I Just De-Registered As A Republican

Oh Gawd, please stop. Everyone here knows you never were a Republican. You're just a silly Message Board fraud. You were outed a long time ago. No respectable Republican would post such whiny Snowflake drivel like this thread. The reality is, you never were a Republican. So spare us the faux self-righteous indignation. You're a pathetic fraud.
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Smart move g5000 - And pretty cool that you could do it online!
I'm pretty sure you can do it online in every state. You just need your DMV license in hand to do it.

Just go to Google and search "(your state) how to change voter registration".

Easy peasey!
i may de-register but not because of anything specific, just don't want to be on "either" side.
Oh Gawd, please stop. Everyone here knows you never were a Republican. You're just a silly Message Board fraud. You were outed a long time ago. No respectable Republican would post such whiny Snowflake drivel like this thread. The reality is, you never were a Republican. So spare us the faux self-righteous indignation. You're a pathetic fraud. Movin on...
You're one of the biggest hypocrites on this board.

I don't blame you, though. You were never taught what conservatism is. You think what you are told to parrot and what you are told to bleev by your propagandists is "conservatism".

You can't help it. You're too young to know better.
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.
When some pseudocon said "dossier" was a "fancy word", I knew there was no coming back from where the Tard Herd is right then. I could hear Bill Buckley screaming.
Oh Gawd, please stop. Everyone here knows you never were a Republican. You're just a silly Message Board fraud. You were outed a long time ago. No respectable Republican would post such whiny Snowflake drivel like this thread. The reality is, you never were a Republican. So spare us the faux self-righteous indignation. You're a pathetic fraud. Movin on...
You're one of the biggest hypocrites on this board.

I don't blame you, though. You were never taught what conservatism is. You think what you are told to parrot and what you are told to bleev by your propagandists is "conservatism".

You can't help it. You're too young to know better.

I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.
Well, the irony is that primaries are the most important elections. That is when the two evils are chosen by the tards, because too many normal Americans stay home during the primaries.

Once the primaries are over, we're all fucked. We have let the tards and psychos decide from which two evils we have to choose.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

Good for you. It gives you no benefits anyway unless your state or local govt requires it to vote in primaries or local elections. Welcome to the largest and most powerful political constituency in the United States.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

We're shedding the dead weight and filth through attrition.
I would be happy if most of you just didn't bother voting. It would raise the IQ of the average voter immensely if you would just stay home.
Oh, man. There is so much irony on this board, and you always provide more than your quota!

You're the same guy who didn't remember five minutes after saying you would vote for a child molester over a Democrat that you had said it! You got all pissed off that someone quoted you, and accused them of changing your post, and then reported them.

Jesus, it just doesn't get more stupid than that.

You tards are very amusing with your lecturing about stupidity! :lol:

Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia
I stopped voting in primaries because they require you to declare as either R or D.

Yep, you'd have to switch your "affiliation" every year.

They don't require it here in Carolina but they do limit you to one or the other. I'd rather have the chance to vote in both; but in the end the primary means nothing --- it's not legally required and the party is gonna nominate whoever it wants anyway. Just bread and circus for the masses.
As a matter of fact, that right there helped me make my decision. When someone says they would choose a child molester over a Democrat, you know they are too far gone.

That level of hatred and moral decrepitude is irredeemable. Their soul is dead.

I cannot be associated with that kind of sickness.
Oh Gawd, please stop. Everyone here knows you never were a Republican. You're just a silly Message Board fraud. You were outed a long time ago. No respectable Republican would post such whiny Snowflake drivel like this thread. The reality is, you never were a Republican. So spare us the faux self-righteous indignation. You're a pathetic fraud. Movin on...
You're one of the biggest hypocrites on this board.

I don't blame you, though. You were never taught what conservatism is. You think what you are told to parrot and what you are told to bleev by your propagandists is "conservatism".

You can't help it. You're too young to know better.

You're a liar. Everyone here knows you aren't a Republican. But you're so twisted, you've continued on with that lie for so long. I mean, why continue lying for so long? Everyone here already knew you were a weird little liar. Most have concluded that you just have a mental disorder.

So, your 'shocking revelation' is no revelation at all. Everyone here already knew you weren't a Republican. You've only been lying to yourself the whole time. Maybe it is time for you to get some help. Take care. :)
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

We're shedding the dead weight and filth through attrition.
The Jacobins said the same.
I'm out. Done. I've been a Republican since birth, and I am handing in my membership. Trump's endorsement of an accused child molester finally broke me. I have no reason any more to have an R after my name. I have NOTHING in common with today's Republican party.


My principles can no longer tolerate me being attached to that cesspool one minute longer.

I was surprised how easy it is to change my voter registration. I was able to do it online. It took less than two minutes.

My official party registration is now "Not a member of a party".

Enjoy the primaries.

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