I just don't understand

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Shattered said:
If you're going to "peg" people, peg them on an individual basis based on what you know about them.

You're a very sad person. If I am guilty of "painting with a broad brush" you are equally guilty. Can't you see that?

I haven't pegged anybody or any group. I have merely pointed out that what you and others accuse Christians of doing, many athiests (you included?) also do.
freeandfun1 said:
You're a very sad person. If I am guilty of "painting with a broad brush" you are equally guilty. Can't you see that?

I haven't pegged anybody or any group. I have merely pointed out that what you and others accuse Christians of doing, you do yourself.

Did you not just "peg" me as being a "very sad person"? :)

Seems I picked the right time to bow out, as yours is the first insult thrown.

You have a nice day. :)
Shattered said:
Did you not just "peg" me as being a "very sad person"? :)

Seems I picked the right time to bow out, as yours is the first insult thrown.

You have a nice day. :)


You accused me of pegging people and you did so in a condescending manner.
I wish my wife would let me 'peg' her...I haven't 'pegged' in a week. :(
Ok, here's the official word of the day, which is basically to agree to disagree.


There's also a guy who comes along our campus who we have dubbed "Moses." His basic message is that everyone but him is going to Hell. That guy is going to Hell because wearing a pink shirt makes you gay. That guy's going to Hell because he has long hair. That girl's going to Hell because hugging guys you're not married or related to makes you a whore. That guy's going to Hell because being over 30 and still having fashion sense makes you a drug dealer. It drives me crazy, but it's more funny than anything else.

Have a nice day.
freeandfun1 said:
not say'n that you do this, but I find it funny that most Atheists don't want Christians to promote impose their beliefs on them, yet Atheists impose their beliefs on Christians every day.

MissileMan said:

By demanding that Christians be silenced about their religious beliefs, because, as everyone knows, all that stuff is just fantasy and fairy tales. Or words to that effect.
Let's talk about the girl who got the cops called on her for passing out WWJD pencils at school.
Mr. P said:
Ever try an walk away from a Jehovah Witness....

i always answer the door in my underwear with a couple of beers and a cigar and say........"cool some one to talk to...."
freeandfun1 said:
you can't be serious?

Couple of quick points:
1. A very high percentage of secularists are Christian. They have to be...there simply aren't enough atheist to account for many of them.

2. This atheist at least has no agenda to prevent anyone from practicing their chosen religion. The arguments I raise on this board are indeed from an atheistic angle, but in almost every case, it has been offered to counter an argument raised from a Christian angle. I don't preach anything. I don't try to convert anyone. I don't tell people that they are condemned to hell for believing in God. I don't tell Christians that they should be denied parental rights because they are propogating religion.

3. Your relationship with your deity should be a highly personal and private matter. If you want to share it with others, then do so with those who want to actually hear about it, you know, like the members of your church.
manu1959 said:
i always answer the door in my underwear with a couple of beers and a cigar and say........"cool some one to talk to...."
I don't even answer...I just let em stand there as long as they want..But it does piss me off. Same as someone coming to my door selling something..Hey come to think about, it is the same thing, ain't it? :D
MissileMan said:
Couple of quick points:
1. A very high percentage of secularists are Christian. They have to be...there simply aren't enough atheist to account for many of them.

What?? One can't be secularist and Christian at the same time. It's like saying that someone is male and female at the same time; outside of the Jackson family, they are opposite states of being.

3. Your relationship with your deity should be a highly personal and private matter. If you want to share it with others, then do so with those who want to actually hear about it, you know, like the members of your church.

Most Christians I have talked to will back off if they are sharing their faith and the other person isn't interested. But who are you to tell me what I can and can't tell other people? The thought police?
MissileMan said:
3. Your relationship with your deity should be a highly personal and private matter.

Maybe for you. Maybe others want to shout their faith to the mountain tops and tell everyone they encounter. This is permitted. This is what free speech means.

You are trying to IMPOSE YOUR IDEA of how people should relate to their faith. There is not legal basis for forcing religious speech into the closet.
gop_jeff said:
What?? One can't be secularist and Christian at the same time. It's like saying that someone is male and female at the same time; outside of the Jackson family, they are opposite states of being.

You need to read the definition of secularism. Secularists aren't necessarily atheists...and vice versa.
MissileMan said:
You need to read the definition of secularism. Secularists aren't necessarily atheists...and vice versa.

I'm by no means a religious extremist, not as evangelical as the church would have me be. However, in this country we each have the RIGHT to preach on a corner. The President has the right to have a member or members of religious organizations reflect his beliefs, though not to ESTABLISH those beliefs for the country.
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