I Just Flew In :D

Hello and welcome at the forum , i lives far far away from the USA , i am from France but i'm a supporter of Trump too ! :)

What were you a fairy princess in your past life? You must have been if you live in a land far, far away and has to be magical if everybody supports Trump there. :D
Umm,.. Jesus is my Lord and Savior but I am a Trump supporter. :)
Hello and welcome at the forum , i lives far far away from the USA , i am from France but i'm a supporter of Trump too ! :)
Hi Dalia Sorry I should have introduced you. I was trying to give Potterhead2021 a list of all the Conservative women friends I could refer to her and Ziggy, but couldn't find or list everyone. MaryL replied but please introduce anyone else who can help April/"Rilly" feel more free to speak her thoughts and beliefs and just be herself. She is used to having to tiptoe and be polite. Afraid of being mean to people.

The level of passive aggressive joking and underhanded slamming on here isn't quite her style.

Her friends she invited are all very Centered. I hope we can keep the best of the best and still keep the riff raff slams as comedy relief.

Maybe encourage the playful trolls to evolve a little and stay funny, not too mean to our newest members.

As for politics, maybe France and Texas should unite, and blend the best of Conservative with Liberal government where people can choose their own political religion and live under that!

Why not have Democrats run their own party admin, similar to the Catholic church, independently and keep those beliefs out of public policy. While Conservatives do the same with Republicans focused on rule of law and border enforcement. Greens focus on Environmental restoration and clean energy. Libertarians on limiting govt, separating taxes and representation by party. And independents on emancipating from govt and mediating settlements from a neutral position.

Texas has ability to split into 5 states, but I propose an independent council of 5 major parties to represent the people grouped by common beliefs and interests in order to negotiate between taxpayers and govt policies.

Does France have these same 5 factions?

Liberals wanting to regulate social domestic programming.
Conservatives focused on security, law enforcement and external roles of govt.
Green party on environment and sustainability (also decentralization)
Libertarians on due process to limit govt and maximize individual autonomy
(and investing in democratization locally not foreign wars or waste on outside garbage)
And Christian/Anarchists and other independents not wanting to work with govt or politics at all.
Just so you all know I have just been informed of why I was banned from CB. Get ready for the stupidest reason you ever heard. Are you ready for it? Okay here it is. I have been accused of having the spirit of Jezebel in me for being a Potterhead and enjoying Halloween. That's it. -___-
I dunno, bro.. sounds pretty serious?

Jezebel was responsible for the killing of Naboth and confiscation of his vineyard for her husband (1 Kings 21:1-6). She sought the death of all the prophets of Israel (1 Kings 18:4; 2 Kings 9) and even came close to killing Elijah (1 Kings 19:1-3). Her death came as a result of being thrown from a window where she was then trampled by a horse. When an attempt was made to recover her body for burial, it was discovered that the only thing left was her skull, her feet, and the palms of her hands. According to 2 Kings 9:36-37, dogs had eaten her flesh, in fulfillment of a prophetic word from Elijah:

“When they came back and told him, he said, ‘This is the word of the Lord, which he spoke by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, “In the territory of Jezreel the dogs shall eat the flesh of Jezebel, and the corpse of Jezebel shall be as dung on the face of the field in the territory of Jezreel, so that no one can say, This is Jezebel.”’”
Yeah but there's only one problem,.. it's a bunch of BS. In other words it's not true. :rolleyes:
Well now, I do declare. You just be preachin' to da choir now, Jo Dee!

Not like I want to be an atheist but you're lucky you don't have people giving you crap for your different interests.
Not like I want to be an atheist but you're lucky you don't have people giving you crap for your different interests.
Oh they do, no worries there. Aholes abound. There's one now,.. duck!

Nah, you just have to stay calm. All of us are just desperately bored people who can't be bothered to go out and make more real friends. We all suck and deserve whatever we get.
Just so you all know I have just been informed of why I was banned from CB. Get ready for the stupidest reason you ever heard. Are you ready for it? Okay here it is. I have been accused of having the spirit of Jezebel in me for being a Potterhead and enjoying Halloween. That's it. -___-
Geez I'm doomed then!
Geez I'm doomed then!

Yeah it's so stupid. Whoever heard of somebody getting banned for that? I basically got banned for no reason as I didn't even do anything. :/
Real witchcraft, dark forces and occult energy can be sickeningly and deadly dangerous. People have gone insane and cut up their children seeing and hearing demons.

If you knew the suffering and torture people have been through with cult abuse, many people share serious concerns not to warn people, glamourize, or promote this to children taking it lightly like a game.

As long as we teach the serious hazards and destructive addictions that can result from exposure to negative energy taking over people's minds, we can prevent abuse or harm.

Clearly your lighthearted creative fun is positive not negative.

Some people take it seriously from seeing the horrible side of the real dark dangers.

It is better not to mix these contexts, but keep your creative sharing in a place where it is clear what the purpose is.
You mean some people wind up taking it way too seriously by mixing up fantasy and reality and banning somebody based upon their own personal beliefs and not based on anything the member actually did or didn't do. :rolleyes:
You mean some people wind up taking it way too seriously by mixing up fantasy and reality and banning somebody based upon their own personal beliefs and not based on anything the member actually did or didn't do. :rolleyes:
Just the whole Harry Potter line already carries this same controversy with it which hasn't been resolved.

Had it been resolved, it would not disrupt or disturb people there just by referencing the series or genre.

It is like wearing a political slogan to school or work. Regardless what your shirt says, that doesn't belong at school or work if the rules say no politics or company logos or slogans outside school insignia and events.
Just the whole Harry Potter line already carries this same controversy with it which hasn't been resolved.

