in adjudication.... for some reason, that has apparently broken down and we now live in an age where mob allegation replaces true justice.
"I don't know" fits Boss well on this thread. Notice his red herring of physical evidence or formal charges or arrest forty years after the events and almost that long with the elapse of criminal statues.

There is a good reason we have statutes of limitations.

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