Had it been resolved, it would not disrupt or disturb people there just by referencing the series or genre.

It is like wearing a political slogan to school or work. Regardless what your shirt says, that doesn't belong at school or work if the rules say no politics or company logos or slogans outside school insignia and events.

True,.. the problem is that the rules never stated not to talk about Harry Potter or Halloween or anything. They just decided last minute they didn't like it being talked about (even in PM's) and didn't even give me a chance to prove that I was going to stop or give me any warnings before they just threw me out like that. So,.. who needs them anyways?
Umm,.. Jesus is my Lord and Savior but I am a Trump supporter. :)
Hello and welcome at the forum , i lives far far away from the USA , i am from France but i'm a supporter of Trump too ! :)
Hi Dalia Sorry I should have introduced you. I was trying to give Potterhead2021 a list of all the Conservative women friends I could refer to her and Ziggy, but couldn't find or list everyone. MaryL replied but please introduce anyone else who can help April/"Rilly" feel more free to speak her thoughts and beliefs and just be herself. She is used to having to tiptoe and be polite. Afraid of being mean to people.

The level of passive aggressive joking and underhanded slamming on here isn't quite her style.

Her friends she invited are all very Centered. I hope we can keep the best of the best and still keep the riff raff slams as comedy relief.

Maybe encourage the playful trolls to evolve a little and stay funny, not too mean to our newest members.

As for politics, maybe France and Texas should unite, and blend the best of Conservative with Liberal government where people can choose their own political religion and live under that!

Why not have Democrats run their own party admin, similar to the Catholic church, independently and keep those beliefs out of public policy. While Conservatives do the same with Republicans focused on rule of law and border enforcement. Greens focus on Environmental restoration and clean energy. Libertarians on limiting govt, separating taxes and representation by party. And independents on emancipating from govt and mediating settlements from a neutral position.

Texas has ability to split into 5 states, but I propose an independent council of 5 major parties to represent the people grouped by common beliefs and interests in order to negotiate between taxpayers and govt policies.

Does France have these same 5 factions?

Liberals wanting to regulate social domestic programming.
Conservatives focused on security, law enforcement and external roles of govt.
Green party on environment and sustainability (also decentralization)
Libertarians on due process to limit govt and maximize individual autonomy
(and investing in democratization locally not foreign wars or waste on outside garbage)
And Christian/Anarchists and other independents not wanting to work with govt or politics at all.
We conservatives must unite!!
Umm,.. Jesus is my Lord and Savior but I am a Trump supporter. :)
Hello and welcome at the forum , i lives far far away from the USA , i am from France but i'm a supporter of Trump too ! :)
Hi Dalia Sorry I should have introduced you. I was trying to give Potterhead2021 a list of all the Conservative women friends I could refer to her and Ziggy, but couldn't find or list everyone. MaryL replied but please introduce anyone else who can help April/"Rilly" feel more free to speak her thoughts and beliefs and just be herself. She is used to having to tiptoe and be polite. Afraid of being mean to people.

The level of passive aggressive joking and underhanded slamming on here isn't quite her style.

Her friends she invited are all very Centered. I hope we can keep the best of the best and still keep the riff raff slams as comedy relief.

Maybe encourage the playful trolls to evolve a little and stay funny, not too mean to our newest members.

As for politics, maybe France and Texas should unite, and blend the best of Conservative with Liberal government where people can choose their own political religion and live under that!

Why not have Democrats run their own party admin, similar to the Catholic church, independently and keep those beliefs out of public policy. While Conservatives do the same with Republicans focused on rule of law and border enforcement. Greens focus on Environmental restoration and clean energy. Libertarians on limiting govt, separating taxes and representation by party. And independents on emancipating from govt and mediating settlements from a neutral position.

Texas has ability to split into 5 states, but I propose an independent council of 5 major parties to represent the people grouped by common beliefs and interests in order to negotiate between taxpayers and govt policies.

Does France have these same 5 factions?

Liberals wanting to regulate social domestic programming.
Conservatives focused on security, law enforcement and external roles of govt.
Green party on environment and sustainability (also decentralization)
Libertarians on due process to limit govt and maximize individual autonomy
(and investing in democratization locally not foreign wars or waste on outside garbage)
And Christian/Anarchists and other independents not wanting to work with govt or politics at all.
Hello, There are not a lot of difference in politic with the USA and France only that we have the party Centriste in France that is Macaroni party who take all the party with him i mean the left and the right when the second round of the election arrive . So Marine Lepen could never win a election because all the other party all eat in the same plate . i hope i explain myself well ? :th_yourecute:;)
Hi.... I hope you play well with dumb filthy animals....cuz there's a handful of them here.

They say things like "Trump reportedly fathered his daughter's first child." and other stupid shit like that. They always use the word "reportedly"....

The whole point of coming here is to laugh and point at that unemployable, substandard scum. Let me know if you need any help degrading these lowlife shit-eating rodents..... I'm here to help.
Checkout what I just messaged some people in a PM. (I figured that I could mention it because I'm the one who wrote it lol so I'm giving myself permission. XD)

"I never have and I never will join a Christian website to let them change the kind of person that I am." And I meant what I said and I said what I meant. They might have gotten me to question and doubt myself and my faith, but they will never change it,.. cause when I look in the mirror I see pride, I see power, and I see a badass mother who don't take no crap off of nobody!! :p This me, this is who I am, and what you see is what you get. If they don't want me for who I am and for all of me then I frankly couldn't give a damn. ;) For I'm not scared to be seen, I make no apologies, this is me!! And don't you ever forget it either!! :D


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